War of Resistance

Chapter 943 Preparations before the war

Chapter 943 Preparations before the war
"Yong Cheng, your idea is very good. But the biggest direction of the regiment headquarters now should be to fill the vacancy of the regiment officers." Zhang Tianhai said bluntly, "But in terms of training the officers of your cavalry battalion, there is no way out. .”

"Please make it clear," Wang Yongcheng said, with a very correct attitude.

Zhang Tianhai put his hands behind his back, looked into the distance, and said solemnly: "You have to select a few good candidates who can read and write from your cavalry battalion, and then fill them in the officer's teaching platoon. Those with rich combat experience are also selected, but they must be selected separately. As for the vacancies in your department, I made some calculations a few days ago, our regiment headquarters should still have a certain amount of funds, and there is no problem in recruiting another hundred or so people into the army."

"Tuan Zuo means that these hundred or so people are just to fill in the gaps in the combat troops?" Wang Yongcheng was not sure, so he asked again.

"Yes." Zhang Tianhai nodded, "Our regiment has been busy focusing on the combat effectiveness of the troops recently, but the training of general officers has been left behind. We have to change our direction."

Zhang Tianhai's words were also his next plan, because the vitality of the troops was indeed severely injured before, so it was very uncomfortable, and he had to focus on combat power.

"Yes! Tuan Zuo! Tuan Zuo is wise!" Wang Yong set up a salute and patted a resounding flattery.


Originally, this would be a continuous and gradual process, but two days later, with the main force of the police regiment following up, the problem was solved.

Why do you say that?That's because the regiment led by Zhang Tianhai, whether it was the former Zhiyi regiment or the current police regiment, has fought a series of vicious battles. More importantly, they are under the leadership of Zhang Tianhai. Played cohesion.

Because of this, the problem of supplementary soldiers was solved.

Yes, the solution to the problem of replenishing troops is returning veterans!

These veterans were injured in the battle and were sent to the hospital for treatment. After treatment, they recuperated at the homes of local villagers and did not return to the team until they recovered from their injuries.

The return of these veterans made Zhang Tianhai very happy: after all, this is the juncture of employing people.

However, Zhang Tianhai did not immediately return these veterans to the original army, but gathered the two hundred or so people together, and then gave a concentrated speech.

This is a rare open area. Zhang Tianhai stood at the highest point, looking at the people in front of him, he said slowly: "Brothers and comrades! You have come all the way to search for our regiment, and it has been very hard to find. Logically speaking, I should immediately let you go back to the original unit. But, I have changed my mind now!"

Zhang Tianhai's voice echoed in the mountains, and this rare open land was filled with his thick voice.But the field was silent, and no one wanted to question the group's decision.

"Now I'm going to establish you as a veteran company, under the direct command of the regiment headquarters, with the designation 'The First Guard Regiment Headquarters Prepares the First Company'! Do you obey the arrangement?!" Zhang Tianhai asked loudly.

"Absolutely obey the arrangement!" The voices on the field were uniform, and they were all veterans of the police regiment.

"Okay! Get the firearms right away!" Zhang Tianhai said loudly. The firearms he asked the officers and soldiers of the first company to receive were naturally the firearms captured from Japan, and it couldn't be the Zhongzheng rifle.

The regular Zhongzheng rifle, that is, the imitation version of the Mauser rifle, Zhang Tianhai must put it in the front-line combat troops.

As for the use of the first company, Zhang Tianhai has his own plan - in fact, it is very simple, that is to fill the gaps of the officers and soldiers who were transferred to the officer's teaching platoon.

Zhang Tianhai is not the kind of person who has no vision. On the contrary, he understands the situation of the police regiment very well, so where reforms should be made, they must be drastic.


Zhang Tianhai's regiment headquarters is located in Nanduo Village. The reason is that this is the first stop he came here, so he decided to stay here.

At this time, in a big house in Nanduo Village, the four main military officers of the first police regiment had already gathered, and they were going to have a meeting.

The regiment headquarters of the Police First Regiment is similar to the past, and is basically arranged according to the set of procedures and layout of the Revolutionary Army of the National Army.

Because of this, the small wing on the west side is designated as a meeting room.

"Tuan Zuo, our troops are now stationed in this Xiaotong Mountain. I'm afraid there is a suspicion of avoiding the enemy's sharp edge?" Chief of Staff Li Chunfei said.

"Ryan, don't overestimate the strength of our regiment. Our regiment has won many battles. But we are always a reinforced regiment. We can barely be considered a brigade, and we are far from reaching the strength of a division. If we disregard our own strength and make other untimely absolutes, we will be the ones who will be hurt." Zhang Tianhai pointed at Li Chunfei.

"I think what Tuan Zuo means is that the Xiaotong Mountain where we are now is not very far from De'an, or from Baishui Street west of De'an. We must be prepared to be stationed here. , rush to help these two places at any time?" Guo Qiliang smiled and said, he knows Zhang Yulin best - the most important thing is that this guy never does useless things.

Hearing this, both Li Chunfei and Li Yinglun couldn't help but nodded, and the latter said: "If we follow this strategic layout, then it is very necessary for our troops to be stationed in Xiaotong Mountain."

"Everyone, we have just arrived here, but after some research, the Japanese army is making slow progress on the front line of Toku (De'an) Xing (Xingzi). Presumably Okamura Neiji is also in a hurry. After all, they are already in front of their emperor. But a military order has been issued. Take Wuhan within three months? What a big tone." Zhang Tianhai sneered, and then continued: "There is the main force of the Second Corps in the direction of Xingzi County, and they don't have a good location. It may be difficult for Japan to come up with dazzling results."

"Tuan Zuo means...that the Japanese army will launch a fierce attack in the near future, right?" Li Chunfei looked at Zhang Tianhai and said.

"That's right." Zhang Tianhai nodded, "Ningji Okamura can't produce results, and if he continues like this, he will be dismissed. So no matter what, he will launch a fierce attack in the near future, and not in a normal way. In my opinion, the front line of De'an is where the main force is. They can't break through De'an County, and I think their next attack target is Baishui Street. We have to keep an eye on these two directions."

"Yes, group seats." Li Chunfei responded.

"Deputy Head Guo, Deputy Head Li, and Chief of Staff, do you have anything else to add?" Zhang Tianhai glanced at the three people in front of him.

"Tuan Zuo, I want to ask, if we go north to support Baishui Street, which troops should we send?" Li Yinglun, the deputy head of the regiment, lightly adjusted his glasses.

"Needless to say, it must be the sent cavalry battalion, plus the fourth battalion, the fifth battalion and the sixth battalion. These four battalions have more than 400 troops. How can they fight all at once? It would be nice to have the deputy head of the Yinglun command everywhere." Zhang Tianhai waved his hand very boldly.


PS: The second update is here!There will be a third update later!

Thank you Qidian book friend Xiaohuiji for the spring reward of 1000 points!

Thanks to QQ reading book friends who plundered the devil of love for rewarding 588 book coins!

Thanks to the starting point book friend Leggeshen and the QQ reading book friend Sansheng Fireworks for their rewards of 100 points (book coins) each!

(End of this chapter)

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