War of Resistance

Chapter 972 The Battle of Wanjialing

Chapter 972 The Battle of Wanjialing ([-])
Look at the headquarters of the first, second and third regiments.

Due to the emergency information from the Second Squadron of the Third Brigade, Kasao Kijima, the leader of the Situation Coalition, was very nervous for a time - after all, all the troops of the First Brigade have been "broken", and the remaining troops have their own injuries. As Zangji Yamanaka said, it was attacked by the absolute main force of the Chinese army, so is Nantianpu very dangerous?
Standing in the very center of the headquarters, Kijima Kasao walked step by step, looking like those lions and tigers suffering from depression in the zoo.

"What exactly is the China Army trying to do? They have already attacked us in several directions, but Nantianpu is relatively quiet. Now they have gathered such a force to attack us...China Army, where are you coming from?" Such an elite unit?" Kijima Kasao muttered to himself, he was really depressed.

According to the information of the special high-level class, the Chinese army has deployed about five armies in the Wanjialing area, among which the designation is clearly the Fourth Army, the No.60 Sixth Army, the No.70 Fourth Army, and the No.60 Fourth Army. The others are made up of independent divisions and independent brigades.

Absolute main force?Do they have other military-level units?Doubts flashed through Kijima Kasao's mind.

But in the next second, a Japanese army staff officer ran in and reported: "Your Excellency, report to the captain, the second lieutenant Zhongshan Zhongzangji of the third brigade sent an urgent call. He said that the Chinese army's troops are very good. They have fought less than 3 Within minutes, two of their strongholds were taken away, and one of their strongholds was defended by about [-] people. Now they have all retreated into the village to prepare for the final battle."

"In less than 3 minutes, we killed more than 40 of our imperial army! Baga! What is that guy in the mountain doing!" Kijima Kasao couldn't help but curse, although he knew that it was not the fault of Zangji Yamanaka, but The tone in his heart cannot be released without scolding.

"Reporting to your Excellency, Captain, it's not that I want to speak for Yamanaka-kun. I also have old friends with Yamanaka-kun. With the level of Yamanaka-kun, it is impossible to make such low-level mistakes. The enemy must be very strong." The one who came in to report The Japanese army staff officer said.

"So, there is still an elite enemy army dormant near Beitianpu, but they have not yet completed their assembly, or they are waiting for instructions from their superiors!" Kijima Kasao analyzed in a deep voice. His analysis is just It makes sense, after all, it received information from the Division Headquarters that the [-]th Regiment is currently being attacked by the main enemy force from the north, and the pressure is not so great.

According to the information sent back by the 90th Wing, it has been clarified that the main force of the enemy in the north is the No. directly under the headquarters of the First Corps), Kijima Kasao speculated that no matter how good Yoshio Sonoda was, it was impossible to rely on an incomplete formation to resist the attack of two full-scale divisions.

If it weren't for the series of information sent out, where would Kasao Kijima have a basis for judgment?However, it is this elite army in the north that puts a heavy pressure on Captain Mujima - how strong is this army?What is the serial number?Who is the commander?

Everything is unknown, the commander on the opposite side is tickling his heart like a cunning old cat.

"Noda-kun, immediately report this situation to His Excellency the Division Chief, and request the Super High School to provide a list of the elite units of the Central Army of the China Army in the southern Yangtze River area, especially those units with brilliant records!" Kasao Kijima thought for a while, and decided It's very dangerous to make such a move, with a black eye.

"Hay!!" Staff Officer Noda responded.

Soon, this information was sent back to the Divisional Headquarters of the [-]th Division. Lieutenant General Junrokuro Matsuura, who was already in dire straits, agreed to Kasao Kijima's request without even thinking about it. The center of gravity is on the north side. If there is still a problem in the west side, it will be really troublesome.


When the [-]th Division was under a lot of pressure due to the lightning-like sneak attack of the First Regiment of the Ninth Theater Guards of the National Army, the spy company also achieved the expected combat effect-no one was killed or injured, and it got the desired information.

"Company Commander, the enemy army facing us is the troops of the [-]rd Brigade of the [-]rd Brigade of the [-]th Brigade of the [-]th Division of the Japanese Army, and there should not be many troops guarding them. After conquering their two strongholds, they also withdrew their other two strongholds outside the village." The third platoon leader reported.

"Okay! Report to the regiment immediately. We found that the Japanese troops stationed in Beitianpu are the troops of the [-]rd Regiment of the [-]th Division of the Japanese Army. There are not many troops. It is about a squadron. We have already wiped out part of them. , there were no casualties!" Liu Houming said triumphantly, directly repeating Zhang Tianhai's order "not to have a frontal exchange of fire with the Japanese army until it is absolutely necessary".

"But... Didn't the regiment prevent us from having a direct firefight with the Japanese army unless we have to?" said the telecommunications staff officer next to him.

I saw Liu Houming rolled his eyes, patted the military cap of the telecommunications staff officer with his hand, and said: "You are stupid, did the group tell us not to fight with the little devils? What our group said is If we don’t have a frontal exchange of fire with the Japanese army, this is a sneak attack, it doesn’t count!”

Upon hearing this, the telecommunications staff officer felt that this was also the case, so he nodded and said, "It seems to make sense."

Soon, this telegram reached the headquarters of Zhang Tianhai's first security regiment.

It was Zhang Tianhai who received the telegram from the adjutant Xu Xun. Zhang Tianhai frowned when he saw the telegram. Don't you want to confront the Japanese army? It seems that they have already started..."

When he got this piece of information, Zhang Tianhai was really bored: Why?Liu Houming's attack was designated to be noticed by the Japanese army, and the current state of the Japanese army is like a frightened bird. Once something happens, it will definitely attach great importance to it.

"But now, the battle has already been fought, Lao Zhang, you can figure it out!" Guo Qiliang reminded Zhang Tianhai.

"Hey... Damn, this Liu Houming will really find me something to do!" Zhang Tianhai cursed. Based on his understanding of Liu Houming, Liu Houming was appointed to take the initiative to fight this battle, otherwise this telegram must not be Sent like this.

"Now that the blame has been settled, let's talk about what to do next, Lao Zhang." Seeing Zhang Tianhai's troubled look, Guo Qiliang wanted to laugh, which is rare for the latter.

Of course, Guo Qiliang was not gloating. After all, no matter how he fought this battle, he would surely win. More than 1 Japanese troops were surrounded by [-] troops of the national army in the deep mountains. So powerful, what is he afraid of?I'm afraid Zhang Tianhai won't dare to fight...

However, according to Guo Qiliang's understanding of Zhang Tianhai, this battle must be fought, and must be won!

PS: The first update is here!

There is a second update in the afternoon and a third update in the evening!
Thank you for the 200 point coin reward from Qiqidian book friend Leggeshen!

Thank you for the 100-point reward from R, an easy-going book friend from Qidian!

(End of this chapter)

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