War of Resistance

Chapter 966 Exposure

Chapter 966 Exposure
The Japanese planes were whining, but Guo Qiliang was very uncomfortable watching them. Just as he was about to let the small artillery company use the Soloton cannon to sweep down the planes of these little devils, Zhang Tianhai stopped this move—— —

"Wait a minute, brother Guo. We can't reveal our position. If we use the Soloton cannon, it will definitely expose our army's deployment near Wanjialing." Zhang Tianhai said very calmly.

Zhang Tianhai also knew that his army was indeed very strong in terms of overall strength, but it was precisely because of this that it was easy to expose his strategic intentions.

It should be noted that under normal circumstances, what is the purpose for the enemy to hide such an elite force in the mountains?Here comes the answer, there must be a trump card yet to be used.

No matter how arrogant Matsuura Junrokuro is, he will definitely consider the survival of the entire army. If he enters the enemy's encirclement, and the enemy has a large number of elite troops, it will be very dangerous.

Therefore, Guo Qiliang thought about it, and felt that Zhang Tianhai was right to do this. After all, among the current national army, there are not many troops with Soloton machine guns...

"Okay, what you said is right." Guo Qiliang nodded.

"The reconnaissance plane of the Japanese army has appeared near here, which proves that we are not far from the frontline battlefield. And the forward troops of the Japanese army must be very close to us. Deputy Commander Guo, your first echelon must win the first battle No matter what, we must win the first battle!" Zhang Tianhai took the lead in setting the tone.

In Zhang Tianhai's view, many things have to rely on the celebration of "a good start". At least if you win the first battle, you will have the right to speak and morale will improve.

"Yes, don't worry. Although my command experience is not as rich as yours, it is definitely not bad. Just wait and see! There is absolutely no problem." Guo Qiliang said confidently.

"Okay." Zhang Tianhai nodded.

While talking, the Japanese planes were getting closer and closer. Zhang Tianhai and others even saw the dog skin plaster marks on their wings. They thought that if the Soloton cannon could be used at this point, one or two planes would definitely be left behind. airplane.

I saw that the three planes were getting closer and closer, and they made a loud noise when the plane's engines were running, which sounded very frightening.

"Adjutant Xu, please send me an order to order the special agent company Commander Liu Houming to lead the special agent company to infiltrate Wanjialing and Lei Minggu Liu. Don't engage in head-on fire with the little devil unless it is absolutely necessary." Zhang Tianhai told the adjutant Xu Xundao carefully.

"Yes, Tuan Zuo!" Xu Xun responded, and hurried to convey Zhang Tianhai's order.


After hearing the sound of the Japanese planes, the officers and soldiers of the First Police Regiment all adopted the method of avoiding air strikes used in normal training to avoid the air attack—although the quality of the officers of the First Police Regiment is not as good as it was when it was first established It is as high as that, but overall it is still good. At least at the company and platoon level, there are still quite a few educated and combat-experienced people who serve as commanders.

It is precisely because the police regiment attaches great importance to air defense training that they have reduced a lot of casualties in the face of enemy air strikes and bombings.

The police regiment has worked hard on air defense training, but the pilots of Little Japan are not vegetarians—although the officers and soldiers of the police regiment have made sufficient preparations for air defense, they have been flying for a long time and executed In front of the veteran pilots who have survived countless combat missions, it is obvious that they still look a little immature.

"Shhhhhhh~~chug chug..."

A row of large-caliber aircraft cannon bullets pierced the air, and then hit the ground fiercely. A few unlucky soldiers had already been hit by the bullets.

"Puff puff……"

A few unlucky soldiers were hit and let out a scream, and the officers and soldiers below shot at the sky with light machine guns and rifles.

Since the ratio of machine guns in the police regiment was still good, the Japanese planes in the sky rushed to flee. After all, they only had three planes, and countless machine guns were aimed at them for strafing.

Soon, an enemy plane was emitting fireworks from its tail, then crashed into the mountains, and then exploded.

For a while, cheers continued.

But listening to the cheers, Zhang Tianhai had the urge to faint—the hidden position has been exposed, what if it affects the direction of the entire Wanjialing battle?Can he shoulder this historical responsibility?
Thinking about it, Zhang Tianhai's mind flashed with worry, it was an indescribable fear.

"Old Zhang, it looks like your complexion is not very good. Don't worry! There must be a way for the car to reach the mountain!" Guo Qiliang naturally knew why Zhang Tianhai had such an urge to faint. Comforted.

"There is no other way, and this is the only way." Zhang Tianhai gritted his teeth and said bitterly.

Indeed, Zhang Tianhai hated it, it was quite hated - if he had issued an order earlier that the people below saw the enemy planes and did not carry out counter-air strikes easily, maybe this would not have happened.

But things have come to this, what else can we do?

Thinking about it, Zhang Tianhai let out a long sigh. Sometimes, if you miscalculate a step, it is really a miscalculation...


When Zhang Tianhai was troubled, the fear of the two Japanese pilots had not been relieved...

Konishi Sakai is an ace pilot from the Japanese Army Aviation Corps. The reason why he is called an ace is that he has successfully completed related combat missions many times, but this time is different. This time the mission is really dead Escaped - this is the most dangerous time he has faced since entering the Chinese battlefield last summer, and he has also faced the most ferocious anti-aircraft firepower.

"Damn it! The Chinese Army ambushed at least one division near here! I have to report this situation to the Air Force Command!" Sakai Konishi said bitterly. He had never encountered such a situation before. revenge!

Not only Kosai Sakai thought so, but even Konosuke Momono, another surviving pilot, believed that at least one division of combat troops was ambushed here, and it should be the Central Army of the Chinese army!

Because, only the division-level troops of the Central Army can have such intensive machine gun firepower, and it is not necessarily the case for other troops.

The two surviving Japanese pilots thought so, and the Air Force Headquarters naturally had no way of verifying it. They could only report to Commander Neiji Okamura based on the information they got.


On the outskirts of Jiujiang County, the Japanese frontline combat airfield.

This airport is located in the east of Jiujiang County. It is the rear of the Japanese Jiujiang troops, which is worthy of the name. The airport is densely packed with 32 combat aircrafts. All of them are covered with dog skin plaster signs symbolizing the Japanese troops. A red circle.

"Sakai-kun, Momono-kun! Do you analyze the same situation?" asked Yamamoto Nakashou, the supreme commander of the airport.

"Yes, sir! It is because of this reason that Saito-kun cannot return safely! Please believe me!" Sakai Kusai assured very firmly, and Momono Konosuke next to him also nodded.


PS: The first update is here!

There are two more after noon!
Thanks to Qiqidian book friends Leggeshen and EVE_GO for their rewards of 100 points each!

(End of this chapter)

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