War of Resistance

Chapter 967 Running away again!

Chapter 967 Running away again!

Seeing the categorical answers of the two survivors in front of him, General Yamamoto could only choose to believe: "Well, I will immediately pass this information on to Commander Neiji Okamura!"

"Hay!" Sakai and Momono stood at attention and bowed their heads at the same time.


Soon, this information from the illusion of the two pilots was passed to the headquarters of the No. 11 Army of the Japanese Army.

In addition to arriving at the headquarters, more importantly, he also arrived at the office of the commander, Lieutenant General Neiji Okamura.

"Nani?! The air force found a division of the Central Army of the Chinese Army in the area of ​​Shangjinshan?! We lost an ace pilot?!" Okamura Ningji said slightly shocked, after all, the news has been confirmed. A large number of Chinese troops are ambushed near Wanjialing, and it is very likely that they are dominated by the Chinese Central Army!

"Yo Xi!" The major who delivered the translation of the telegram lowered his head and said, "According to the information of the Air Force Commander Yamamoto Nakatoshi, it is indeed so!"

"It seems that the China Army has a big appetite. They not only want to eat my 20th Division, but also my No.[-] Seventh Division... It's a pity that they don't have such a good tooth!" Gang Lieutenant General Cun Ning said angrily, and even the last sentence seemed a little lacking in confidence.

"Shivering... what should we do next?" the major staff officer asked.

"Order the 20st Division to advance as fast as possible, and in addition, let the No.[-] Seventh Division continue to advance towards Wanjialing, and break through the Baishui Street defense line of the Chinese Army at all costs!" Neiji Okamura said in a deep voice.

"Hay!" The Major's staff responded, "Then what should the [-]th Division do now?"

"Let the headquarters of the [-]th Division try their best to march towards Baishui Street! If there is a Chinese army unit, we must strive to wipe it out in one fell swoop! At the same time, send about one division of the Chinese Central Army unit in the direction of Shangjinshan, Please be fully prepared!" Okamura Ningji was full of anger, he was really anxious, if the two divisions were really eaten up, he would have to go back to the domestic military court for trial.

"Hay!!" The major staff officer responded again.


Another telegram was to continue to advance regardless of the safety of the main force of the No. 20 Seventh Division. It was sent again to the Division Headquarters of the No. 20 Seventh Division of the Japanese Army, and again to the division commander Masaharu Honma.

"Reporting to your Excellency, Commander, Commander Neiji Okamura, urgent call! The message ordered our No. 20 Seventh Division headquarters to continue to move towards Baishui Street!" Maeda Shaozuo walked in front of Masaharu Honma and reported.

"Your Excellency, Commander, this is insane! Not to mention that our Qilin Peak has been besieged by the main force of the Chinese Army, let's say that there are at least three divisions of the Chinese Army in the direction of Baishui Street! If we rashly break through Baishui Street, once we go up There is a powerful Chinese army blocking Jinling, and we will face the end of interception and pursuit!" Masaharu Honma said angrily.

"Then what shall we do?" Maeda Shaozuo asked.

"Mr. Maeda, listen, it has reached this point. Nearly a quarter of our division's small infantry has been trapped in Qilin Peak. In addition, we failed to attack on Baishui Street in the morning, and the loss has already Quite a lot, if we use the rest of the main force to continue to rush into Baishui Street, we will only be exhausted here!" Masahiro Honma's heavy eyelids flashed, yes, he had already planned to run away If it weren't for the order of Lieutenant General Ningji Okamura, he would have run away long ago.

But now it's different again, all kinds of forms are reversed, if it really continues to consume, the No.20 Seventh Division will really die!
So, Masaharu Homma's small thoughts came up again - yes, he was going to run away again!
"Your Excellency, Division Commander, I understand! I'm going to make relevant preparations now!" Major Maeda Shinichi said in a deep voice, he can be said to be the No. "confidant", although it exists as an adjutant and a staff officer, but in terms of real power, many of them are greater than the chief of staff.

What is "most trusted"?It's just the closest and most trusted person.

"We must explain to His Excellency Commander Neiji Okamura that we are going to carry out the task of striking the Tianhe Bridge. This is an order from His Excellency General Hata Toshiroku, Commander of the Central China Expeditionary Force." The not-so-good-looking face looked even more ferocious.

"Hay!!" Maeda Shaozuo lowered his head and said.


The decision Yaqing Honma made was actually going to disregard the [-]th Division who was on the verge of death—but he also couldn't care about anything else, as the saying goes, death of a fellow Taoist will not kill a poor Taoist.


Jiujiang, the No.11 Army Headquarters of the Japanese Army.

"Nani?! This red deer, Masaharu Honma, actually went to fight Tianhe Bridge at this time! What does he want to do! He also said that the troops have already transferred to Xintanpu!? Baga Yalu!" General Neji Okamura was furious The telegram translation in his hand was torn to pieces.

Seeing this scene, the combat staff officer next to him didn't dare to speak out at all, but was waiting for His Excellency Commander's instructions.

"Order No. 20 Seventh Division Commander Masaharu Honma again, and order him to rescue the headquarters of the [-]th Division, otherwise the military law will be enforced!" Neiji Okamura has no choice but to send I hope that Masaharu Honma will be fine.

"Hay!" There was another loud response.


The No.20 Seventh Division ran away, and it ran extremely fast, which can almost be described as "running faster than a rabbit".

Why do you run so fast?This has to start with the No.20 Seventh Division attacking Baishui Street——

Time moves forward four hours.

Hase Chuanping was the commander of the No.20 Seventh Division's Second Garrison Wing, and was the main commander in command of the attack on Baishui Street.

There was a slight coolness on the hillside, perhaps because of a drizzle, which made even the wind in the mountains bring a chill. Hase Chuanping was unattractive, compared with most ordinary Japanese officers. , there is nothing particularly outstanding, and the figure is also short and short.

After the No.20 Seventh Division has repeatedly competed with the national army for Qilin Peak, and in addition to the fierce battle in Baishui Street, the strength of the No. [-] Seventh Division has already been reduced sharply, and it is almost stretched to the point where it is stretched.

This is also the most troublesome place for Dazuo Hasegawa - his hair is about to turn white.

"The oil lock card is big! It's really annoying..." Colonel Hasekawa sighed, "The telegram also said that a part of the [-]rd Regiment of the [-]th Division has arrived east of Baishui Street. Why? There is no movement from them?"

As he spoke, Hasegawarai frowned slightly again. Obviously, the delay of the No. 20, 20, and 20 regiments gave him a sense of anxiety: the middle and high-level members of the No.[-] Seventh Division knew that this The head of the first battle did not want to fight anymore, and if the fight continues, the No.[-] Seventh Division will be gone. More importantly, the order that put the No.[-] Seventh Division into such a dangerous situation is His Excellency Commander Neiji Okamura personally issued.

For these No. 20 Seventh Division middle and high-level officers, the sky is falling and there is a tall roof, and the commander of the division, Lieutenant General Masaharu Honma, is in front of everything. What are they afraid of?Just follow the orders though.


PS: The update is here, there will be another update after twelve o'clock!
Thank you for the 100 point coin reward from Qiqidian book friend Leggeshen!

(End of this chapter)

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