Chapter 944
While Zhang Tianhai and others were preparing for the next step of combat preparations, the Japanese army also took action.

September [-], [-], Jiujiang County.

As the pace of Japanese aggression slowed down, Lieutenant General Neiji Okamura, as the commander of the southern front troops, was not in a hurry.

"Baga! The damn Chinese army can resist such a fierce attack from our imperial army! It's incredible!" Neji Okamura cursed.

This is the nth time that Okamura Neji yelled at him after De'an and Xingzi continued to lose in front-line battles.

"Your Excellency, Commander, the frontline troops of our army are still not moving forward. Should we adjust our frontline offensive strategy?" said a major general next to him.

"What does Watanabe-kun mean? In which direction should we attack?" Neiji Okamura grasped the point.

"Which direction?" Major General Watanabe was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately reacted: "I feel that our offensive direction is still focused on the direction of De'an, but in terms of specific combat strategies, we must make further adjustments. Otherwise, we will be in big trouble!"

"Watanabe-kun, please express your opinion directly." Neiji Okamura said sternly. Regarding the frontline attack, he also considered attacking the direction of Baishui Street west of De'an, but he thought the time was not yet ripe, so he wanted to hear Listen to Watanabe.

"Your Excellency, Commander, I think it's time for us to attack Baishui Street. If we can take Baishui Street, it will undoubtedly be a very good thing for us." Major General Watanabe said.

"Taking Baishui Street? I'm afraid the time is not ripe yet?" Neji Okamura frowned slightly.

"Your Excellency, Commander, we can't procrastinate any longer. Even if the time is not ripe, there is nothing we can do about it." Instead, Major General Watanabe's face was grim, "Our goal is to win the Great Wuhan as soon as possible. If we fail to win the German If Ann, our supply line will be threatened by the Chinese army, which is very unfavorable for attacking Wuhan! Your Excellency, Commander, please think carefully!"

Major General Watanabe's move is undoubtedly similar to forcing the palace, but there is no way, in the Japanese army, it is not uncommon for the following to overcome the superior.

What's more, Major General Watanabe's words are very reasonable...

Neiji Okamura pondered for a while, and after some consideration, he finally made a decision: "Order Lieutenant General Masaharu Honma, head of the No. 20 Seventh Division, to immediately lead the No. 20 Seventh Division to attack Baishui Street, be sure to capture Baishui Street in the shortest possible time!"

Neiji Okamura's decision is well-founded. After all, in his opinion, it is indeed unwise to attack Baishui Street at this time - Baishui Street is located to the west of De'an County, and the enemy's army is gathered near De'an Well, if you are aggressive at this time, I'm afraid it is very likely that you will enter the trap of the national army.

But at the instigation of Major General Watanabe, Okamura Ningji was indeed moved: because the war in northern Jiangxi is already in a stalemate, if a new breakthrough is not opened, the war here may continue for a month or two. .

One or two months, Neiji Okamura really can’t afford it—for the Japanese base camp, their best strategy is to take down Wuhan by the frontline troops and urge the National Government to surrender, rather than fighting a protracted war with the Chinese army .Once it is caught in the deep pit of a protracted war, the war potential of the Japanese army cannot be exhausted.

The high-level people in the base camp were very anxious, so they put all the pressure on the front-line troops, especially the Southern Route Army dominated by Neiji Okamura's No.11 Army.

Why suppress the No.11 army?Do people in the base camp have any opinion on the commander Okamura Ningji?That's why you put the pressure on him?
In fact, this is not the case, mainly because the No.11 army started early, and it started two months ago.

Look at the Northern Route Army headed by the Second Army?They started to act a month ago, if not, the result may not be like this.

If you don't accept it, look at the Central Route Army headed by the Sixth Division?Don't be ashamed, they have already rampaged to the outskirts of Wuhan with one division, let alone the No.11 Army that has assembled four or five divisions.

Because of this, Okamura Ningji had to be in a hurry, so he tried to invest in the No.20 Seventh Division to see the effect and see if it was possible to open a new situation.

What is the factor that makes Neiji Okamura feel confident before the fighter plane arrives?That's because the [-]th Division, which was about to recover, was just north of De'an. Once the Baishui Street troops fell into a hard fight, Matsuura Junrokuro could quickly send a large army to support them.

If this is not the case, how dare Okamura Ningji easily put a newly established division as a questioning stone for the outpost?
"Hay! Your Excellency General is wise!" Watanabe patted a very loud fart.


To the south of Ruichang, Dong Town.

I believe everyone knows that Ruichang is a holy land of revolution. Dongzhen was also one of the important towns in Ruichang, and it has a more or less red taste.

But at this time of September [-], [-], this was not an era dominated by the great red—because it was occupied by the vicious Japanese invaders.

The Japanese troops occupying here are not other troops, but the newly organized division No. 20 Seventh Division established two months ago.

Yes, the No.20 Seventh Division was established on June 21, [-], and it was only five days before it would be three months.

As a unit adapted from the Chinese Garrison Infantry Brigade, the No.20 Seventh Division is not strong-it is a division with a three-unit system.

Yes, the three-unit division is a division composed of three regiments. In the Japanese army, the regiment is the unit of calculation.

At this time, Lieutenant General Masahiro Honma, the head of the No.20 Seventh Division, is very happy and happy. As the head of a newly promoted division, the strength of the division is not strong, and its combat effectiveness is far inferior to those of those individuals. From the [-]th Division of Iron and Steel Workers in Kumamoto Prefecture, from a modern point of view, Masaharu Honma is indeed not very motivated.

However, even if Masaharu Honma made progress, so what?With the strength of the No.20 Seventh Division, it is impossible to get into the eyes of His Excellency Commander Neiji Okamura. The main forces fighting tough battles must be the [-]th Division and the [-]st Division.

To put it bluntly, how old is their No. 20 Seventh Division?

Therefore, Masahiro Honma is also happy to be at leisure - if they win the battle, their No. 20 Seventh Division can follow suit; but if they lose, what does it matter to them as a logistics division?Isn't it caused by the ineffectiveness of the main forces of your [-]st Division and [-]th Division?

Many things, once you think about it, are much simpler.Masaharu Honma is like this.

However, many things did not happen according to people's wishes - a telegram from the No.11 Army Command broke the temporary "good times" of the No.20 Seventh Division.

"Reporting to your Excellency, Division Commander, Commander Neiji Okamura, calling to order our No. 20 Seventh Division to go to the front!" A Japanese major appeared at the door of Masahiro Honma's office.


PS: The third one is sent!

Thank you for the 200 point coin reward from Qiqidian book friend Leggeshen!

Thanks to the starting point book friend Fleeting Years_Passing Guest for the 100 point reward!

(End of this chapter)

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