War of Resistance

Chapter 952 How to use it?

Chapter 952 How to use it?
Leng, yes, this is Xu Xun's real reaction.

Xu Xun also knew why the group seat suddenly asked this question, it must be related to how to arrange the whereabouts of the independent brigade, so he thought about the wording.

"Reporting to the group, I think that Xu Feilong, Captain Xu, is witty and courageous, and he has a strong aura." Xu Xun thought for a while, and gave a more pertinent evaluation.

"How is your combat capability?" Zhang Tianhai asked.

"The combat effectiveness of the unit is not strong, but it is very familiar with Mount Lu. So in general, it didn't suffer much from the battle with the little devil." Xu Xun confessed honestly.

After getting this information, Zhang Tianhai began to ponder: Is this Xu Feilong worthy of great use?
"Didn't suffer much in the fight with the little devil? Then let me ask you, where did our independent brigade suffer?" Zhang Tianhai felt that he had to ask more carefully.

"The disadvantage lies in the weaponry and combat coordination. The independent brigade of our regiment, to put it bluntly, is a group of bandits who have undergone short training. There is still a big gap between them and the regular army. The key lies in style and training, and Strict military discipline." At this time, Xu Xun had already guessed what the regiment leader wanted, so he answered directly.

"It seems that the Independent Brigade still lacks the things of the regular army..." Zhang Tianhai sighed.

Zhang Tianhai really wanted to grow the army, but he didn't want the army to get out of control on the way: after all, the first regiment of the security guards now has sophisticated weapons, which is the rank in the ranks of the national army. portion.

If the original No.30 Sixth Division, No.80 Seventh Division, and No.80 Eighth Division were compared, the first regiment of the guards was only barely qualified.But now?These divisions were wounded and maimed in the Battle of Songhu, the Battle of Nanjing, and the Battle of Fujin Mountain, and even wiped out the entire army. How can they be compared?

The Battle of Fujin Mountain can even be said to be the last swan song of German weapon masters. Where are there German weapon masters now?

As the saying goes, there are no tigers in the mountains, and monkeys are called kings.Zhang Tianhai's first regiment of guards was barely qualified compared with the previous German weapon divisions, but compared with the ordinary central army, it was naturally a big victory.

That's right, even if it is compared with the No. 70 Fourth Army, the main force of the ace at this time, it is still worse than the No. 70 Fourth Army at this time, and it has not yet been equipped with Su equipment!

Zhang Tianhai thought for a while, and decided to give up the matter of recalling the Independent Brigade: After all, Mount Lushan had not yet fallen, and if the combat forces there were transferred, even if the losses would not be too great, it would be unfair to Xu Feilong and others.

The wives and children of Xu Feilong and others are all in Mount Lushan, so if they just dispatched their troops, would Xu Feilong obey the order?And once Lushan fell, what would the wives and children of people like Xu Feilong do under the blockade of the little devils?
The First Police Regiment is indeed a relatively powerful group, but it is not strong enough to prevent the fall of Lushan Mountain, and it is even in danger of overthrowing a division.

"Let's go! Let's go straight to Wanjialing!" Zhang Tianhai patted his butt, then stood up.

"Yes." Xu Xun responded, and then followed closely.


All the way to the Wanjialing area, Zhang Tianhai did not take his jeep off-road vehicle, but rode a horse. In his opinion, horses are more flexible and durable among these lofty mountains.

Looking at the mountains on both sides, Zhang Tianhai's mind was full of the place name Zhang Gushan. After all, this mountain was the main battlefield in the Wanjialing War.

This time, Zhang Tianhai gave the order to march quickly, so the march was very fast.

But on the other side, the headquarters of the [-]th Division of the Japanese Army was already trying its best to break through the defensive position of the Mahuiling National Army, and the position was already crumbling for a while.

The commander of the garrison immediately reported the situation to the General Headquarters of the First Corps and sent a copy to the General Headquarters of the Second Corps.


In Nanchang City, there seemed to be fewer soldiers coming in and out, and more trucks were coming and going.

These changes are not enough to affect the normal operation of the First Corps headquarters.

Still in that rather grand and luxurious compound, Xue Yue was writing and drawing with two big dark circles under his eyes. In front of him was a miniature military map.

"Adjutant Zhao, come in!" Xue Yue called out the door.

Soon, a tall and slightly young major walked in from the door.

"Officer Xue, are you calling me?" Adjutant Zhao called softly.

"Well." Xue Yue nodded, "Call Chief of Staff Wu over here, and in addition, order Wu Qiwei, the commander of the Fourth Army, to quickly strengthen the defensive position of Wutailing! If Mahuiling is lost, we will have to rely on five Tailing came to defend."

"Yes, sir." Adjutant Zhao replied, then turned around and walked out quickly.

Not long after, Chief of Staff Wu Yizhi appeared in Xue Yue's office.

"Sir, do you have any new instructions?" Regarding Xue Yue, Wu Yizhi was not polite either, he just pulled out the chair and sat down.

"There are no instructions, but there are some operational details. I need to discuss them with you. After all, I have limited energy alone, and it is inevitable that there will be mistakes." Xue Yue said very seriously. After all, he also knew that he stayed up late. After a long time, I am afraid that my thinking will become disordered, and there will be troubles at that time.

"But, haven't the people in the staff office already done these detailed tasks? Why do you, the commander-in-chief, do it yourself?" Wu Yizhi frowned slightly, and it seemed that he really lacked such a calm attitude.

I saw Xue Yue sighed softly, and then said: "Hey... But if the decision made by the chief of staff satisfies me, then I don't have to make a plan here myself. This time, I plan to use the chairman's direct line Unit No.70, the Fourth Army is the main force, attacking the headquarters of the enemy's [-]th Division Matsuura Junrokuro."

"Then the Fourth Army and the No.60 Sixth Army are in charge of attacking the periphery?" Wu Yizhi asked.

"Yes, according to my idea, it is like this. The Fourth Army used to have the title of 'Iron Army', but it is not the Northern Expedition now, and our enemy is no longer the Beiyang Direct Army that exists like a chicken and a dog. The battle this time must be resolved quickly, otherwise there will be a lot of trouble in the follow-up." Xue Yue nodded and answered Wu Yizhi's question.

"Actually, this arrangement is also reasonable. It's not that we don't have troops that can fight. The most capable troops are all on our side. As for the sharp knife of the first guard regiment, how do you plan to use it? ?" Wu Yizhi asked very seriously.

"Let's take it as a backup unit of the No.70 Fourth Army! This regiment is supposed to have good combat effectiveness, but it is a reinforced regiment after all. It is only a brigade at its peak. Can you expect them to kill the Matsuura Division head-on?" As he said that, Xue Yue laughed, showing two rows of big white teeth.

"Indeed, if we send the first regiment of the guards to the first time, it is estimated that Chairman Jiang will not agree. Compared with No. The group's attention is not small..." Wu Yizhi also laughed after speaking.


PS: Updates are coming!

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(End of this chapter)

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