War of Resistance

Chapter 973 The Battle of Wanjialing

Chapter 973 The Battle of Wanjialing ([-])
Sure enough, as Guo Qiliang expected, Zhang Tianhai did have this style.

I saw Zhang Tianhai flicked the cigarette butt to the ground, and then stomped it out. He said viciously, "Damn it, my army is only capable of fighting like that. What the hell! I'm afraid that these little devils won't succeed. Return Beitian shop? I even beat Nantian shop together!"

Zhang Tianhai's words were not meant to be harsh words, he was prepared to act, even these, Guo Qiliang also guessed.

Sure enough, Zhang Tianhai said to Xu Xun who was next to him: "Adjutant Xu, immediately report to Commander-in-Chief Xue of the Corps and tell him that the forward troops of our regiment have been entangled with the first, second and third regiments of the Japanese army. It may be difficult to retreat now." There are huge casualties, please tell Chief Xue whether to continue the fight!"

"Yes! Tuan Zuo!" Xu Xun responded, he never questioned Tuan Zuo's orders - in his opinion, Tuan Zuo is a general who wins forever, and he is right to listen to him.

Xu Xun would not doubt Zhang Tianhai's decision, but Guo Qiliang felt that he still had to remind Zhang Tianhai: "Old Zhang, if you do this, is there no suspicion of lying about the military situation? It seems that it is not good to kill first and then play?"

I saw Zhang Tianhai raised his eyebrows, and said in a deep voice: "Who said we lied about the military situation? Who said we killed first and then played? The secret service company is not a unit of our regiment? If they suffer losses in the front, who can tell? Tell you , Lao Guo, let the troops of the first echelon gather immediately, and you will lead the team to join the spy company. In addition, order the small artillery company, mortar company, artillery battalion, and cavalry battalion to move forward for me!"

"Yes! Group seats!!" Guo Qiliang stood at attention and saluted, his brows were filled with joy and excitement. Even these troops went up. Zhang Yulin was ready to fight a tough battle that must be won!
According to Zhang Tianhai's previous arrangement, the first echelon is for tough battles, and the second echelon is for defensive battles and the role of the reserve team.

"What about our second echelon?" Li Yinglun asked.

"The second echelon dispatched a sixth battalion to act as a reserve team. The guard company, third battalion, fifth battalion, and supply battalion are responsible for guarding the task of going to Jinshan and waiting for the next step." Zhang Tianhai said to Li Yinglun, "I Follow the main force of the regiment headquarters to Beitianpu, fuck his son of a bitch first!"

Zhang Tianhai's words were very arrogant, because he had the confidence!
"Yes! Tuan Zuo!" Li Yinglun responded. After being here for so long, he seemed to understand Zhang Tianhai's temperament: he is usually easy to talk, but when his temper comes up, anyone dares to fight. He will never be cowardly. On the basis of being able to win battles.


Soon, under a series of combat orders from the head of the regiment Zhang Tianhai, the extremely elite war machine of the First Guard Regiment of the Ninth Theater began to operate slowly.

Even the spy company on the front line received orders from Zhang Tianhai. The content of Zhang Tianhai's orders was very simple. It roughly meant that if there were enough troops, they could attack the Japanese army appropriately, but the main task was to keep an eye on the Japanese army. , to see if they have reinforcements or something.

"Let me just say it! The troupe will definitely come to fight these little devils. Didn't the first, second and third regiments of the Japanese army kill a brigade on Baishui Street in the north? We just happened to be blind cats who caught this dead Mouse, with the strength of our regiment, it’s not a problem to have just one alliance in the front, let alone this kind of old, weak, sick and disabled? The regiment will definitely not let go of this good opportunity, hehehehe..." Saying, Liu Houming just started laughing, not just treacherous.


Near Shangjin Mountain, teams of national army officers and soldiers in light yellow uniforms were quickly assembled under the command of the commander.

"Hurry up! Let me move faster!"

"I usually brag about how I'm going to do little Japan. When things come to an end, everyone is a coward, and I'm going to fuck you up! Let me tell you, whoever delays the opportunity will be shot!"

The company commanders are roaring, full of momentum, this is another fierce battle for them, fighting with the regiment, nothing else, just one word - cool!

This is the main force of the first regiment of the security guards gathering. Thousands of troops are gathering rapidly, and their speed is not so fast.

Like other times, this time the cavalry battalion also shouldered the task of transporting the artillery battalion, and the war horse turned into a pack horse once again...

Standing on the top of the mountain and looking at the murderous looks of the troops brought out by himself, Zhang Tianhai's hanging heart slightly let go-he finally didn't bring out a group of cowardly soldiers, the troops he brought out were all It's screaming, who can go to battle to kill the enemy and wipe out the bandits!

"This time, if our regiment doesn't beat up the Matsuura Division, it won't be worthy of the title of our regiment." Guo Qiliang said with a smile, indeed, with such a strong strength, we can fight against a half-disabled regiment. , definitely not a problem.

"Look! Take Beitianpu first, and then march towards Nantianpu. I have a hunch that this Nantianpu will be a hard stubble." Zhang Tianhai said seriously, Nantianpu is the seven inches of the defense line of the Japanese [-]th Division. Once this place can be captured, the Japanese army will be cut into two pieces!

At the same time, Zhang Tianhai also knew that according to the historical process, the national army would soon launch a full-scale onslaught, and the Japanese army's defensive pace would soon be chaotic.

The reason is very simple. The endless mountains are already confusing, not to mention these Japanese soldiers who are not familiar with their places of life. When they face the attack of the national army that is several times their own, they are very likely to get lost. direction.

"Then let's fight hard, like the Battle of Tangtou, isn't it that we have won such a difficult battle?" Guo Qiliang smiled and said, as if he was full of confidence in the road ahead.


While Zhang Tianhai and others were on the move, the headquarters of the First Corps of the Ninth Theater of the National Army finally received a call from the headquarters of the First Corps of Zhang Tianhai's Guard.

"Reporting to the commander-in-chief, Zhang Tianhai, head of the first regiment of the theater security, called. According to Zhang Tianhai's report, they are already entangled with the first, second, and third regiments of the Japanese army in the direction of Beitianpu. If they retreat, There may be huge casualties, and he asked us for instructions, do we want to continue the fight?" A lieutenant colonel officer ran to Xue Yue and reported.

Xue Yue glanced at the location of Beitianpu, then looked at the location of Nantianpu, and then asked, "What did you say? They got entangled with one of the Japanese First, Second, and Third Regiments?"

"Yes! Sir, according to Commander Zhang's call, that is indeed what he said." The lieutenant colonel said seriously.

After hearing this answer, Xue Yue finally couldn't help laughing "puchi", he said: "This Zhang Yulin is so fucking cunning... He obviously wants to beat the first, second and third teams of others, so he has to say I encountered the Japanese army and got entangled. Do you really think I, Xue Boling, is a fool?"

"Then the commander-in-chief means to stop the first guard regiment from attacking?" the lieutenant colonel asked.

"No, no, if you say that, that kid Zhang Yulin will fight me desperately." Xue Yue smiled and shook his head, "Not only must we let them fight, but we must let them win!"

"Why?" The lieutenant colonel said almost subconsciously.

Speaking of this, Xue Yue couldn't help but shook his head, and said very helplessly: "This kid Zhang Yulin is confusing me, the first, second and third regiments were wiped out yesterday, and they are still fighting with them today." Fighting against the first regiment of the guards? Can these little Japanese beat the officers and soldiers of the first regiment of the guards who are as fierce as tigers? Don't worry! You can't suffer, if you still suffer when you have an absolute advantage, you must report it to the committee Commander, try to remove him from the post of colonel of the [-]st Guard Regiment."

"So that's it, I understand!" The lieutenant colonel responded, and then went to carry out Chief Xue's order.


PS: The second update is here!

Thank you for the 100 point coin reward from Qiqidian book friend Leggeshen!

There are two more updates tonight, try to complete the two chapter updates before twelve o'clock!
(End of this chapter)

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