War of Resistance

Chapter 974 The Battle of Wanjialing

Chapter 974 The Battle of Wanjialing ([-])
After the lieutenant colonel's staff member went out, Xue Yue snorted coldly: "Zhang Yulin, you must have underestimated me, Xue Boling, too? You don't even know where Beitianpu is? Where will the Japanese army send the main force? Nine times out of ten, it is your kid who is picking quarrels and provoking trouble!"

Well, the word "picking quarrels and provoking troubles" is very reasonable. After all, it was indeed the spy company of the first police regiment who went to do things first.

But to be honest, Xue Yue really hoped that more people like Zhang Tianhai who dared to fight, and who were able to win the battle, would take the initiative to invite them.

It’s not that Xue Yue didn’t want to fight at Nantianpu’s strategic location, but the No.90 Division and the No.90 First Division are still fighting against the Japanese army in the north. The entire Wanjialing formed a dense encirclement.

At this time, the police team rushed over to stab Little Japan at the position of Nantianpu, and Little Japan's defense would become even more chaotic.

It was precisely this that made Xue Yue make this decision. He not only had to arouse the enthusiasm of the First Guard Regiment, but also ensured the victory of the battle. , that would affect morale.


Xue Yue's telegram was quickly sent back to Zhang Tianhai.

At this time, Zhang Tianhai was about to go down the mountain and head towards Beitianpu.

"Report to the regiment, Chief Xue Yue of the General Headquarters of the First Corps has an urgent call!" A combat staff officer ran to Zhang Tianhai with a telegram and reported.

"Read!" Zhang Tianhai was riding on the horse with a majestic look, as if he was about to go to the battlefield to chug these damned little Japanese.

"Here is Zhang Tianhai, commander of the first regiment of the theater guards, you must lead your troops to repel the enemy and defeat the enemy's troops, otherwise, only military law is the question! Xue Yuedian, commander-in-chief of the First Corps of the Ninth Theater of the National Revolutionary Army , At ten o'clock in the afternoon on October 27st, [-]th year of the Republic of China." The combat staff officer read.

"Resume the call and make sure to complete the task!" Zhang Tianhai replied in a deep voice.

"Yes, group seat!" The combat staff officer responded.

After doing this, Zhang Tianhai immediately rode south to Beitianpu.


Shangjin Mountain is not too far from Beitianpu, only about ten kilometers away. In Zhang Tianhai's view, it is necessary to rush to Beitianpu as soon as possible to prevent changes.

"Old Guo, let me see. Let me take Xu Xun to go forward first! Meet with the secret service company first, and then we will see how this battle will be fought." Zhang Tianhai raised his military cap and said to Guo Qiliang with narrowed eyes.

"You can go, but you must bring a platoon of brothers with you. This place is different from other places. Now this place is very close to the front line." Guo Qiliang said, "You are the core of our regiment. If even you die at the front line , shall we still fight this battle?"

"Okay, then I'll listen to you." Zhang Tianhai smiled, but it was this decision that saved his life.


There are not many officers and soldiers in a platoon, and it takes less than 2 minutes to count them.

"Go, let's go!" Zhang Tianhai waved his hand and set off with his brothers.

Soon, they reached a hillside.

At this time, danger is coming!


Sato Sanyuki is a lieutenant of the Japanese army. Like most of the Japanese soldiers who entered the Wanjialing area, they all experienced the same situation—getting lost, but Sato Sanyuki and the others lost their way a little more, because they took With the support troops walked into the mountains.

Like all people, there will be partial opinions among soldiers. For example, some people are better at fighting, while others are better at strategy.

It just so happens that Sato Sanyuki belongs to the category of people who don't have a strong sense of direction.

"Baga, damn the forest, we've been lost for so long!" Sato Sanyuki cursed as he spoke, and at this time, only half of the team behind him was left.

Obviously, Sato's team is a unit that has suffered relatively large casualties in battle, so they only have such a small number of people left.

"Report, sir, it seems that there are Chinese troops advancing in the distance!" A sharp-eyed Japanese soldier noticed a small number of troops approaching not far away.

"Hidden!" Sato Sanyuki said in a deep voice, and the thirty or so Japanese soldiers behind him quickly found a bunker and hid.

The black guns of these Japanese troops had already aimed at the army that was advancing rapidly on the road. I saw that the number of this army was not too large, about thirty or so, and it seemed that they were well-armed.

I saw that team of national army officers and soldiers, the leading officer was riding a brown horse, he looked tall, mighty, handsome and extraordinary.

After looking at the officer, Sato Sanyuki immediately picked up the telescope in his hand and looked at the opposite side. After a while, he made a decision: "Yoxi, it seems that we have caught a big fish! Warriors, prepare to fight, The officer on the opposite side is a colonel in the Chinese army, and you can tell by their attire that they are the central army of the Chinese army! Grenadier, take your place immediately!"

"Hay~!!" The Japanese soldiers responded in low voices, looking full of murderous intent.

It has to be said that the military literacy of these Japanese soldiers is extremely high. Even if they are retired and reserve soldiers recruited from the society, their military literacy is much higher than that of the national army. Just look at their actions. , Flowing clouds and flowing water, seems to be very fluent.

Unfortunately, even though Sato's team suffered more than half of its casualties, it was still a squad-level unit in the [-]th Division of the Japanese Army in terms of combat effectiveness.

At this time, the national army of more than 30 people was only 200 meters away from the Japanese army!
"Warriors, listen, you will listen to my order in a while, and immediately launch an attack on this Chinese army after I shoot. We must leave this Chinese army commander here!" Sato Sanyuki said in a deep voice .

Perhaps he felt that it was not safe enough, so Sato Sanyuki waved his hand and asked his troops to move forward.

After finishing this action, Sato Sanyuki aimed the 200 big cover in his hand at the tall national army officer [-] meters away. He was confident that he could kill him with one shot!

However, at this moment, an accident happened!
When a Japanese soldier was walking, he accidentally disturbed the birds, and a group of birds were startled flying from the forest.

"Not good! Someone!" A sharp-eyed soldier of the national army noticed this scene and called out.

Fortunately, Zhang Tianhai's reaction speed was fast enough, and he immediately lowered his head and got off his horse. At this moment, a bullet flew past Zhang Tianhai's head.

The gust of wind passed over his head, and Zhang Tianhai couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat: If it was half a second slower, the bullet would have hit him in the head!


At this time, the gunshots came.

"Find a cover and fight right away! There are enemies!!" The platoon leader reacted quickly enough and immediately shouted.

But it was still like this. In front of the Japanese army with extremely high shooting accuracy and waiting for work, the national army still paid the price of half of them falling to the ground in a hurry.

"Damn it! You're really careless!" After quickly hiding in the bunker, Zhang Tianhai took out the Browning pistol on his waist.

Perhaps because he was afraid that the pistol's bullets would not have enough range, he picked up a fallen soldier's centering rifle from the ground and loaded the bullets.


PS: The third one is sent!

The fourth is to try to send it before twelve o'clock!
Thank you for the 100 point coin reward from Qiqidian book friend Leggeshen!

(End of this chapter)

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