War of Resistance

Chapter 953 Order to advance troops!

Chapter 953 Order to advance troops!

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the Cantonese army, which did not have much geographical advantage, under the onslaught of the well-armed Japanese army, and even under the poor equipment, Ma Huiling fell.

Under the early warning order of Commander-in-Chief Xue Yue of the First Corps, these national army troops quickly withdrew to the mountains on both sides after losing their positions.

After capturing Mahuiling, the Japanese army did not stay there to clean up the battlefield as usual, and finally counted the results of the victory.

This time, the Japanese army received a deadly order. After taking down Mahuiling, they immediately marched towards Wutailing without stopping. They had to quickly open a passage, and then rescue the No.20 Seventh Division of Masahiro Honma Ministry!

The camera turned to Wutai Ridge, the former enemy headquarters of the Fourth Army.

The front enemy headquarters of this Fourth Army is similar to the front enemy headquarters of most field armies. They are all set up at high places in the main position to observe the enemy's situation.

At this time, some high-level members of the Fourth Army had gathered in the former enemy headquarters to discuss countermeasures—whether it was the order of Chief Xue, or the menacing Japanese army that had broken through the Mahuiling position.

"Yuchen, the higher ups are ordering us to defend Wutai Ridge and try our best to weaken the enemy's attack." Commander Wu Qiwei said to Ou Zhen, commander of the No.90 Division, who was next to him.

Yuchen is Ou Zhen's nickname.

"This is naturally not a problem. Besides, Shangfeng has his own considerations. Whether we can kill the beasts of the Matsuura Division is up to us now." Ou Zhen smiled, and the momentum in his words was already on the surface. .

"It's good to have confidence. Our Cantonese army is going north from Guangdong. We have also experienced many thorns along the way. Whether we can win or not depends on today." Wu Qiwei said in his standard Cantonese.

"Okay. I would like to follow the instruction of the superior!" Ou Zhen responded.


Umezu Yujiro is a Japanese army pilot, and like most of the invader pilots who appeared on the land of China, he also went through a series of aviation school studies before arriving at the Central China battlefield.

Umezu Aojiro was one of the best pilots among the same group of pilots. On this day, after conducting a routine bombing of the national army positions as usual, he flew to other places for reconnaissance.

Not to mention, it sounds absurd to use pilots to scout the enemy's movements, but it does have a lot of practical effects. At least you can know a little bit about the movements of the national army, not nothing.

Flying the Kawasaki Type [-] fighter jet, Umezu Yujiro was in an unusually good mood—it was another day when he was able to successfully complete the mission. According to this, it would be a matter of time before he was promoted to the military rank.

In the past few days, Umezu Ujiro's comrades have been carrying out reconnaissance campaigns in the direction of Wanjialing and Baishui Street. They must provide the necessary advances for the advancing [-]th Division of Matsuura Junrokuro during the reconnaissance. direction.

Soon, Umezu Yujiro and his comrades discovered a problem during reconnaissance—a big hole appeared in the direction of Wanjialing, where more or less one or two regiments were usually stationed!

This is a very important piece of information, both for Umezu Yujiro and for the advancing Matsuura Junrokuro division!

Therefore, Umezu Yujiro and others chose to fly the fighter plane to return quickly, and then reported the situation to the commander of the army.


"Nani?! There will be such a good thing!" This was the first reaction of Umezu Ujiro's chief, Kamoto Miyagi, after hearing the report. Even he knew that it would be the best way to reinforce Baishui Street through Wanjialing. It couldn't be better—after all, the distance is the shortest, and the enemy's defenses are negligent, so the time must be the shortest!

This is a major discovery!
This was the conclusion of Komoto Hui Dazuo, so he immediately reported the information obtained from this reconnaissance to Lieutenant General Neiji Okamura.

Lieutenant General Neiji Okamura was not generally happy when the information reached the headquarters of the No. 11 Japanese Army in Jiujiang County, as you can see from his reaction.

"Yoshi! Yoshi! Yoshi!! God help me!" Okamura Neiji almost jumped up excitedly holding the translated telegram in his hand.

Who is Neiji Okamura?That was the best among Lu Shi in the same period. Even Kei Kamoto could realize that this was an excellent fighter, and Neiji Okamura could not have realized it!
Ever since, Okamura Ningji immediately said to the staff next to him very excitedly: "Send me an order immediately, and order the head of the Matsuura Junrokuro Division to immediately lead the main force of the 20th Division and a step of the [-]st Division." , Enter Wanjialing! In addition to the task of reinforcing the No.[-] Seventh Division, we must also cut off the retreat route of the Chinese Army in the north, and strive for an early victory in the northern Jiangxi battlefield!!"

Perhaps Okamura Neiji's excitement even infected the staff around him, and the staff was also very excited and stood at attention and bowed his head: "Hay!!"

An order for the main force of the [-]th Division and a part of the [-]st Division to enter the Wanjialing area was officially issued.By this time, the commandable troops under Matsuura Junrokuro had reached a complete division.

For this result, Matsuura Junrokuro can't be said to have no waves, can he?It can be said that it is not surprising at all!
But don't forget, no matter what, he Matsuura Junrokuro is the confidant and favorite general of the commander of the Central China Dispatch Army, Hata Shunroku!


Ma Huiling front line.

At this time, the Japanese army had completely occupied this unknown hill, and Lieutenant General Matsuura Junrokuro, the commander of the [-]th Division, had already set foot on the top of the hill, which was already smelling of gunpowder.

It was a mess all around, and even the breeze was filled with a disgusting smell of blood.

And all of this, for Lieutenant General Matsuura Junrokuro, who has been battle-tested for a long time, is already used to it, just look at his stinky face like a dead fish.

He is arrogant and headstrong.This is the most distinctive personal characteristic of Matsuura Junrokuro.

"Yoxi! It took only one day to win Mahuiling. This result is not bad. But the result is slower than I expected." Junrokuro Matsuura said with a stern face.

"Hay! I will definitely work harder under my post!" One of the brigade commanders of the major general responded, his cold sweat was slowly streaming down—this fine tradition of Xia Ke is obviously in the [-]th Division. impossible.

There is indeed a tradition of defeating the superior in the Japanese army, but not everyone can do it. The premise is to have a very strong background.

I would like to ask, in the newly established division of the [-]th Division, who has a stronger background than the division leader Junrokuro Matsuura?But don't forget, not only are they backed by people in the base camp, but also supported by the two main commanders of the six generals Hata Toshi and Lieutenant General Neji Okamura in the frontline troops. Who would dare to "overcome" so ignorantly?
Is it true that a tiger is a sick cat if it doesn't show off its power?Don't forget, the tiger Matsuura Junrokuro often "shows off".


PS: Another update is here!

Work and business are very busy, try to resume every day first!Two more intervals.

Thank you for the 100 point coin reward from Qiqidian book friend Leggeshen!

(End of this chapter)

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