Chapter 963

"Even the mission of the main attacking force, you have taken a good look at it. Presumably you have the direction of the battle, right?" Guo Qiliang said with a smile, "You, you are really hiding something."

"No, am I afraid of talking too much, so I'm showing my tongue?" Zhang Tianhai said with a wry smile. He really couldn't say anything.

"Okay, I understand you." Guo Qiliang patted Zhang Tianhai on the shoulder and said.


The national army is gradually getting ready, and the head of the 20th Division of the Japanese Army, Matsuura Junrokuro, is still looking forward to his good teammate——When the headquarters of the No. 20 Seventh Division headed southeast, No. [-] After the Seventh Division failed to attack Qilin Peak and Baishui Street, they immediately marched westward without any hesitation.

In this way, Masaharu Honma abandoned Lieutenant General Junrokuro Matsuura's troops who were still desperately walking towards Baishui Street.

The afterglow of the setting sun is illuminating everything around, as if it has coated everything around with a layer of gold. Rows of Japanese troops in brown-yellow military uniforms are migrating between the mountains, and some Japanese soldiers have wrapped in gauze.

Obviously, this is a wounded soldier of the Japanese army.

"Keep!! Speed ​​up!!!" The officers of the Japanese army were shouting. They knew that the order they had received was to march westward, but no one would ask why they didn't continue to march southeast.

Soldiers take obeying orders as their bounden duty, not only prevalent in the national army, but also in the Japanese army-the superiors naturally have their reasons for doing so.

Although the Japanese army has a long-standing tradition of defeating superiors, except for a few troops dominated by the Emperor's sect, most of the circumstances of restraining superiors are not that serious.

More importantly, the order to go west this time was issued with a ban.

So far, Masaharu Honma has no choice.


The No. 20 Seventh Division is on the way, and the large troops of the [-]th Division have completed their task of entering the mountain. Basically, all villages and vital areas have been occupied.

"Your Excellency, division commander, the villages and highlands have been occupied now, please instruct me whether to proceed with the next step!" A not-so-thin Japanese army major ran to Matsuura Junrokuro and reported.

It is normal for troops to finish quickly, but it is really difficult to finish so quickly.

Therefore, Lieutenant General Matsuura Junrokuro was overjoyed, and he said: "Yoxi, it's done very well! Immediately send a powerful part of the vanguard to attack northwest!"

It is Matsuura Junrokuro's established strategic policy to rescue after gaining a firm foothold, so as to ensure his own safety and carry out rescue.

"Hay!!!" Major responded, and then went to carry out the order.


As soon as the camera turns, it turns back to Jiujiang County.

At this time, Jiujiang County is still so dilapidated, and it has long since been destroyed by the war, but there are always a few houses that are good.

However, these few good houses had long been used as the front-line combat headquarters of the Japanese army. Although some people went back to the city to take a look, they chose to return to the countryside when they saw the dilapidated city.

The reputation of the Japanese army's cruelty has already spread throughout China.

Standing in front of the alley that was still playing well, Neiji Okamura's eyes were serious. He looked at the blue sky, but he didn't know what he was thinking.

"If it goes well, then the decisive battle on Nanxun Road will be settled." Neji Okamura murmured.

Yes, the progress of the battle in recent days has not gone well, making Neji Okamura feel very troubled, after all, voices of dissatisfaction with him have already appeared in the base camp.

Both the North Route Army and the Central Route Army have achieved good results, but the progress of their South Route Army is not smooth.

"Mr. Xiaolin, whether our South Route Army can successfully control Nanxun Road depends on this battle." Neji Okamura said in a deep voice, looking at the chief of staff Asaburo Kobayashi next to him.

"Your Excellency, we have already made preparations. Whether the rest can win or not depends on the heavens." Kobayashi Asaburo said solemnly, and then changed his smiling face again: "Your Excellency, I believe that in the Emperor's With His Majesty's blessing, we will surely win this battle quickly."

That's right, a quick win.The Japanese army didn't take the national army seriously at all. In their view, the actions of the national army were nothing more than stubborn resistance.

Winning this war is only a matter of time. They believe that what they should consider is how to win quickly, not who wins and who loses.

"I hope!" Neiji Okamura nodded, turned to Kobayashi Asaburo and said, "By the way, what's the situation with the headquarters of the [-]st Division?"

"Report Commander, the headquarters of the [-]st Division is ready to leave. They have suffered heavy losses in the battle on the German star line. They are also in a fierce confrontation with the Chinese army. If our army wants to get rid of the entanglement of the Chinese army, I am afraid there will be some It will be difficult, but they are already preparing. According to the report of Masaki Ito, who is already wounded in bed, their troops will try their best to get rid of the entanglement of the Chinese army, and then turn to the direction of Wanjialing."

"Soga, I can only hope that the troops of the 20st Division will get rid of the entanglement of the China Army on the Tokushi Line as soon as possible!" Okamura Ningji nodded and said, "By the way, order the commander of the Honma Masahiro Division to be sure to Head towards Wanjialing as soon as possible to rescue the Matsuura Division, otherwise, all consequences will be borne by the No.[-] Seventh Division!"

"Just call Honma Yaharu's division commander directly like this? I'm afraid it's not right? Your Excellency, Commander!" Kobayashi Asaburo persuaded Okamura Ningji, and even his brows, which were not too strong, frowned slightly. stand up.

Apparently, Asaburo Kobayashi disapproved of Okamura Neiji's doing this, which did damage his image.

"No, Kobayashi-kun, you are wrong to think so." Neiji Okamura shook his head, "I have been in touch with Masaharu Honma for a long time, and he is quite accomplished in combat, but he is treacherous and cunning. At this time, the 20th Division is already in danger, and the situation of their No.[-] [-]th Division will be very troublesome. According to the character of Masaharu Honma, he is very likely to escape, so we must give him repeated orders. All right, in case he escapes!"

"Hay!! Your Excellency the Commander is wise!" Kobayashi Asaburo flattered.

"Immediately execute it! Otherwise, Honma-kun may lead his troops to escape." Neiji Okamura also knew that with the character of Masaharu Honma, he was very clear about how big the backstage was to be able to get into this position.

Although among the two, one is the commander of the army and the other is the commander of the division, but their ranks are the same. With the support of the latter's backstage, Neiji Okamura can only try his best to urge Masaharu Honma to fight desperately , but it cannot be taken down directly.

"Hay!!" Kobayashi Asaburo responded again, and who would have known that the two of them had cooperated until their empire surrendered?


I have to say that Okamura Ningji has his reasons for being able to stand out among a group of outstanding Japanese soldiers. For example, he is really accurate in seeing people.

As soon as this telegram was sent, it immediately made Yaqing's scalp go numb: Isn't it bullshit to ask him to bear all the consequences? What is the status of the No.20 Seventh Division now?


PS: Updates are coming!

Thank you for the 100 point coin reward from Qiqidian book friend Leggeshen!

(End of this chapter)

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