War of Resistance

Chapter 940 Meet Xue Yue

Chapter 940 Meet Xue Yue
Nanchang City was still tight inside and loose outside. Although the [-]th Division of the Japanese Army had not yet had time to make a comeback, it was not as easy as imagined because it was very close to the front line of De'an.

Zhang Tianhai and his party were all cavalry when they entered the city, and they were very eye-catching. As soon as they entered the street, they greeted many envious eyes.

You know, this is the south surrounded by high mountains, and formations of cavalry troops are very rare.

Not to mention the envy of the common people, the other troops under the First Corps are also envious.

At this time, the No. 70 Fourth Army, the ace unit of the First Corps, was still undergoing rest and training, and had not entered Nanchang City, so most of the troops stationed here were new troops.Such as the newly created No.13 Division and the newly created No.15 Division.

"Brother, may I ask, where is the headquarters of our First Corps?" Zhang Tianhai stopped and asked the soldiers beside him.

The soldier in the iron-blue military uniform saluted very politely, pointed to Zhang Tianhai in a direction, and said, "Report sir, we are just ahead, walk about 200 meters ahead and we will be there. "

Riding on the horse, Zhang Tianhai returned a military salute with a whip, and said, "Thank you, brother!"

Afterwards, Zhang Tianhai led the troops on horseback.


This road, neither long nor short, will arrive in a while.

Magnificent yet elegant.

This is Zhang Tianhai's evaluation of the headquarters of the First Corps, who has lived in the mountains for a long time.

There is no way, Zhang Tianhai has been in Jijia Village for a long time, and he is almost used to that kind of life.

I saw that there was a wide mahogany gate facing me, and the two rows of plaques beside it were written "General Command of the First Corps of the National Revolutionary Army" and "North Jiangxi Frontline Command of the National Revolutionary Army". The top of the plaque is printed with the emblem of "blue sky and white sun" which symbolizes the national government.

The merchants near the headquarters have been emptied out long ago, replaced by teams of guards with live ammunition, and a series of strict armed sentries.

It can really be called "one post at five steps, one sentry at ten steps", and the security is very strict.

If it is bombed here, the North Jiangxi Command will be paralyzed.

As soon as they entered the first post, Zhang Tianhai and his party were stopped, and the guards wanted to check and verify the identities of Zhang Tianhai and others.

For these, Zhang Tianhai must express his understanding, because he usually arranges the guard posts in this way, even worse than that.

"Adjutant Xu, come in with me. Battalion Commander Wang, take the cavalry battalion brothers to rest and wait for me to come out." Zhang Tianhai got off his horse and said directly to the two people behind him.

"Yes! Group seats." Xu Xun and Wang Yongcheng responded.

Zhang Tianhai nodded, and then strode in with his adjutant Xu Xun.

After entering the headquarters of the First Corps, Zhang Tianhai did not feel too much curiosity and surprise, nor was he as curious and expectant as Grandma Liu when she entered the Grand View Garden. Don't even look at it.

For Zhang Tianhai, these landscapes have long been commonplace since he came to the Republic of China, and he has no interest in slowly appreciating them now: at this time, his mind is more about how to save this poor, backward, And the motherland that has suffered so much!
Walking through a corridor with big strides, there is a curtain of spring green lake water on both sides, which can be said to be too beautiful to behold, but it is a bit unsightly - no one carefully observes these beautiful scenery, they all pass by in a hurry. More or less, they all took some documents.

The combat command hall of Xue Yue's general headquarters is located in the lobby of this courtyard, because the area is large enough.

"Report to Chief Xue, the latest information from the front line of De'an, the headquarters of the 8000th Division of the Japanese Army is suspected to have a large increase in soldiers, according to the statistics of the front intelligence forces, there are no less than [-] supplementary troops!" A colonel's hand Take a folder and report to Xue Yue.

Zhang Tianhai, who was outside the door, saw this scene clearly, and at the same time heard it very clearly, his eyelids twitched: Could it be that the Japanese army is already preparing to attack?

Seeing this situation, Zhang Tianhai didn't bother Xue Yue, but just waited quietly.

"What? 8000 people?" Xue Yue's eyes revealed a sharp look.

"Yes, sir." The colonel nodded.

"It seems that Little Japan is about to make another big move..." Xue Yue looked intently at the map not far away.

"Then, what should we do next, sir?" the colonel asked.

"Order the frontline troops to strengthen their vigilance, hurry up and prepare for battle, and the Japanese army cannot break through the De'an front!" Xue Yue said in a deep voice.

The German Security Front is the last barrier in Nanchang...

"Yes! Sir!" The colonel stood at attention and saluted, then turned and left.

Zhang Tianhai took a deep look at the colonel, and saw that the colonel was not very handsome, but he was quite tall, and he always walked with the vigor and resoluteness that a soldier should have.

The colonel left quickly, Zhang Tianhai took a deep breath, strode up to Xue Yue who had already reached the front of the map, stood at attention and saluted: "Report to Commander Xue, the head of the first regiment of the guards of the humble ninth war zone has been ordered to report to you! "

After hearing the voice, Xue Yue turned his head to look at the handsome officer who was a head taller than himself, nodded, and said, "It is said that Zhang Tianhai and Commander Zhang are young and promising officers in the national army. I met you today. , as expected, whether it's Jiujiang, Lanfeng, or Tangtou, they all beat beautifully."

Xue Yue's compliments were uncompromising, but Zhang Tianhai was a little flattered: he was under the command of Commander-in-Chief Xue during the Battle of Lanfeng, and he also accepted Commander-in-Chief Xue after he entered the battlefield in northern Jiangxi. Half a conductor, but when it comes to meeting, this is the first time in history.

"The Commander-in-Chief is honored. Going into battle to kill the enemy is the duty of a humble job. To protect the country is to protect the family. First you have the country and then you have the family. The troops under the humble job are ready to fight the Japanese army at any time. But the Commander-in-Chief With a single order, the humble staff will definitely throw their heads and blood, and fight to the end!" When Zhang Tianhai made the promise, he must have been full of momentum.

Zhang Tianhai is the kind of person who is desperate to kill the enemy, so what he said must come from the bottom of his heart.

Seeing Zhang Tianhai's aura, Xue Yue nodded and said, "Young man, you are very good. If you want this kind of murderous spirit, if everyone in our army is like this, Little Japan should have been repelled long ago!"

"Thank you Commander-in-Chief for your compliment!" The murderous look in Zhang Tianhai's eyes did not diminish.

"Head Zhang, I didn't transfer you here from Mount Lu to praise you. I told you, you came here to fight tough battles!" Xue Yue patted Zhang Tianhai's shoulder and said, heavy and powerful.

"The humble job is ready, please give the order to the commander-in-chief!" Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice.

"Okay!" Xue Yue nodded, then pointed to the place name "De'an" on the map, and said, "You must have heard it when you entered the door just now. The Japanese army has mobilized heavy troops in this direction."


PS: Updates are coming!

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(End of this chapter)

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