War of Resistance

Chapter 938 Finale?

Chapter 938 Finale?

Facts have proved that the Japanese army's last onslaught on Mount Fuji was very ferocious, and it did not allow the national army to have a chance to breathe.

The sound of the cannon was rumbling, and the shells poured down on the main position of the National Army's Fujin Mountain like a torrential rain. For a while, the smoke filled the air, and the whole mountain shook slightly, and the surrounding area was full of terrifying murderous aura!
"These little Japanese, they are really willing to spend their money. After such a short effort, half of the base is gone!" Song Xilian's face was as calm as water, and he also knew that worrying at this time would not have any effect. The troops on the ground can survive.

In the distance, teams of Japanese soldiers in yellow were marching forward like locusts, and the white and reddish dog skin plaster was waving in the wind, which was really chilling.

"Haske!! Quick! Quick! Quick!!"

"The second unit!! Keep up!! Hurry up!!"

"The third team!! Keep up!! It's okay!!"

The officers of the Japanese army were shouting loudly and at the top of their lungs. All of this was going on in an orderly manner, all of which showed the high quality of the Japanese army.

Don't forget, the military education system implemented in Little Japan has received militarized education since elementary school. Even if most of the soldiers are temporarily enlisted, after two weeks of integration, their combat effectiveness will definitely not be inferior. How many.

Because of this, in history, little Japan was able to rely on its own strength to invade most of Asia, and even ignited the flames of war on the old beauty.

Let's not talk about other things, just go to this formation, and everyone firmly believes that-Little Japan, this is a general offensive.This time, their attack must be repelled!Otherwise, Fu Jinshan will not be guaranteed!
After the Japanese army was ready, the attack did not launch immediately, they launched the most ferocious attack after waiting for the gunfire to stop!
[-] infantry artillery, grenades, light machine guns, heavy machine guns, these things are all ready, just waiting to attack the positions of the national army!

After a while, the rumbling cannons stopped.

As the gunfire stopped, these ferocious-looking Japanese soldiers in steel helmets began to move forward. The shiny bayonets shone in the sunlight, and the edges of the bayonets were already sharpened.

"Haske!! Charge!!" The Japanese army officers pulled out the samurai swords around their waists and waved them towards the sky. They wanted to boost morale and let their soldiers see their figures.

However, all of this comes at a price-the attack itself is an attack from the bottom, and the waving of the sword is also particularly eye-catching, so these officers can easily become the targets of the officers and soldiers of the national army.

The officers and soldiers of the 36th Division are not those motley troops with little combat effectiveness. They are the ace troops of German weapons, and they are well-trained, but these Japanese troops have suffered a lot.

right!Especially the Japanese military officers suffered even more!
The officers and soldiers of the No.30 Sixth Division also knew that the cost of training a qualified officer was much higher than the cost of training a qualified soldier.

This battle around Fujin Mountain is destined to be cruel, the sound of shouts and killings resounds through the sky, the hail of guns and bullets rains down, and blood flows like rivers.

Takayama Yufu is a standard Japanese army officer at the grassroots level. He graduated from the army and served in the army, and he has normally reached the rank of Zhongzuo.

This is the normal promotion process for Japanese military officers.

Today is the third day that Takayama Yufu led the Second Battalion to attack. The continuous operations have caused heavy losses to the Second Battalion. Fortunately, the Second Army Command did not turn a blind eye to the efforts of the No.13 Division, but tried its best help.

If it weren't for this, Takayama's talents would have been wiped out long ago.

Fortunately, Takayama Yufu was not killed in the charge a few days ago. Instead, his old officers and old comrades had accidents one after another.

Takayama Yuo has always believed that as long as he can persevere, he is definitely very close to the position of the joint captain.

It is also because there is no accident that makes Takayama full of confidence-he is a person who has been protected by Amaterasu, and he will not be buried in this war against China. The final victory must belong to him Takayama Yongfu's.

With firm eyes, heroic steps, and the sword held high, the comrades behind are constantly charging forward. All these seem to indicate that the Japanese army is very likely to win the final victory of this battle.

"Second Army!! Attack!!"

Takayama Yufu's sword was waving, desperately forcing his comrades to charge forward.

The comrades of Isao Takayama also felt extremely inspired by the bravery of the captain, and charged forward with a strange cry, as if not using their own heads to prove their loyalty, that would be a very shameful thing.

However, what Takayama Yufu never expected was that in the next second, a bullet flew from the air and penetrated his head, leaving a bright bullet hole.

"Second Army..."

A roar came to an abrupt end before it came out of his throat.


Takayama Yuo's body fell on the charging road, but his comrades did not stop attacking, but continued to attack, trampling on his body and continuing to charge forward.

This shot came extremely suddenly, but it didn't stop the whole battle too much. These Japanese soldiers still charged forward recklessly.




"Da da, da da..."

As the Japanese army gradually approached, the firepower of the national army finally began to show its power, and the Japanese army's forward momentum suddenly stagnated.

The national army was attacking the Japanese army, and the Japanese army also began to counterattack on the spot, and the sound of gunfire rang throughout the entire Fujin Mountain.

In this battle, the national army fought extremely hard. In order to open a path in this attack, the Japanese army could put all the elite troops on the front line.

Either win a glimmer of hope, or lose a mess.

For this glimmer of hope, the Japanese army is already going to fight!

Since the national army has a geographical advantage and has a bunker, taking advantage of it is not as simple as one or two points.As a result, the Japanese army suffered heavy casualties.

In any case, this time has come, and the Japanese troops have to bite the bullet.

At this time, they have already invested half of the entire wing. If they still can't take down the enemy's position, then they will face more brutal pressure and tests next.

In the fierce battle, the ridges around the side of Fujin Mountain were repeatedly sawing and sawing.

In the end, the national army, which had the right time, place and people, once again tenaciously held its position and repelled the Japanese army.

"Baga!! How could this happen?!" Dizhou Libing clenched his fist lightly.


PS: Updates are coming!

(End of this chapter)

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