War of Resistance

Chapter 945 Suzuki Alliance

Chapter 945 Suzuki Alliance
"Nani?! Your Excellency Commander actually ordered us to dispatch?!" Masaharu Honma, who was lying on the chair paralyzed, was startled, and immediately put the ugly Japanese military cap on his big bald head, and then sat down correct.

"Hay! I definitely did not misread the telegram!" said the Japanese officer.

"Bring over the telegram!" Masaharu Honma said in a deep voice.

"Hay!" The major responded, and then handed the telegram to Masaharu Honma.

After Honma Yaqing received the telegram, he began to read it carefully. After a while, he stood up with a very serious expression: "Order the troops, assemble immediately! Let the chief of staff come to my office immediately, ready to go at any time !"

"Hay!" The Major responded, and immediately went to carry out the order.

Not long after, the chief of staff of Masaharu Honma appeared in the former's office.

"Kono-kun, I believe that Major Ozawa has told you that we are about to take military action, right?" Masaharu Honma's eyes flashed a sharp light.

"Reporting to your Excellency, Division Commander, I have already heard about it." Chief of Staff Kono nodded.

"Yoxi, immediately order the captain of the garrisoned infantry's first regiment, Gu Chuanji, to lead the troops in the direction of Baishui Street; the troops of the second and third regiments will follow closely. Be sure to arrive within three days On the front line, launch a fierce attack on the enemy!" Masaharu Honma ordered confidently.

It is true that the No.20 Seventh Division has just been established, and the main force of its troops is mainly three infantry regiments. However, the predecessor of this No.20 Seventh Division has been established for a certain period of time.

It has been established for a long time, so there is naturally a certain guarantee in terms of combat effectiveness, so this is where Masaharu Honma's confidence lies.

A division with a triple regiment system does not necessarily have only three regiments, but only three regiments for infantry, but there are still regiments for artillery, engineers, and supplies.

Of course, as a simplified division, the No. 20 Seventh Division naturally does not have the blessing of the cavalry regiment.

"Hay!" Chief of Staff Kono responded, but his words were full of confidence.


In this way, the troops of the No.20 Seventh Division began to march towards Baishui Street under the order of Commander Okamura Ningji of the No.11 Army.

Groups of Japanese troops armed with live ammunition began to set out from the vicinity of Dongzhen in a state of arrogance.

"Long live the emperor! Long live martial arts!!"

The officers of the Japanese army were shouting, and the Japanese soldiers responded immediately.

Looking at this scene, Masaharu Honma's face was full of confidence.


In fact, the advance route of the No.20 Seventh Division was not smooth sailing, and they were blocked by the national army one after another.

Whether they are on a rough path or on a flat road, they will always encounter greater or less resistance from the national army's troops, and it will always take a certain amount of time to move forward.

For this situation, the Japanese army had no choice but to bite the bullet and fight forward, and it was very uncomfortable to fight all the way.

Because there is no geographical advantage, even if the Japanese army of the No. 20 Seventh Division is not weak, it has suffered a lot.

"Your Excellency, Division Commander, I feel humble. If this continues, it won't work..." Chief of Staff Kono said.

"Huh? So what's Kono-kun's opinion?" Masaharu Honma said seriously, the head that had already put on the military cap still looked a little funny.

"Great opinion... I dare not say it, but I believe that we need to open multiple fronts. If we advance step by step, we may suffer a big loss. After all, Your Excellency Commander asked us to attack Baishui Street." Kono analyzed. .

Masaharu Honma and Kono get along well, not to mention that he also thinks that the latter is not a mediocre person. When Soichi Kono said this, he immediately started to use his brain: Yes, if this continues, it is very likely that Slow down the progress of the whole division.

Ever since, Masahiro Honma made a bold decision: order the headquarters of the [-]rd Regiment of the Garrison Infantry, under the leadership of Regiment Captain Xingxiong Suzuki, to go straight to Baishui Street from the west.

The advance of the Suzuki Regiment was not generally smooth, and even reached Baishui Street before the main force of the division.

If the Suzuki Regiment and No. 20 Seventh Division troops went hand in hand, that would be fine, but if they hit Baishui Street before the main force of the division, it would be a big problem-out of touch with the main force!

What's happening here?This is the emergence of fighters!

Therefore, in the midst of discovering the fighter, Xue Yue immediately ordered the No. 90 First Division and the [-]nd Division stationed nearby to encircle the Suzuki Regiment.

The battle begins immediately!
At the beginning of the battle, Suzuki Xingo didn't know that they had already fallen into the encirclement of the national army. When the national army was found in all directions, Suzuki Xingo immediately judged that his troops were surrounded!
Suzuki Xingxiong is not that kind of indecisive person, he immediately explained the situation to the division commander Masaharu Honma, and told the division commander: "If you don't reinforce as soon as possible, there will be no third infantry regiment stationed in two days. This number!"

When Yaqing Honma heard the news, she couldn't help being shocked: This is the first battle of their No. 20 Seventh Division. If they just lost a battle like this, what would the other troops think?What would Commander Neiji Okamura think of him?
As a result, Masaharu Honma got angry, and immediately led the main force of the division headquarters to move closer to the third regiment of the garrison infantry, that is, the Suzuki regiment.


There was a lot of fighting ahead, but Zhang Tianhai's troops didn't move at all, as if "it's nothing to do with him and hang on high".

"Old Zhang, you really can hold your breath. If I were to be the regiment commander, I would have to lead the troops to the front to set fire to the Suzuki Regiment!" Guo Qiliang said while sitting on the boulder next to Zhang Tianhai.

"Hehe, Lao Guo, we have to wait, maybe there will be big fish later?" Zhang Tianhai said with a smile, his expression very calm.

In fact, to be honest, once the news of Suzuki United's encirclement broke out, Zhang Tianhai was not usually moved: If he didn't know that there was a big fish like the [-]th Division behind him, maybe he would have acted long ago !

"Old Zhang, in fact, what I have been unable to figure out is that we all graduated from the seventh batch of Whampoa. I used to see that you were not very smart, but once you came out to fight, you became an expert. That's great, that's great. Ah..." Guo Qiliang laughed, but his gaze was looking into the distance from the mountain.

Yes, they are on the mountain at this time.

For Zhang Tianhai, although there is no opportunity to fight at this time, he is still actively preparing.

It may be very difficult for the troops on the northern line of De'an to encircle the 20th Division, but it is more than enough to encircle the No.[-] [-]th Division, so Zhang Tianhai is not worried, and he has no need Go take credit.

What's more, in Zhang Tianhai's view, the [-]th Division is the real master, and they must be hit hard!

"Old Guo, no matter what, our troops are not those random troops. Good steel must be used on the blade, and we will try to cut off the dog's head of Junrokuro Matsuura!" Zhang Tianhai said with arrogance.


PS: Updates are coming!It's not a holiday yet, and I'm busy with work, so I can't keep up with the updates.

Waiting for the holiday, three shifts every day!
Thank you for the 100 point coin reward from Qiqidian book friend Leggeshen!

(End of this chapter)

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