War of Resistance

Chapter 946 The 27th Division Is Trapped

Chapter 946 No.20 Seventh Division Is Trapped
"Then let's wait and see if there is a chance to take away Gou Ri's Matsuura division headquarters!" Guo Qiliang chuckled, his words full of confidence.

After working together for such a long time, Guo Qiliang has gradually begun to trust Zhang Tianhai, even to the point of complete trust - as long as the command is proper and the cooperation is appropriate, how can there be a victory that cannot be won?
"Okay, Lao Guo, let's stop boasting, let's judge the next step of Little Japan's battle?" Zhang Tianhai smiled slightly.

"Old Zhang, I personally think that we can make a judgment and make a tactical deduction, but it cannot be implemented as the next action plan. After all, the battlefield is changing rapidly. If the judgment is wrong, our regiment will be involved." Yes." Guo Qiliang smiled, but he didn't have Zhang Tianhai's flexible mind, let alone his bold heart.

"That won't prevent us from doing some tactical deduction, right?" Zhang Tianhai smiled calmly and confidently.

"Your boy has really changed very fast. When I was going to be in the military academy, I wouldn't believe that Zhang Yulin would have such good grades. You used to be submissive. Tell me, where did we come from?" Start the deduction?" The relationship between Guo Qiliang and Zhang Tianhai is the best, and it can be said that the command steps of the police regiment are not much different from before, only a few changes have taken place, but the essence has not changed How many.

So, here comes the question, what is the essence?The essence is that the command of the police regiment is still firmly in the hands of Zhang Tianhai and Guo Qiliang.

It should be noted that the first security regiment, from top to bottom, is all Zhang Tianhai's people, and only Zhang Tianhai can fully command it.Other than that, there is only Guo Qiliang.

Guo Qiliang was the chief of staff of the regiment at the beginning of its establishment, and his prestige was only slightly lower than that of Zhang Tianhai. The courage to dare to rush and kill.

More importantly, Deputy Head Guo is the most trusted person of Head Zhang, and he can be called the right arm and right arm!

"Then let's start the deduction from the No.20 Seventh Division of the Japanese Army entering Baishui Street!" Zhang Tianhai still smiled, "According to Brother Guo's talent, we should know what they want to do. Then Brother Guo thinks that the enemy and us How will the situation change?"

After thinking about it for a while, Guo Qiliang said: "Our army has six divisions near Baishui Street, and four of them can be directly mobilized, namely No.60 Division, No.90 First Division, No. There is also a new No.13 division. Now that the Japanese army is advancing so aggressively, with the strength of a regiment, they dare to go deep into the vicinity of Qilin Peak and open the passage of Baishui Street. They think it is too simple."

"It seems that Brother Guo also has a positive attitude towards the battle on Baishui Street..." Zhang Tianhai smiled, he was happy to see this situation.

"If it is said that the troops of the four divisions cannot annihilate a regiment, then these commanders should eat shit." Guo Qiliang analyzed seriously, "If our army can annihilate this regiment, the Japanese No. 20 The other two main teams of the division, I don't think they may be able to go back to Dong Town!"

"So, that's why I didn't plan to send troops to support the front line of Baishui Street." Zhang Tianhai said, "Then next step, Brother Guo, what do you think Little Japan will do?"

"Besides reinforcing the No.20 Seventh Division, I really can't think of anything else to do." Guo Qiliang said realistically. He believed that there was nothing to hide in front of Zhang Yulin, a monster.

Well, it's not ashamed to guess.

"It is inevitable that the Japanese army will reinforce the No. 20 Seventh Division. Only the [-]th Division can support it nearby, right? At that time, our fighter will appear." Zhang Tianhai spoke confidently.

"Let's see." Guo Qiliang smiled, trusting Zhang Tianhai's judgment, "But I think we can't relax about Baishui Street. If Little Japan really breaks through Qilin Peak and then occupies Baishui Street , then we are quite passive.”

"No. Just watch! Besides, I have already placed four battalions in the north to meet the friendly troops. I already think highly of them, little Japanese." Unlike Guo Qiliang and others, Zhang Tianhai is from later generations , He has strong self-confidence, and knows that these Japanese troops are not invincible, but the national army is too weak.

At this time, it was already September 24, [-], and there was still a week before the decisive battle in Wanjialing.


The camera then turned to the Japanese army.

Yaqing Honma took a big risk to take the next risky move. Could it be that their situation is getting better?Actually not.

In fact, when the Suzuki United Team appeared on Qilin Peak, Lieutenant General Masaharu Honma, the head of the No.20 Seventh Division, received very bad news-Nanping Mountain, an important place on the Ruiwu Line, had already Occupied by the national army!

"Baga! How could this happen!" Yaqing Honma was in a bad mood. After all, the location of Nanping Mountain was too dangerous. If it was occupied, their retreat would be cut off!
"Your Excellency, Commander, now we have no time to take care of our retreat. What we have to do is to take Baishui Street to the best of our ability, so as to protect ourselves!" Chief of Staff Watanabe Dazuo persuaded Masaharu Honma.

I saw the expression on Yaqing Honma's face was still cloudy and uncertain, obviously weighing the pros and cons, and after a long time, he said: "Forget it, if the third regiment didn't go to Qilin Peak, we can still guarantee the back road, but Now, if we call back the troops attacking Qilin Peak, we will be very passive! There is even the danger of annihilation of the entire army! Order Captain Suzuki Xingxiong to take Qilin Peak at all costs!"

As for why Masaharu Honma didn't mobilize troops to attack the front of the Baishui Street defense line to consolidate the rear?The reason is very simple. Once the frontal offensive troops are deployed to consolidate the rear, there will be a dangerous situation-the frontline offensive force will be insufficient, and the flanking troops will be besieged. At that time, the No.20 Seventh Division will not only be unable to win On the contrary, Baishui Street will suffer a big defeat!

To be honest, it is impossible for Masaharu Honma to have no objection to Neiji Okamura's move.If this were not the case, how could the No.20 Seventh Division be besieged near Baishui Street?
If it wasn't for Okamura Ningji's insistence on making this move, how could the No. 20 Seventh Division have to bite the bullet and rush to Baishui Street at the risk of being besieged?

Because of this, Masaharu Honma's opinion of Commander Neiji Okamura is not ordinary!
"Hay!" Colonel Watanabe bowed his head in response.

The No. 20 Seventh Division's back road was cut off, and the troops of the six divisions of the national army were besieged on Baishui Street. It is impossible for Masaharu Honma not to report the major incident.

As a result, an emergency telegram from the No.20 Seventh Division was sent to the headquarters of the No.11 Army Headquarters, and it was directly delivered to the desk of Commander Neiji Okamura!

PS: Another update is here!

There are only two days left before the holiday, everyone bear with it, the eagle will soon be shifted three times a day for a week, please rest assured!
Thank you for the 100 point coin reward from Qiqidian book friend Leggeshen!

(End of this chapter)

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