War of Resistance

Chapter 948 Suzuki Alliance

Chapter 948 Suzuki Alliance
The shouts and gunfire in front of him are gradually weakening, and the cigarette in Yang Jialiu's hand is slowly burning out.

"It seems that the little devil has already occupied our forward position." Yang Jialiu muttered to himself, then he stood up abruptly, and said to the brothers behind him: "Brothers, the front line must have fallen into the hands of the enemy Well, now, all we can do is to stick to the position and fight desperately with the little devil! Come on a group of people and go with me to retake the forward position! Kill!!"

After listening to the group seat's rhetoric, everyone felt that their blood was boiling. They immediately dropped their cigarette butts, then picked up the guy, and only waited for the group seat's order before launching a charge.

"If I die, the deputy commander will take command; if the deputy commander dies, the battalion commander will take command; if the battalion commander dies, the deputy battalion commander will take command; and so on, my [-]th regiment will swear to guard Qilin Peak to the death!!" Yang Jialiu shouted loudly, "Brothers! Kill!!"

Following the order of Commander Yang Jialiu, the only remaining officers and soldiers of the 60th Regiment of the [-]th Brigade of the No. [-] Division of the National Army launched a counter-attack on the forward positions. They, take back the initiative in war!

This is the No. 14 counter charge led by the regiment leader Yang Jialiu.

However, it was in this counter-assault battle that the head of the regiment, Yang Jialiu, was hit by Japanese mortar shrapnel and died heroically at the age of 34.

After the death of regiment leader Yang Jialiu, the [-]th Regiment lost control of its defense line due to a disordered command system. In addition, it had already suffered heavy casualties. After participating in the war for a whole day and night, Qilin Peak fell.

After the fall of Qilin Peak, the national army launched a high-intensity counterattack against the Japanese army under the command of Zhang Zhihe, Chief of Staff of the No.30 Group Army. The battle was once very fierce!
For two consecutive days, the national army launched a fierce counterattack around Qilin Peak, and the battle was once very stalemate!

The top of Qilin Peak, which was supposed to be the garrison of the national army, but it is no longer there. A rising sun flag with teeth and claws is already standing on the top of the peak.

The desperate resistance of the defenders of the national army had caused heavy casualties to the Suzuki Regiment, and it took a lot of money to win Qilin Peak.

But now?Since the casualties of the Japanese army were not small before, coupled with their new positions, they showed a look of unstable foothold.

Ever since, in the national army's counterattack like a broken bamboo, the Suzuki United was a little bit unable to hold on.

"Report to your Excellency, Captain, the second unit has suffered heavy casualties and is almost wiped out!" A Japanese soldier with a face full of black and gray ran to Suzuki Xingxiong and reported.

After hearing this, Suzuki Xingxiong's face darkened immediately, and he said: "Baga, order the troops to hold on!"

"Hay!" The Japanese soldier responded with a bitter face, and then ran back.

Before the soldier walked away, Suzuki Xingxiong turned his head and said to the combat staff next to him: "Call your Excellency Honma division commander immediately and ask for tactical guidance!"

"Hay!" The combat staff officer responded, and then went to carry out Suzuki Xingxiong's order.

Not long after, a telegram was sent directly to Yaqing Honma, who was commanding the troops to attack the northern line of Baishui Street, through the Qilin Peak garrison position.

To be honest, after seeing this telegram, Masaharu Homma's expression was slightly surprised: "Nani? Even Suzuki Xingo, the toughest guy, has to ask for tactical guidance? This is very unusual!"

"Watanabe-kun! What should we do now!" Masaharu Honma turned his gaze to Mr. Watanabe next to him. Yes, Watanabe is the chief of staff.

"Reporting to your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief, I believe that we can rescue Suzuki United, but if our main force goes to rescue Qilin Peak, our frontal offensive strength will be insufficient. We must allocate part of our strength to rescue!" Chief of Staff Watanabe analyzed, looking very calm-headed.

"If it's part of the strength, then we will be in trouble. It's definitely not my intention to use it as a refueling tactic!" Masaharu Honma struggled a bit, after all, he was already at a crossroads.

To save or not to save will determine the direction of this battle.

Masaharu Honma knows very well that he has reached a historical junction!
If it is saved, it is very likely that the battlefield on the front line will be dragged into a depressed state, and then it will be impossible to break through the defense line; if it is not saved, the No.20 Seventh Division will be seriously injured!
"Your Excellency, Division Commander, the refueling tactic is certainly not a good move, but it is definitely not a feasible strategy! On the frontal battlefield, it has no effect. On the side battlefield, we have an explanation. If at this time Divide the troops, and we will fail!" General Watanabe reminded, "We are now surrounded by the Chinese army, if we cannot break through Baishui Street, our end will be miserable!"

Hearing this, Masaharu Honma nodded, but said nothing else: He is also extremely responsible for ordering the third team to take this risky move.

The reason why dangerous chess is called dangerous chess is because the risk is too great, and it is very likely to have an accident or a move that will overturn.

Obviously, this move is a risky move.

For Masahiro Honma, the accident in Suzuki Xingo's third unit seemed to be reasonable.

After all, this is just a risky move.

"Then do this! Send two brigades of the Cavalry Regiment to the rescue! I hope they can survive!" Masaharu Honma finally made a decision.

The two brigades seem to have a lot of troops, but in fact they are not, not many.

"Hay! The head of the division is wise!" Colonel Watanabe flattered him.

Just when Watanabe was about to leave, Masaharu Honma suddenly remembered that something was missing, so he said: "Watanabe-kun, call Suzuki Xingxiong immediately, and ask him to stand by and wait for help! Unless it is a last resort, don't do it without authorization." Breakout!"

Watanabe turned around, nodded, and said, "I understand."

As for what Watanabe said clearly, I am afraid that only he knows the deep meaning of what he said—His Excellency, Division Chief, I am afraid that he is already ready to give up the Suzuki United.

If it were someone else, it would be impossible to make this decision easily, but Yaqing Honma is different, he is a decisive man, he must use the means of strong men to cut off his wrists to ensure the safety of the entire No.20 Seventh Division!

In the direction of Qilin Peak, since the Suzuki United team has invested almost all their strength in the defense, the defense line has temporarily stabilized.

But soon, with the desperate onslaught of the national army, the defense line that the Suzuki United had managed to hold up was suddenly crumbling again.

For this reason, the captain Suzuki Xingxiong is not usually anxious.

"Report to the regimental commander, the division headquarters called back urgently!" The operational staff ran to Suzuki Xingxiong and reported.

"Nani?!" Suzuki Xingxiong snatched the telegram as if grasping the last straw that fell into the water, and read it carefully.

In the end, to Suzuki Xingxiong's despair, he did not get a very definite answer - after all, if the fight continues like this, the third wing is very likely to be unable to hold on; at this time, is it still retreating?I can't run away at all!


PS: Updates are coming!

I wish you all a Happy New Year!
(End of this chapter)

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