Chapter 955 Fierce Battle at Wutai Ridge

This is not a battle of equal strength, this is a battle in which the Japanese army has an absolute advantage in terms of numbers and weapons and equipment!
The light machine gunner might not have thought that he died on this land in Jiangxi, and even died without seeing his parents and siblings!
Taking advantage of the gap between the planes bombing the national army's position, the Japanese army began to charge forward screaming like they had taken some kind of exciting medicine.

"Come on!! Warriors, victory is just ahead! Kill!!" A Japanese officer drew out his samurai sword from his waist and began to launch an attack.

But by coincidence, a bullet made by Hanyang flew through the air and hit him between the eyebrows, and a blood hole appeared immediately!
The Japanese major fell down and died on the spot!

However, the death of the Japanese army's major did not make these beast-like Japanese soldiers feel timid or have the intention to retreat. On the contrary, it aroused their animal nature and rushed forward desperately!
In the eyes of these Japanese soldiers, they didn't see the national army who could kill people, but they seemed to be shining with golden light. They wanted to be promoted!

"It's so oily!!!"

The rest of the Japanese officers were shouting, and even these Japanese soldiers were shouting that they were going to capture the Wutailing National Army position.

They are bound to win this battle!

While fighting in the Wutailing position was lively, Zhang Tianhai was also leading his troops to move closer to Wanjialing.

It can't be called a hasty march, can it?Can't wait!

Zhang Tianhai had thought about it, his troops might be a little tired, even if they were close to the front line, it would be okay to take a rest, but he couldn't let go of the opportunity to violently beat Matsuura Junrokuro, a dog in the water.

The point is, he wants to keep Matsuura Junrokuro in the mountains of Wanjialing—the [-]th Division, none of them can leave!
"Quick! Order the troops to step up!!" Zhang Tianhai said, wiping the rain off his cheeks.

Due to the rain, the road that was already difficult to walk suddenly became more muddy.

"Yulin, our troops are already very tired, why don't we let everyone take a rest! The mountain road is not easy to walk. According to the villagers, we are not too far away from Wanjialing." The brothers who saw the troops had already Looking very tired, Guo Qiliang really couldn't help it.

Zhang Tianhai looked back at the brothers whose faces and bodies were already covered with rain and mud, and finally couldn't bear it: "Then let everyone have a rest! In short, we must rush to Wanjialing tomorrow morning nearby."

"Thank you, Commander!" After hearing this order, the surrounding officers and soldiers sat down on their buttocks, regardless of the fact that the grass on the roadside was full of rain.

Obviously, they were exhausted.

"Tuan Zuo, we are really in a hurry this time, and we are more tired than when we fought the soup soup last time." Adjutant Xu Xun said to Zhang Tianhai.

"War depends on the timing. We are in such a hurry this time, so the harvest will not be small." Zhang Tianhai smiled and didn't say anything else.

"Tuan Zuo means that there will be big fish in this battle?!" Xu Xun was a little surprised, and his voice unconsciously became a little louder.

"Xiao Xu, you are underestimating our Captain Yulin. Since you joined the army, except for the battle of Lanfeng, since when did our Captain Zhang Yulin suffer?" Guo Qiliang laughed. laughed.

"That's right, to be honest, our regiment really didn't suffer much in the war." Xu Xun scratched his head and said.

"Let's see! This is going to be a big battle. Brothers have to cheer up. If this battle is won, it will be famous in history." Zhang Tianhai smiled, but the firmness on his face was not like that. fake.

"Look! Our leader, right! He is definitely a good young man with ideals and aspirations." Guo Qiliang patted Zhang Tianhai on the shoulder and made a joke about the latter.

"Hey, if the country is prosperous and the people are safe. I probably still want to hold the child and warm the bed." Zhang Tianhai sighed, with infinite emotion in his words.

For Zhang Tianhai, he really missed Zheng Man, he was thinking, according to the time, Zheng Man's belly should be quite big.


As soon as the camera turns, Wuhan, Nanluo Alley.

It’s still the same small courtyard of the Zhang family, but Zhang Fuhan, the old man of the Zhang family, is no longer in Wuhan. He has already gone to Chongqing. According to the arrangement of the Zheng family, the old man Zhang went to Chongqing first to settle down, and then went there with his family.

I don't know why, but the old man of the Zhang family still refused at the beginning, but maybe he figured it out later, and took the initiative to ask Ying to go to Chongqing to settle down.

At this time, there are still four guards standing guard at the gate of the Zhang family. This is the arrangement of the old man of the Zheng family.

Originally, Zheng Man wanted to say that the Zhang family was very safe and there was nothing to worry about, but he couldn't be more stubborn than Mr. Zheng Boqu, so he could only be forced to accept this status quo.

Because Mr. Zheng's words are also very simple and rude, the original words are like this: "Xiaoman, do you think the child in your stomach is simply a child? No, no, he also marks the love between you and that kid Zhang Yulin , this is the crystallization of your love. You have an obligation to protect your two children."

Zheng Man was not such an indecisive woman, but since she became pregnant, she has become a different person—sentimental, sometimes like a living husband stone.

"Mom, are you going out again?" Standing on the attic on the second floor, Zheng Man said to Yu Zhiyun who was about to go out.

"Yes, it's time to buy a chicken and kill it for you, but I can't let my grandson starve to death." Yu Zhiyun smiled kindly towards the upstairs, she is a kind-hearted and generous woman.

"Thanks for your hard work!" Zheng Man also responded with a smile, and she touched her belly which was not too small and smiled slightly.

Smile, full of sweetness.

"Yulin, I miss our child. If it's a boy, it must be as heroic as you; if it's a girl, it must be as gentle and sweet as me." Zheng Man murmured softly, her face full of sweetness.

She was always waiting for her husband to come back from the front line.

Except for politicians, probably no one likes war!

The camera returns to the Wutailing battlefield.

At this time, the Japanese army was pressing hard under the cover of aircraft and artillery, and the pressure on the defenders was not small at all.

"Report to the regiment commander! Chen Guanyong's battalion seems to be overwhelmed. The Japanese boys are too aggressive!" A combat staff officer ran to the regiment commander Long Shaoan and reported.

"Order the second battalion to press up! Make sure the front line is stable!" Captain Long Shaoan frowned. Obviously, he didn't have much confidence in this defensive battle!

"Yes! Commander!" The combat staff officer responded.

No one around him can understand the bitterness in Long Shaoan's heart at this moment, but they only know that the pressure on Captain Long's shoulders is not clear, but what they don't know is that this battle is destined to be just a fight A very fierce defeat!

And it must be a losing battle that can only be lost, not won!
After giving this order, Long Shaoan turned his head to look backward, but the corner of his mouth moved slightly, and said in a voice that only he could hear: "Commander, commander-in-chief, our regiment will be wiped out in this battle." It's not a pity. But, the next battle must be won..."


PS: Updates are coming!

(End of this chapter)

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