War of Resistance

Chapter 950 Heaven Furnace Tactics?

Chapter 950 Heaven Furnace Tactics?

The news that the Honma Division stopped attacking and retreated to the existing garrison soon spread to the headquarters of the First Corps.

After getting the news, Xue Yue immediately held a senior staff meeting.

"Everyone, what do you think of the fact that the No.20 Seventh Division stopped attacking?" Xue Yue looked around at the crowd in front of him.

The Chief of Staff Wu Yizhi stood up and said, "Commander-in-Chief, I believe that it is very likely that the news of Qilin Peak's recovery reached them, so they can only stand by and wait for help now."

"Yes, I think so too. Now the forward troops of the Matsuura Division have quickly made an emergency detour in the direction of the Honma Division. It is not surprising that they have taken actions to protect themselves." A senior officer next to him also followed should and.

"I think so too. The Honma Division is now surrounded by our army, and the Matsuura Division is making an emergency rescue, but I have a very bold idea!" Xue Yue fucked his heavy mouth Putonghua said.

"A bold idea?" Wu Yizhi frowned slightly.

"Yes." Xue Yue nodded, "Can we transfer the annihilation of enemy targets from the Honma Division to the Matsuura Division?"

As soon as Xue Yue's words came out, the whole meeting fell silent. They all felt that this plan was too crazy!
It is entirely possible to annihilate a three-unit garrison division, but it is really crazy to annihilate an established main field division!
"Commander-in-Chief, can you tell me your specific thoughts?" Wu Yizhi was the quickest to calm down.

"I was thinking, we can introduce the Japanese army into Wanjialing, and then annihilate them all!" Xue Yue seemed to have a very clear head, and it didn't seem like an impulsive move.

"Wanjialing?" Wu Yizhi lightly raised his glasses.

"Yes, it's Wanjialing." Xue Yue nodded, "The high mountains in the area of ​​Wanjialing give us a geographical advantage. We can open a hole to let them in now, and then use layer-by-layer resistance to weaken the Songpu Division. The offensive force of the regiment. Wait until they enter our pocket formation, and then close the net! Then wipe them all in one fell swoop!"

Chief of Staff Wu Yizhi was the first to react, and he said: "The idea of ​​the commander-in-chief is very likely to be realized. After all, we can also mobilize a large number of superior troops in Wanjialing, such as the No.70 Fourth Army and other ace troops. Even such a small and elite unit as the first regiment of the theater guards is nearby. If the nearby units are assembled, we can gather almost [-] troops! Annihilating the Matsuura Division is not impossible!"

After this analysis, the atmosphere in the entire small meeting room suddenly became heated—because they discovered that the idea of ​​annihilating the Japanese Matsuura Division is really possible!
Soon, the process of the meeting changed: from analyzing the movements of Masaharu Honma No. 20 Seventh Division to discussing how to annihilate Matsuura Junrokuro's [-]th Division.

The situation in which this conversion occurs is actually very simple - when you can't have both, annihilating a main field division is much more exciting than annihilating a three-unit garrisoned miscellaneous division .

Everyone has dreams, especially this group of generals who are carrying on their shoulders to save the nation from peril!

"That's it! Let's use the No. 20 Seventh Division of the Japanese Army as a bait to push the enemy's [-]th Division into our ambush circle! We will do our best to completely wipe out the Matsuura Division!" Xue Yue finally did. decision.

"Yes! Sir!" Everyone responded.

Ever since, a combat plan with the Fourth Army, the No.60 Sixth Army, and the No.70 Fourth Army as the main attacking forces was formed. It is worth mentioning that, with a swipe of his hand, Chief Xue Yue attacked Zhang Tianhai's Ninth War Zone. The [-]st Guards Regiment was also included in the order of battle.

In Xue Yuexue's opinion, Zhang Tianhai's regiment is quite powerful, and the combat power is uniform, and the style is also solid. With such a knife in hand, no matter what you do, you should feel at ease.

What's more, this is a sharp knife, who knows if it can be used to goug out the heart of Matsuura Junrokuro with one knife?
Xue Yue has his own style in doing things!

Ever since Xue Yue's headquarters made the decision to prepare for the battle, the entire First Corps began to operate like a war machine.

Xue Yue's battle preparation plan can be said to be very detailed and well prepared.

There are three main forces in the combat troops alone. This is a whole [-] troops. How about counting the reinforcements?That's quite a lot.

That's right, Xue Yue's combat strategy is to use a trapezoidal front to gradually weaken the Japanese army's offensive momentum and troop strength, and then after the Japanese army breaks through the position, the withdrawn troops will run to the mountains on both sides and move in a detour in the direction of Wanjialing. Wait until the large Japanese troops enter the pocket formation before closing the net.

That's right, Xue Yue named this battle plan "Tianlu Warfare". As the name suggests, it is to lock the enemy army in the furnace, and use the scorching heat from both sides to kill the enemy army!

As soon as the camera turned, it turned directly to Xiaotong Mountain.

At this time, Zhang Tianhai was studying how to launch an attack on the No.20 Seventh Division—in Zhang Tianhai’s view, the Wanjialing War consisted of the Fourth Army, the No.60 Sixth Army, and the No.70 Sixth Army. The main force of the Fourth Army, what to be afraid of, is a stable group, especially Zhang Lingfu became famous by flying to Zhang Gushan in this battle.

Now that the Wanjialing battle has stabilized, isn't the mission of the first regiment of the guards of the ninth war zone to cooperate with the attack on the northern line of De'an, and the Honma Yaqing division has huddled up and strives for stability?

Perhaps it was the mentality of the traversers, Zhang Tianhai didn't realize at all that their first guard regiment was also one of the key combat troops.

In any case, with the strength of the police regiment, it must be much stronger than other local troops, right?Let's not talk about how fierce the regiment leader Zhang Yulin is in fighting, let's talk about the strength of the troops, the weapons and equipment, which one is not a handsome motley army?
"Old Guo, tell me, how about this, we attack from the west, use methods such as night attack and fierce attack, to attack the remnants of the enemy! They have already had one arm cut off. As long as we attack from one point Open it, I don't think they can escape." Zhang Tianhai laughed, why did he discuss it with Guo Qiliang?Isn't the first to third battalion the main attacking force?

"Old Zhang, your idea is very good. But if we let our small strengthening regiment go to a three-unit division, and they are on the defensive, wouldn't that be a little overconfident?" Guo Qiliang frowned Light wrinkle.

"Damn! Lao Guo, look at your cowardly appearance! They are considered a poor division! The three-unit division has already wiped out one unit, and at most it will be a reinforced brigade! As long as we grasp it well , it is impossible not to open it. Besides, when they are fighting all the way south, the troops will be reduced to a certain extent. Ten thousand steps back, we have also taken the initiative in the battle!" Zhang Tianhai said confidently Said.

Just when Guo Qiliang was about to agree with Zhang Tianhai's statement, the adjutant Xu Xun ran over and reported: "Report to the regiment commander, deputy commander, urgent call from the headquarters of the First Corps!"


PS: Updates are coming!

Thank you for the 100 point coin reward from Qiqidian book friend Leggeshen!

(End of this chapter)

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