War of Resistance

Chapter 947 Bloody Battle at Qilin Peak

Chapter 947 Bloody Battle at Qilin Peak
Silence, it was absolutely silence.

No one thought that as soon as the No.20 Seventh Division took action, it would fall into the siege of the national army!
To be honest, when the telegram was delivered to Neiji Okamura, it was impossible for Neiji Okamura to have no regrets at all.

But now, the situation has emerged, and he has no better way than to mend the situation after the disaster.

"The No. 20 Seventh Division is trapped. This is really bad news." Okamura Neiji muttered to himself. The strength of the No. 20 Seventh Division is the strongest in the entire No. 11 Army. A weak division, if not, how could he be so worried?
From the standpoint of Neiji Okamura, no matter how weak the No.20 Seventh Division is, it is still a division-level unit. If an entire division is wiped out on the battlefield in northern Jiangxi, he, Neiji Okamura What kind of accountability will you face?Think about it all.

Apart from being dismissed on the spot and going directly to a court-martial, is there a worse ending?Probably not, and Neiji Okamura is very likely to face this ending!

From a tactical point of view, it is precisely because of the weak strength of the No.20 Seventh Division that it may be encircled and wiped out!Therefore, whether it is public or private, Neiji Okamura cannot just watch the No.20 Seventh Division be wiped out!
In all fairness, Okamura Ningji did not want to deploy the main force of the [-]th Division, but the even stronger [-]st Division was also dragged on the front line of Lushan, and suffered heavy casualties!

Apart from deploying reinforcements from the [-]th Division, is there any other better way?there is none left!
Thinking about it, Okamura Ningji turned his attention to the battle map of northern Jiangxi in his office-the northern Jiangxi area has many mountains, and transportation is very inconvenient. It is not a good thing for the relatively mobile Japanese army.

Why do you say it's not a good thing?The reason is that the mobility of the Japanese army is mainly achieved by cars and three-wheeled motorcycles. In northern Jiangxi where there are not many roads, this is already a hardship...

And the word that soldiers are precious and fast has been the truth since ancient times, so Okamura Ningji pondered: How can the [-]th Division "plant wings" in this mountain?

There is always a way, and it depends on people's thinking, so Neiji Okamura came up with an excellent method-temporarily changing the necessary troops to pack horse troops!
After coming up with this method, Neiji Okamura summoned his staff and issued a series of combat orders: order the 20rd Regiment, the [-]th Regiment, the [-]th Regiment, and the [-]th Division on the Nanxun Line The three infantry regiments of the [-]th Regiment and the mountain artillery unit hurried to the No. [-] Seventh Division; , Xingzi and other places quickly supported.

This combat order is the proud work of Okamura Ningji - this is enough to gather the troops of an entire powerful combat division. As long as these troops can gather with the No.20 Seventh Division on the De'an Northern Line, then , De'an has won!

If De'an wins, he can immediately attack Nanchang!
Thinking about this, Neiji Okamura felt a burst of excitement, this is the task that is about to be completed, and then he hopes to be promoted...

In fact, it is not a simple matter to change the necessary combat troops into pack horse troops. Even though the Japanese army's logistical support and execution strength are much higher than those of the national army, it still took a whole lot of time. It takes more than a day to go.

Two days is enough for many things to happen.

For example, the battle at Qilin Peak.

The headquarters of the No. 20 Seventh Division of the Japanese Army's No. [-] Seventh Division headquarters received a death order from the commander of the division, Masaharu Honma, to capture Qilin Peak at all costs, so they did not fight hard.

For a whole day, the sound of shouts and guns resounded throughout Qilin Peak.

"Tuan Zuo! Let's retreat! If we don't retreat, our troops will be wiped out!" An officer in shabby clothes said in his southwestern Mandarin accent,
"Don't withdraw! I came out of Guizhou with my soldiers, just to (just) want a little devil!" The head of the regiment, Yang Jialiu, said viciously, "Many of my Guizhou children died on this mountain! Withdraw? Withdraw the yarn! I want to fight these Dongying monkeys to the death! None of the students of our Whampoa Military Academy is afraid of death!!"

That's right, the unit responsible for stationing Qilin Peak is indeed a unit of the Central Army, but this unit was expanded in Guizhou, so in the appointment of officers, some Whampoa Military Academy students from Guizhou were also used.

Yang Jialiu is also a member of this group of Whampoa Military Academy students who were born in Guizhou, and his qualifications are not small - the fifth phase of Whampoa!

And the unit that Yang Jialiu is in is No. 60 Division of the National Revolutionary Army Army!
This is the fifth attack launched by the Japanese army today. Yang Jialiu led the troops under his command to defend to the death and repelled several Japanese attacks. Yang Jialiu's [-]th Regiment suffered heavy casualties as a result.

The No.60 Division is not much different from other Central Army units. It also has two brigades under its jurisdiction, one of which is the [-]th Brigade where Yang Jialiu is.

"Yes! Regiment seat!" The officer replied helplessly, and then continued to kill with the troops.

But at this time, on the position of Qilin Peak, the [-]th Regiment had less than half of its personnel left, and some of them were disabled soldiers.

The order Yang Jialiu received was also an order to die - to stick to Qilin Peak!

Yang Jialiu knew very well that under such an offensive by the Japanese army, it was impossible for the [-]th Regiment, which was not well equipped, to hold on. All he could do was to delay the Japanese army's offensive as much as possible.

"Forget it, the front line probably won't last long. I'm afraid I'm going to lose my life here today." Thinking, Yang Jialiu hid in the trench and lit a cigarette.

While lighting the cigarettes, Yang Jialiu also distributed the remaining cigarettes to the soldiers. He said: "Brothers, I came out from Guizhou together to fight against Japan. I told you today, Qilin Peak I'm afraid this place is a bit difficult to defend, but we can't retreat! That will throw our parents, brothers and sisters to the little Japanese to slaughter! You all listen to me, after smashing this cigarette, follow me to find the little Japanese Go hard!"

The officers and soldiers around all focused their eyes on the head of the regiment, and did not speak, they were waiting for the next sentence of the head of the regiment.

Sure enough, after puffing out the cigarette, Yang Jialiu said: "Today, this Qilin Peak is the burial place of Lao Tzu. The surrounding area is transparent. If we are buried here, our family members and descendants will surely prosper." Yes! Are you afraid!?"

When it came to the end, Yang Jialiu's words almost roared out, full of murderous intent!
"I'm not afraid! Fuck them little Japan!!"

"Yes! I have come all the way from Guizhou to kill the little Japanese, these sons of bitches!!"

"People are dead and their eggs are upside down, I'm afraid they will throw a ball!"

I saw that the officers and soldiers were all impassioned and regarded death as home. When the country was ruined and the family was destroyed, no one had a way out.

Seeing this scene, Yang Jialiu felt a little relieved - these soldiers are all good soldiers, the good soldiers he brought out!
"Brothers, smoke! After you finish smoking, you will find the little devil to your death." Yang Jialiu grinned, showing two rows of big white teeth.


PS: The second update is here!

good night!

(End of this chapter)

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