Chapter 942
Zhang Tianhai first circled the place name "Xiaotong Mountain" on the map, not for anything else, but because it is closer to De'an, and as long as he rushes to help, he can reach it soon.

"Just here!" Zhang Tianhai looked at the place name "Xiaotong Mountain" on the map and muttered to himself, but he had already made up his mind: he will reach the front line of De'an here, and he can get there in a day. If the frontline troops retreat once, the police regiment headquarters can also retreat quickly.

It's not that Zhang Tianhai is greedy for life and afraid of death, but because the Wanjialing battle is about to start. In his impression, he has no record of the battle of the first regiment of the guards of the ninth war zone in Wanjialing. - I don't know if it's because the rank of the police regiment is too small, or because there is no such force at all!
In any case, Zhang Tianhai did not want Commander-in-Chief Xue's "Heaven Furnace Warfare" to be invalidated at the beginning of the war because of his own reasons, and the entire historical trend would be changed.

If this is the case, the frontline in northern Jiangxi will be even more difficult!
Therefore, Zhang Tianhai can't use his own ingenuity to forcibly change this period of history, let alone his limited ability. At that time, he will only lose even worse!
Ever since the battle between Nanjing and Lanfeng, Zhang Tianhai has realized that the general trend of history is mighty and unchangeable. If you destroy the general trend of history, you will inevitably suffer the consequences—you can win battles, but you have to follow the general trend of history to fight.

"Xu Xun! Come here, boy!" Zhang Tianhai called into the yard.

"Tuan Zuo, are you calling me?" Xu Xun ran out with a fawning look on his face.

"Tell the brothers to let everyone have a good rest, and then we will head to Xiaotong Mountain first!" Zhang Tianhai said directly.

"Xiaotongshan?" Xu Xun asked with a puzzled face.

"Yes, it's Xiaotong Mountain." Zhang Tianhai nodded firmly.

"Yes! Tuan Zuo!" Xu Xun responded, and then sat down beside him.

To be honest, Zhang Tianhai didn't know much about this so-called Xiaotong Mountain, he only went there because it was on the map.

"Xiao Xu, when the time comes, let me see who left a class for you! You have to tell Deputy Head Guo and Deputy Head Li that this is my order. I ask them to carry it out." Zhang Tianhai said very seriously.

"Yes! Tuan Zuo!" Xu Xun replied again.


Early the next morning, Zhang Tianhai started heading towards Xiaotong Mountain without stopping.


Xiaotong Mountain, as the name suggests, is a mountain top, but there is a word "Tong" in its name, which means extending in all directions.

Zhang Tianhai chose this place as the temporary station of the First Police Regiment because he was prepared for two things—the first is to reinforce the front line at any time; the second is to flee at any time when the situation is not good.

The weather these days has been pretty good, so Zhang Tianhai's troops marched along the main road at an unusually fast speed. It wasn't long before the Cavalry Battalion of the First Police Regiment arrived at the surrounding area of ​​Xiaotong Mountain for stationing. .

The village where the cavalry battalion is stationed is called Nanduo Village. It is said that the name of the village comes from the fact that many boys are born, so it is called Nanduo Village. However, the name is not very elegant, so it was changed to the word "Nan" in the south.

Early in the morning that day, Zhang Tianhai climbed to the top of Xiaotong Mountain, staring at the four directions, his eyes were full of solemnity.

"Yongcheng, logically speaking, you have been with me for more than a year. You have seen how our police regiment has changed since its establishment. If it was someone else, I would still have some concerns. But you are different, you He is an old man in the regiment, and he has a straightforward personality. I want to ask you a question." Zhang Tianhai looked at Wang Yongcheng next to him.

"Team seat please, but it's okay to say it. I won't talk nonsense in a lowly position." Wang Yongcheng said seriously, he is loyal to Zhang Tianhai——All along, Zhang Tianhai and the head of the regiment have been confiding in him and never said anything Because he was not from the Whampoa family, he looked at him differently, and because he led the cavalry, he handed over the only mobile unit in the regiment to him.

Of course, handing over the only mobile unit to Wang Yongcheng is not the most trustworthy performance. The key point is that this cavalry battalion has very strong support firepower, but it is no worse than any infantry main battalion in the regiment.

"Actually, I've been thinking about a problem." Zhang Tianhai frowned slightly, "Our police regiment is growing stronger now, and this management problem is also a big problem. Now the troops in the regiment are divided into The third category is beneficial in terms of improving combat effectiveness, but I am afraid that there will be disunity..."

This is Zhang Tianhai's heartfelt words, and it is also a heart disease of Zhang Tianhai.

Dividing the troops into three parts to focus on, in terms of training, there will be a very positive performance-that is, the combat effectiveness will be improved rapidly, with the military assistant officers of the troops watching, it is better than relying on the battalion commander alone The effect of grasping is better.

However, this will also breed a problem-pull the hill.

So, this is why Zhang Tianhai became a heart disease.

"Student, let's listen to the humble officer! The humble officer believes that the current division of our army is basically handled by Deputy Head Guo, Deputy Head Li and Chief of Staff Li, but the internal atmosphere in our regiment is still quite good Yes. Our army is different from other troops. Many other troops are made up of troops from various factions, but our army started from Nanjing all the way with you." Wang Yongcheng analyzed, although he is more heroic Some, but by no means a boor.

"I hope so! The army is getting stronger and stronger, and there is also a certain degree of command disorder within our army, as well as factors that are too small in organization. Shangfeng gave us so many troops, but the number of officers given to us is also limited. "The small organization that Zhang Tianhai refers to naturally refers to the staff department.

The establishment of the Police First Regiment is to strengthen the formation of the regiment, and the soldiers have reached the brigade-level standard. However, the headquarters are set up according to the size of the regiment headquarters. How can this be that the organization is not too small?

For a long time, Zhang Tianhai's urgent thing has been to capture the combat effectiveness of the grassroots troops. Nothing can be improved; more importantly, the troops have entered the fighting state, and what needs to be done is to fight well and win battles.

"Tuan Zuo, don't we have officers teaching platoons in our army now? They should be released too." Wang Yongcheng rolled his eyes.

"Release them now?" Zhang Tianhai frowned slightly.

"Yes." Wang Yongcheng nodded, "You see, group members, now is an extraordinary period. Basically, we can teach them the most basic things, and then let them enter the army to experience and grow. It would be better. Like our cavalry battalion, it is the time when officers are needed."

When Zhang Tianhai heard it, how could he not know that Wang Yongcheng's little plan was nothing more than wanting a few reserve officers.

Wang Yongcheng's idea is very good, but Zhang Tianhai's idea is not to put these officers in the first-line troops, but to put them in the staff department to supplement personnel, and then to the front-line troops.


PS: One update will be delivered!

There are two more updates later!

(End of this chapter)

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