War of Resistance

Chapter 964 Surprise attack on Qilin Peak!

Chapter 964 Surprise attack on Qilin Peak!
"Shivering... why did Commander Neiji Okamura give such an order?" Masaharu Honma broke out in a cold sweat, he already knew what Neiji Okamura really thought of him.

"Then what should we do?" Maeda Shaozuo asked.

"Well... order the troops to stop advancing immediately!" Masaharu Honma made a decision that he thought was very correct.

To go, or not to go?

These two thoughts were intertwined in Masahiro Homma's mind, and finally, he made a very wise decision: kill back!

Why do you want to kill back?Because since Lieutenant General Neiji Okamura had guessed that they would take this step, if they didn't fight back, it wouldn't make sense, and Neji Okamura would punish them to death!

Therefore, Masaharu Honma said to Shao Zuo Maeda: "Order the troops, the rear team will change to the front team to attack Qilin Peak directly! Be sure to take down Qilin Peak in the shortest possible time! Even use secret weapons!"

"Hay!!" Maeda Shaozuo responded.


The camera then turned to the national army, the location, Qilin Peak.

Compared with the morning, there were far fewer defenders on Qilin Peak. Because the Japanese army retreated and fled in a hurry, the commanders of the national army relaxed their vigilance: since the little Japanese had already fled, the possibility of them killing back immediately was very high. Small, limited troops should be placed in other places, such as pursuit battles, or some troops should be rotated to rest in order to deal with the next battle.

Therefore, there is only one battalion of troops left to guard the national army defenders on Qilin Peak.

To be more prepared, only the troops of this battalion are guarding within three kilometers, because other troops are already hurrying to rest!

If the Japanese army hadn't just left, I'm afraid there would be only one company of defenders left on Qilin Peak, and a battalion at this time is already very good.

"Sure enough, the scenery on Qilin Peak is really beautiful..." Battalion Commander Du Renjie sighed, it was the first time he led his troops to station here.

As an officer from the local army, Du Renjie is naturally not one of those high-achieving Whampoa students. He is a young outstanding student from the local martial arts hall.

Looking down from Qilin Peak, it seems to be a natural commanding height, and the surrounding scenery can be seen at a glance, which is too beautiful to behold.It's a pity that the surrounding area is full of choking gunpowder smoke, which makes people feel bored, and naturally dilutes the joy of the beautiful scenery.

"Battalion Commander, we have been fighting for so long since we came from Shanxi. To be honest, we haven't really appreciated the surrounding scenery." Said an officer next to him who was obviously wearing the uniform of the Jinsui Army.

"Yes! Since graduating from our Shanxi Military Academy, we have spent a lot of time in the north, and we have seen the mountains and rivers in the south, but the scenery of Qilin Peak makes people feel very comfortable. "Du Renjie said with a smile, the joy on his face can be seen from the heart.

"Old Guotou said that the more pleasant the scenery, the more people may die. He said that this is to suck human blood to nourish the mountain." The lieutenant next to him said.

"It's a pity! Lao Guotou didn't survive until now, otherwise he should have praised this place as a place of good geomantic omen, suitable for burying people." When talking about this "Old Guotou", Du Renjie expressed a trace of regret , obviously, that's a veteran, and a fun veteran at that.

"Old Guotou, he even survived the Central Plains War, but he didn't survive the war against the little devil. It's a pity, this time we beat the little devil to the ground. It's a pity that the old Guotou saw Gone." The lieutenant sighed.

"Don't worry! Lao Guotou left very at ease. Didn't Lao Guotou always say that before he left? His life should not be lost on the battlefield of the civil war, but should be died for the national war." Du Renjie patted the lieutenant on the shoulder and said, "By the way, the companies have fully entered their positions now, right?"

The lieutenant nodded and said: "Report to the battalion commander, I have ordered the companies to enter the predetermined positions according to your instructions. Now the companies have entered the predetermined positions and are already cleaning the positions. If there are no accidents, they will soon We can complete the task of cleaning the battlefield."

"Very good! Just act quickly!" Du Renjie said, "These little devils are very cunning. If they don't make sure, they will figure it out one day and kill them back. We can't let them be caught off guard."

"I understand." The lieutenant nodded, and then said: "But, Battalion Commander, I think this situation should be unlikely, right? The little devils have already run away, and they can't take down Qilin Peak. There's no need to come back and take your own humiliation, right?"

Du Renjie shook his head with a smile, and then pointed in the direction of the Japanese army's retreat: "Xiao Fang, you should know that now is the time when our troops are most empty. It's uncomfortable. Look over there, that's where the little devil retreats, we have to keep an eye on it... damn it!!"

While talking, Du Renjie picked up the binoculars and looked at the bend of the road in the distance. The next scene made him utter a rude word.

"Fucking little devil, what are you afraid of? Xiao Fang! Immediately order the troops to prepare for battle! At the same time, call the regiment headquarters and tell the regiment that emergency support is needed!!" Du Renjie put down the binoculars with an anxious face Said to Fang Zhengxing, the lieutenant staff officer next to him.

"Yes! Battalion Commander!!" Seeing Du Battalion Commander's expression, Fang Zhengxing hadn't guessed what was going on? !impossible!The little devil must have killed the carbine!
Soon, Fang Zhengxing effectively carried out the command of the battalion commander.


Regarding the news that the little devil had shot back at Qilin Peak, the regiment headquarters did not dare to hesitate, and immediately reported it to the brigade headquarters; Shang Zhen, the commander-in-chief of the 20th Group Army and the commander of the No.30 Second Army.

After Shang Zhen learned about it, he urgently ordered his troops to assemble and prepare to defend Qilin Peak to the death.

However, it is a pity that due to the weak defensive strength of the Qilin Peak troops and the lack of reinforcements to rescue them, under the fierce offensive of the Japanese army using poison gas bombs, the Qilin Peak fell, and the entire battalion of the defenders was wiped out on the Qilin Peak.


"Report to the head of the regiment! The Qilin Peak defenders have lost contact!" A combat staff officer ran to the head of the regiment, Li Shifu, and reported.

Like most of the chief officers of Shang Zhen's army, Li Shifu also graduated from the Shanxi Armed Forces Academy. All this had to start from the time when Shang Zhen was in charge of Shanxi after the Central Plains War.

It is true that Shang Zhen was born under Yan Xishan's department, and he was also a general. However, after Yan Xishan's defeat in the Central Plains War, Yan Xishan resigned. In order to regain the ruling power in Shanxi, under his vigorous efforts, he was supposed to be the chairman of HEB Province. Shang Zhen, who was born in raw water, was transferred to the chairman of the SX province.

This is terrible, because Shang Zhen's one-year efforts in Hebei came to naught, and before Yan Xishan left Dalian, he ordered Xu Yongchang and Yang Aiyuan to take charge of Shanxi's aftermath as the chief and deputy commanders of the Jinsui Garrison Command.

It was precisely because of the fact that Shang Zhen was sitting on pins and needles in the position of the chairman of the SX province, and was completely left alone, and the situation was not generally difficult. This also led to the situation where Shang Zhen led his troops to leave the Jin Dynasty.

Therefore, Shang Zhen's department is not currently from the Jinsui Army, but it is inextricably linked with the Jinsui Army.


PS: Updates are coming!

Thank you for the 100 point coin reward from Qiqidian book friend Leggeshen!

(End of this chapter)

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