War of Resistance

Chapter 956 Preparations for the 1st Police Regiment

Chapter 956 Preparations for the First Police Regiment
The pace of the Japanese army is gradually accelerating, and the balance of victory is gradually tilting towards the Japanese army!

At this moment, the head of the regiment, Long Shao'an, joined another battalion, and finally stabilized his position.

In fact, needless to say, Long Shaoan also knew that in this situation, without any reinforcements, there would be no dawn of victory!

"The China Army has already sent reinforcements, and the reserve troops probably won't be able to last long." A cold light flashed in Tanaka Shengdao's eyes, which was clearly visible, and he sternly shouted: "Order the troops, continue to strengthen the attack!!"

"Hay!!" The staff officer beside him responded.

Soon, a new round of strong attack was launched again, and the Japanese army still used the old three methods to carry out the strong attack.

But this time, the situation is not as clear as it was at the beginning——

One is that the positions of the national army have already had certain gaps in the first round of onslaught by the Japanese army; The strength of the firepower of the national army has increased.

With these three points, the balance of victory has been gradually tilted towards the Japanese army.


On a mountain behind Wutailing University.

This is not an ordinary mountain. To be more precise, this mountain is full of officers and soldiers of the national army with live ammunition.

However, these national army officers and soldiers were wearing light blue military uniforms, not the goose yellow military uniforms of the Central Army.

Obviously, these are officers and soldiers of the Cantonese Army.

"Yuchen, this time, according to your estimation, how long can Long Shaoan and the others last?" Wu Qiwei asked Ou Zhen, the teacher beside him.

"Sir, Long Shao'an's regiment is the worst-equipped regiment in our army, but the victory lies in the extremely high will of all officers and soldiers to resist the Japanese. If you want to speak with conscience, I think they can only survive for a day at most." Ou Zhen He is not exaggerating, he knows his own troops better than anyone else.

"One day is enough..." Wu Qiwei said in a deep voice, "Now the troops are gradually getting closer, we can't delay here for too long, we must let the old fox of Matsuura see hope!"

"Sir, this matter is naturally known to me. Don't say they can last a day. After a day, even if they can continue to fight, I have to let them evacuate." Ou Zhen said directly.

"Yes, that's the way to do it. Let Long Shaoan retreat after a certain time. The specific time is up to you!" Wu Qiwei made a conclusion.

"Yes! Sir!" Ou Zhen responded.


Wu Qiwei and Ou Zhen were busy digging a big hole for the Japanese army, but Zhang Tianhai was not idle.

After a brief one-hour rest, Zhang Tianhai ordered the troops to move on again.

The difference was that this time, in order to boost everyone's morale, Zhang Tianhai dismounted and walked, leading the horse forward.

The purpose is to let his subordinates see that their chief is following them forward!

Sure enough, the effect of this move was great. When the officers and soldiers of the [-]st Guard Regiment of the Ninth War Zone saw that their regiment commander was also walking forward like them, the morale of the entire army was suddenly raised.

"Teacher, the speed of our troops is relatively fast in general, but our special agent company is also going along with us. I'm afraid it's inconvenient?" said Liu Houming, the commander of the special agent company.

"No matter how inconvenient it is, we have to follow the main force! In this battle, the role of the spy company is to protect the regiment headquarters together with the guard company!" Zhang Tianhai said very seriously.

"But..." Liu Houming just wanted to continue, but was frightened by Zhang Tianhai's eyes, and did not continue.

"What's the matter? Let your spy company serve as my bodyguard, is this treating you badly?" Zhang Tianhai's eyes were very scary, and his tone was very serious.

"No...no, I will absolutely obey the orders of the Tuan Zuo!" Liu Houming hurriedly stood at attention and saluted. After all, it was the first time he saw the Tuan Zuo's eyes be so terrifying.

"Well, take care of your troops." Zhang Tianhai nodded, not to pursue the matter.

Liu Houming walked away resentfully, but he didn't know that in the heart of Captain Zhang Tianhai, this big battle would be more severe than any other battle.

Yes, the battle of Wanjialing was a great victory in the end, but who knew the scene of blood flowing into rivers and mountains of corpses?
The later the War of Resistance Against Japan goes, the harder it will be to fight.

But anyone who has seriously studied the history of the Anti-Japanese War will know it, let alone Zhang Tianhai, who has carefully studied the history of the Anti-Japanese War before crossing.

Matsuura Junrokuro finally ran away with dozens of people. Why were they able to run? Where is the "last mile" gap?
Zhang Tianhai once seriously thought about this problem, but he never let it go. The troops in his hands now consist of thousands of elite troops--if used well, it can expand the results of the battle; But it's all here.

With such a result, Zhang Tianhai can't afford to lose, nor can he lose!
In this battle, no one knew how much Zhang Tianhai valued the secret service company—no matter what, the 200-odd people in the secret service company were more important than the hundreds of dead men Zhang Lingfu flew into Zhang Gushan Elite?Besides, their morale is not inferior to those dead soldiers!
In any case, the direction of this battle has deviated a little from the real history, and his advantage of Zhang Tianhai's familiarity with history has been slowly diminishing.

The Japanese army has always been those of Matsuura Junrokuro, but the national army has increased his police regiment by more than 6000 people, and these 6000 people are more elite than other troops!
This is the key point - after the addition of more than 6000 elites, how will Commander-in-Chief Xue Yuexue use their regiment?How will the battle plan be adjusted?If the battle plan is adjusted, will they be at the forefront of attacking the [-]th Division of Matsuura Junrokuro?

These various factors are all issues that Zhang Tianhai needs to consider, but a quick march is still necessary, otherwise he will not be able to get a ticket to participate in the battle, or he may be held accountable for delaying the fighter plane.

In Zhang Tianhai's prediction, the spy company was the sharp knife edge of the police regiment, and whether it could pierce the Japanese army position mainly depended on the spy company.

Just because he saw it this way and implemented it according to this plan, Zhang Tianhai didn't want the spy company to suffer any damage in the frontline operations. Even if Liu Houming had this idea, he must strictly stop it.

"Old Zhang, I can see that you are also very nervous this time." Guo Qiliang said with a smile.

"Old Guo, this battle must be handled with caution. If there is any carelessness, our regiment will be ruined." Zhang Tianhai felt that it was necessary to exaggerate the matter to attract the ideological attention of the cadres.

"Yes, you, Zhang, basically don't talk nonsense when you talk, I trust you." Guo Qiliang smiled.

"I just received a telegram from the front, saying that the vanguard of the Japanese army has reached Wutai Ridge. The defender is Wu Qiwei's Fourth Army, and that army is from Guangdong. I don't know how long it will last." Zhang Tianhai said.

"I just arrived at Wutai Ridge, isn't there a distance?" Guo Qiliang still had a smile on his face.

"If that wasn't the case, I would have let you go with the vanguard of our regiment." Zhang Tianhai laughed.


PS: Updates are coming!

Thank you for the 200 point coin reward from Qiqidian book friend Leggeshen!

(End of this chapter)

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