War of Resistance

Chapter 949 Shaking

Chapter 949 Shaking
For Xingxiong Suzuki, whether the headquarters of the No. 20 Seventh Division can send troops to rescue is a matter of life and death.

Just when Suzuki Xingxiong was full of worry, a Japanese soldier ran up to the former almost stumbling, and reported: "Report...report to your Excellency, the regiment captain, the Chinese army is about to attack again. Come up!"

After hearing this, Suzuki Xingxiong couldn't help but looked up to the sky and sighed: "It seems that today is the moment when all the troops of my third regiment will be smashed here."

But Suzuki Xingxiong sighed, he still went to do his work, for example, he has now taken out the dog skin plaster bandana specially wrapped around his head, and then wrapped it around his head.

"The warriors of the empire are here, the time for the duel has come! Everyone is here! Come with me!!" Shouting, Suzuki Xingxiong pulled out the samurai sword from his waist, with a fierce expression on his face.

Under the leadership of Xingxiong Suzuki, these Japanese soldiers who were trapped on the top of the mountain and prepared to resist stubbornly shouted excitedly, and took out their dog-skin plaster hoods that they were going to give themselves as honors in the final battle.

After these subordinates were all ready, Suzuki Xingxiong finally waved his samurai sword: "Keep!! Charge!!"

Following the order of the regimental captain Xingxiong Suzuki, all the Japanese troops who were ready to fight in the end rushed out of the trenches, and they wanted to bring their so-called samurai spirit to die!

More intense gunshots resounded on Qilin Peak.

The result is very obvious. The Japanese army, which was already at a disadvantage, could not be the opponent of the long-prepared national army. They were quickly annihilated by the powerful offensive of the national army.


15 minutes later, the No.20 Seventh Division Division Headquarters of the Japanese Army.

"Report to Staff Yoshino! The headquarters of the Third Regiment has lost contact for 15 minutes! Do you want to report to the commander of the division? Please instruct!" A communications soldier ran to his commander and reported.

"It's been 15 minutes..." Staff Yoshino, who is not too tall, pondered for a while, "You continue to contact the headquarters of the third regiment! Be sure to contact them! I will immediately report this situation to the division chief!"

"Hay!" The communications soldier responded, and then ran back to his work station.

Staff Yoshino has already guessed that the situation of the third wing is probably not good—how long has the reinforcements been dispatched, and this is already the result?Obviously, there has been more than good luck.

"Report to your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief, Suzuki Xingo's third unit has been out of contact for 15 minutes. Do you want the reinforcements to move on?" This was the first sentence that Staff Yoshino said after seeing Masharu Honma.

"Lost contact for 15 minutes?!" Masaharu Honma widened her eyes.

"Yes, sir, please give me instructions, what should we do?!" Staff Officer Yoshino said decisively.

"We can't just give up on Suzuki-kun! Order the troops to move forward quickly. If after 15 minutes, we still can't get in touch with Suzuki's unit, then our reinforcement troops will withdraw immediately!" This was the decision Masaharu Honma made instantly. On the one hand , he didn't want the Suzuki Regiment to be wiped out; on the other hand, he didn't want the reinforcements to fall into the trap of the Chinese army.

From the beginning to the end, Masaharu Honma did not think highly of Lieutenant General Ningji Okamura's combat operation - he believed that this operation was definitely a stupid move, and he wanted to open up the entire southern front at the expense of the No.20 Seventh Division. battlefield!

"Hay!" Staff Officer Yoshino responded.

After Staff Yoshino left, Masaharu Homma began to study the next military move.

"Watanabe-kun... seems to give us the No.20 Seventh Regiment's way, not too many..." Masahiro Honma sighed.

"Your Excellency, Commander, in fact, there is a sentence that I have always wanted to say, but it is indeed a bit treasonous to say it. I wonder if Your Excellency, Commander, is willing to listen to the next sentence?" Although Mr. Watanabe hesitated, but Finally said it out.

"But it's okay to say it!" Masahiro Honma looked very serious, he knew that Watanabe would not target indiscriminately.

Chief of Staff Watanabe gritted his teeth, and said: "Your Excellency, Division Commander, I believe that Commander Neiji Okamura may have made a foolish move, but we can't follow them around. If we blindly follow, our In the end, it will be all jade fragments!"

"I had this idea before, but if we leave now, it would be disobedience. Think about our wives and children on the mainland!" Benma Yaqing sighed, and her brows were already furrowed.

"Since this is the case, why don't we make plans for the next step?" Watanabe is already desperate at this moment, he must get a reply from the head of the division.

"What's the next step?" Masaharu Homma asked subconsciously.

"Yoxi." Colonel Watanabe nodded, then walked to the map, looked at Masaharu Honma and said, "Your Excellency, Division Commander, please look, our surroundings are already full of Chinese troops. The [-]th Division of Lieutenant General Junrokuro Matsuura has joined forces with a regiment of the [-]st Division to carry out emergency rescue. If we want to withdraw at this moment, we may encounter big trouble , but if the troops of the head of the Matsuura division arrive, the result will be different..."

Watanabe's words are very profound, and it can be said that he only spoke half of what he said, but from Watanabe's standpoint, it can almost be said that he can explain it clearly.

"Watanabe-kun, it's too early to speak at this time." Masaharu Honma hesitated for a moment, he always thought that cheating teammates was immoral.

"It's getting late, my lord, if we don't prepare now, then we will face the tragic situation of annihilation." Colonel Watanabe analyzed, "If we really want to protect ourselves, we must Make defensive preparations now, and wait for the fighter plane to appear before breaking through!"

After hearing this, Yaqing Honma's heart skipped a beat: This is really a tempting idea!

Why is it tempting?Wouldn't it be a good thing if a dead fellow Taoist would not die a poor fellow?Besides, the No. 20 Seventh Division is a division with a three-unit system, and it was adapted from the garrison troops. Compared with the [-]th Division, which is the main force in the field, it is very different.

More importantly, Masahiro Honma also felt from the bottom of her heart that this time, the No. 20 Seventh Division's operation was originally to support their [-]th Division. Why did the support change all of a sudden? Become the main attacker?That would be deadly...

So, just like that, even Yaqing Honma didn't notice, he was slowly shaken like this...

After thinking for a while, Masaharu Honma finally ordered the troops to stop attacking Baishui Street out of self-interest considerations, and the troops began to gather and defend on the spot, waiting for reinforcements to rescue them.

On the other hand, Masaharu Honma urgently withdrew the troops originally used to reinforce the third regiment, and at the same time ordered these troops to also join in the defensive preparations.

For a while, there was a brief silence on the battlefield of Baishui Street west of De'an.

Why is it short-lived?Because no one knows when the battle will resume.

But what is certain is that when the battle resumes, it must be extremely intense!


PS: The update will be sent, there will be another update in a while!
Thank you for the 100 point coin reward from Qiqidian book friend Leggeshen!

(End of this chapter)

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