War of Resistance

Chapter 968 Help!

Chapter 968 Help!

The camera turned to the east of Baishui Street.

About a brigade of Japanese troops appeared in a mountain forest under the leadership of the captain Yoshimura Masayi Shaozuo, surrounded by lush greenery, making it easy for people to lose their way.

Yoshimura Masaki is not very old, about 30 years old, but under such a harsh environment, it is obvious that he is not in a good mood. The direction of the entire army can only rely on the compass and an unclear military map.

"Baga Yalu, there's nothing in this damn place!" Yoshimura Masai cursed, but he didn't realize that a group of people in the distance had locked them.


In the distance, this is a unit wearing the uniform of the Central Army of the Chinese Army. The leading officer is a young man, about 25 years old, with the rank of lieutenant.

"The little devil has appeared! Report to the division headquarters immediately!" said the young lieutenant officer, his eyes full of sharpness.

"Yes! Company commander!" The communications soldier next to him responded.

The news that one of the 90st, [-]nd and [-]rd Wings of the Japanese Army was in the east of Baishui Street soon spread to the division headquarters of the No. [-] Division.

After receiving the order, Xue Yue, the commander-in-chief of the First Corps, immediately ordered the two divisions of the Sixth Division and the No.90 Division to attack the outstanding Japanese troops in this department, and prevent them from attacking Baishui Street and the headquarters of the No.20 Seventh Division of the enemy. Complete the meeting.

The Sixth Division of the National Army and the No.90 Division were ordered to attack the outstanding part of the Japanese No. 20 Regiment. At the same time, the remnant of the No. [-] Seventh Division of the Japanese Army was ordered to attack Baishui Street. The national army positions launched a fierce attack.

After a tough battle, several attacks by the No. 20 Seventh Division were repelled in front of the overwhelmingly superior national army, and the protruding part of the [-]rd Regiment of the [-]th Division was also defeated by the national army. The army was wiped out.

The first, second, and third regiments of the Japanese army were annihilated by the national army, and it was not without gain. At least, they got some information-the troops that annihilated them in the east of Baishui Street were formed by two members of the National Revolutionary Army. Division-level units with different numbers carried out encirclement and strikes, and obtained the exact number of the opponent.

The news was not only sent back to the Divisional Headquarters of the [-]th Division of the Japanese Army, but Lieutenant General Junrokuro Matsuura also made a wrong decision to pass on the designations of the two divisions east of Baishui Street to Masahiro Honma. The division commander who is ready to escape at any time.

"The China Army is really ruthless... The Sixth Division of the Reserve, the No.90 Division of the Army, plus the [-]th Division of the Army stationed on Baishui Street... There are three divisions in the direction of Baishui Street alone The troops are here... plus the troops near Qilin Peak, there are no less than five divisions of the Chinese Army stationed here!" The more Yaqing Honma analyzed, the colder his "ambition" became, and he even gasped. gas.

It is precisely because of this reason that Masaharu Honma decided to run away, but if there is a glimmer of hope, he will not bear the infamy of running away.

Successive military defeats were the last straw that crushed Masaharu Honma's heart.

But with Masaharu Honma running like this, Matsuura Junrokuro's side is really about to suffer a catastrophe.

However, when the instigator, Lieutenant General Neiji Okamura, realized that the situation was out of control, he urgently ordered the [-]st Division to "get rid of the entanglement of the enemy in front of us as soon as possible, and must reinforce the headquarters of the [-]th Division as soon as possible." At the same time, he also urgently ordered the [-]th Division to "find a breakthrough as soon as possible, so as not to encircle the troops."

When he received the order from Neiji Okamura, the commander of the No.11 Army, Junrokuro Matsuura, who was once invincible, had to face up to the cruel reality in front of him-if they didn't break through, they might not be able to escape!
In the deep mountains of Wanjialing, the headquarters of the commander of Matsuura Junrokuro's division.

"This is really a troublesome thing..." Matsuura Junrokuro adjusted his reading glasses, and then rubbed his temples with a sad face. It seemed that it was not ordinary troubles that could be described.

Indeed, in the face of such great pressure, how many people can laugh?I'm afraid Xiang Yu, the god of war, will also worry about it soon!
"Your Excellency, Commander, what should we do? According to the information, our good friend, Commander Masaharu Honma, has already led his troops in the direction of Xintanpu..." Asked Yano Shinichi, the chief of staff next to him. , and the three words "good friend" are particularly heavy, obviously already very dissatisfied.

"Damn Masaharu Honma! It's a pity that when I was in China, I always bought him drinks! He actually betrayed me like this! What a bastard..." Matsuura Junrokuro murmured, seeing the bruise on his forehead. With blue veins, you know that he is not as calm as he looks, on the contrary, he is quite annoyed.

"What should we do now? Are we just waiting to die here?" Chief of Staff Yano Shinichi also adjusted his glasses, looking gentle and elegant, but everyone knew how cruel he was.

Yano Shinichi, chief of staff of the [-]th Division, is a key figure in the brain of a beast!Where is the kindness and kindness?
"I can only listen to the orders of the Commander. We are now in a desperate state. The only reinforcements we can wait for are the [-]st Division of Commander Masaki Ito. They are here with us. There are also troops, and it is a full formation, which is a quarter of the main force of their division. They have no reason not to come to the rescue, it depends on whether we can last until that day." Junrokuro Matsuura kept He is very clear about his position, and at the same time, he is full of confidence in Lieutenant General Masaki Ito, who has collapsed on the bed and commanded.

From Matsuura Junrokuro's point of view, judging by Ito's personality, it is simply impossible to do the kind of thing that would not save him and abandon his teammates.

Even if Ito Masaki didn't come here to rescue their [-]th Division, he would definitely come to rescue the [-]th Regiment, because the officers and soldiers of the [-]th Regiment are their real "self" people"!
"Your Excellency, Division Commander, I firmly believe that our troops will survive until that day. With the fighting quality of the Chinese army and the strength of our army, it is impossible for them to easily defeat the imperial army! Besides, Okamura Ning It is impossible for the sub-general to turn a blind eye to us!" Yano Shinichi said in a deep voice, looking indeed full of confidence.

"I hope so!" Matsuura Junrokuro sighed.


PS: The first update is here!There will be another update later, please be patient.

Thank you for the 100 dot coin reward from the book friend Legacy of the starting point, and thank you for your support all the time!

(End of this chapter)

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