War of Resistance

Chapter 941 Xue Yue's Arrangement

Chapter 941 Xue Yue's Arrangement

"Yes." Zhang Tianhai nodded, and in an instant, his pupils narrowed slightly, and he asked a little excitedly, "What does the commander-in-chief mean, is it that he wants the subordinates to lead the troops directly to station here?"

"Comrade Xiao Zhang, although you are a seasoned general, and you will reach the level of major general at the next level, but you still need to strengthen the capture of the overall situation..." Xue Yue smiled and patted Pat Zhang Tianhai on the shoulder and said.

"What does Chief Xue mean?" Zhang Tianhai's pupils narrowed slightly, but his eyes were firmly fixed on the map.

"Lieutenant Zhang, no matter what, you must face up to the combat effectiveness of your regiment. If you take your regiment to the front line to block the little devil's iron hooves, it would be a waste of time. What's more, there are already two soldiers from our regiment on the De'an front. The troops of the whole army are deployed here. I will transfer your troops to the front line, and then stand by, waiting for the fighter to appear at any time, and then stab the little devil severely." Xue Yue's expression was full of dignity, "The task of your regiment, It's heavy..."

"Yes, thank you, Chief Xue, for your trust. I will definitely live up to the high expectations of the chief, and fight the enemy bravely on the front line, in order to repay the kindness of the chief!" Zhang Tianhai stood at attention and saluted, putting on his high hat without hesitation.

"Then what difficulties do you have now, you can mention them. If I can solve it for you, I will try my best to solve it!" Xue Yue said generously.

When Zhang Tianhai heard the news, he couldn't help but feel ecstatic: If he really needs anything, he will come here, God treats him well.

I was happy in my heart, but Zhang Tianhai still showed a very embarrassed look on the surface, and he said: "To be honest, the commander of the war zone previously approved the addition of a battalion to our regiment, and we also expanded it. It barely lasted for a period of time, if there is no logistical support, I am afraid that the Sixth Battalion of Beizhi might have mutinied."

For what Zhang Tianhai proposed, Xue Yue can also understand very well: You can't let the horse run away, but don't let the horse eat grass?Besides, these big soldiers below put their heads on their waistbands and fought desperately with the little devils, and if they deducted their military pay, they would really mutiny or something.

This is not a joke!

"It's only a battalion's logistics supply. Our First Corps has 10,000+ troops on display at the front line in northern Jiangxi. We won't be short of your battalion's food and salary, right? So, Senior Staff Officer, write this down and execute it immediately!" As he spoke, Xue Yue called out to a lieutenant colonel staff officer at the side.

"Yes! Sir!" Staff Officer Gao stood at attention and responded.

"Thank you, Chief Xue, for your kindness. There is one more thing about my humble position, I would like to ask Chief Xue for advice." Zhang Tianhai is going to be thick-skinned to the end.

"Huh? Let's talk!" Xue Yue frowned slightly. He felt that Zhang Tianhai was a bit of a mother-in-law, and he didn't finish everything at once.

"Sir, to tell you the truth, before the humble official withdrew from Mount Lushan, he once incorporated an independent brigade with about 500 people. Now this independent brigade is still fighting guerrilla warfare in Lushan Mountain. If the independent brigade withdraws from Mount Lushan by then, can it Is it because of the military salary?" When Zhang Tianhai said that, he scratched his head embarrassingly.

There is no way, trees need bark, and people need face.Chief Xue has already been asked to help solve a big problem, and it is indeed a bit of a stretch to ask him to help solve another problem.

"It's not a big problem. As long as it can fight, it's a good army. The issue of military pay, please solve it with Staff Officer Gao!" Xue Yue waved his hand impatiently. His orders, and the kind of unconditional obedience, the others, are really not too important.

"Thank you, sir!" Zhang Tianhai was overjoyed, he never expected that this matter would be solved so easily, and he almost scratched his scalp before.

"Okay. Allow your troops to rest for one day, and then within three days, you must rush to the front line of De'an. You decide the exact location. What I want is to be able to support the front line of De'an within two days!" Originally Xue Yue I want them to be able to support the front line of De'an within a day, but thinking about it, it seems that this is too close to the front line.

In Xue Yue's opinion, although the size of the police regiment is close to a brigade, and the combat effectiveness of the troops is stronger than that of a normal brigade, it would be too wasteful to use this troop as an ordinary brigade-level troop. That's why I temporarily changed my mind and let them wander near the end of the front line.

For the sharp knife of the police regiment, it is more suitable to use it to stab someone in the back, rather than to fight against the enemy's big knife.

"Yes! Sir!" Zhang Tianhai stood at attention and saluted.

When he walked out of the General Headquarters of the First Corps, Zhang Tianhai felt like a dream - it seemed that he was only on the road these days, right?

Regarding this, Zhang Tianhai was also very helpless - after all, he was not a hard-working person. He was also tired after traveling for so many days, and wanted to take a good rest for a day.

Zhang Tianhai glanced at the brothers who were also very tired, shook his head, and said, "That's all. Go and follow me to the logistics office immediately and let them arrange accommodation for us. Damn it, it can't be this mental head Are you going to the battlefield?"

With that said, Zhang Tianhai got on his horse...


Facts have proved that the matter of finding logistics and arranging a resident was quite smooth.

Not long after we arrived, a second lieutenant officer was in charge of making arrangements for this time.

Since the vanguard troops led by Zhang Tianhai were all cavalry, they were stationed near the city gate, so that it was convenient for the horses to go out of the city to graze and so on.

Originally, Nanchang City was specially built with a barracks for the army to garrison, but now the army stationed in the city has nearly three divisions in strength, which has far exceeded the original plan when the barracks were set up.

Therefore, the place where Zhang Tianhai and the Cavalry Battalion were stationed was the homestay.

After arranging the garrison, Zhang Tianhai began to study the marked points on the map in detail - his going to the garrison will determine the direction of the police regiment's future operations.

More importantly, this battle is the Wanjialing battle!
Obviously, the reinforcements of the Japanese army are gradually marching towards the [-]th Division of Junrokuro Matsuura stationed in the north of De'an, and are gradually being replenished. carry out aggressive operations.

It is precisely because of this that Zhang Tianhai can't help but treat it with caution!

PS: Updates are coming!

Thanks to QQ reading book friends who plundered the devil of love for rewarding 588 book coins!

Thank you for the 100 point coin reward from Qiqidian book friend Leggeshen!

(End of this chapter)

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