War of Resistance

Chapter 975 The Battle of Wanjialing

Chapter 975 The Battle of Wanjialing ([-])
Gunshots echoed in the forest.

The national army, which has already fallen half of its troops, is fighting fiercely with the Japanese army, and the gunfire is not usually fierce.

"Tuan Zuo! Go quickly! If you don't leave, it will be too late!" The adjutant Xu Xun next to him said very anxiously.

"What's the rush? There are only [-] human guns on the opposite side, and they can scare me away, Zhang Yulin? Impossible!" As he said, Zhang Tianhai raised his hand in the direction where the gunshots sounded and fired a shot.


A 7.92mm caliber bullet burst out from the dark muzzle of the Zhongzheng rifle, and shot straight at a Japanese soldier hiding behind a rock 200 meters away.

"Ding! Poof!!"

The bullet passed quickly and hit the Japanese soldier's helmet, making this loud sound. After that, a blood hole appeared immediately, which was very frightening.

Obviously, the Japanese soldier had no chance of surviving.

This burst of intense gunfire also alarmed a large force of the advancing police regiment in the distance.

"Report to the deputy regimental commander, there were fierce gunshots in the direction the regiment was going just now, and now the battalion commander Lu of the first battalion has led the troops to support!" A soldier came to report.

"You are a soldier in the first battalion, right?" Guo Qiliang asked.

"Reporting to the deputy commander, I am from the second battalion!" The soldier replied, "It was the battalion commander Lu of the first battalion who asked me to report to you!"

"Notify your battalion commander immediately, and lead the team to support! If the regiment is missing a hair, I only ask you!" Guo Qiliang's face changed drastically, and he warned very seriously.

"Yes! Sir!" The soldier stood at attention and saluted, and immediately went to carry out the order.


At this time, the fierce battle in the woods has reached its peak.

At this moment, Zhang Tianhai was already in a panic. Although he had already killed four or five Japanese soldiers, these Japanese soldiers seemed to have their main target on him, making him unable to use all his strength.

"It's his grandma's. Fortunately, he listened to Lao Guo's words, otherwise I will have to give my life here." Zhang Tianhai panted and cursed, and bullets hit the big tree behind him.

Fortunately, the tree is quite old, otherwise he would definitely die in it.

I have to say that sometimes, it really takes some luck.

The main target of the Japanese army was set on Zhang Tianhai, which also made the pressure on other people a lot lighter.

"Don't worry, we will win when the reinforcements arrive!" Zhang Tianhai was not discouraged, because he knew that the main force of the regiment headquarters would definitely come over immediately. As long as the main force of the regiment headquarters came, no matter what, they would surely victorious.

"Yes! Tuan Zuo!" A soldier next to him who was shot in the thigh responded with difficulty.

At this time, there were only about ten soldiers of the national army who were still alive, and even the platoon leader died.

"Damn it, when my main force arrives, none of you will run away!" Zhang Tianhai said viciously, don't forget, this is a jungle, if there weren't too many guns pointed at him, he would be the one being ambushed Otherwise, these thirty or so people on the opposite side are definitely not enough for him to play.

Don't forget, the ace unit of the Marine Corps is also good at jungle warfare!

In his previous life, Zhang Tianhai had excelled in unarmed combat, jungle survival, and marksmanship. Otherwise, he would not have been sent to carry out that mission. If it wasn't for that mission, he wouldn't be known as the "God of War" No.

Now, although things have changed, but Zhang Tianhai's abilities are still there, especially in jungle combat, and he has not forgotten it-that is his best subject. The devil is not his opponent yet.

As cunning as a fox, as fierce as a wolf.

This was his evaluation in his previous life. When this fierceness was aroused again, Zhang Tianhai couldn't care less.

As for when he first came to this world, he always shed tears so easily, it was because what he saw was the poverty and weakness of this country, and he was more able to understand Premier Zhou's saying "If you fall behind, you will be beaten".

As a former soldier, even if Zhang Tianhai tried his best, there was no way to change this situation—more, it was helpless.

About 5 minutes later, seeing that the fierce battle was fruitless, the Japanese army began to prepare to retreat, because they already knew that the enemy's reinforcements would arrive soon.

"Well, prepare to retreat!" Sato Sanyuki ordered bitterly.

This battle can be said to be the most useless battle that Sato Sanyuki fought. I thought that with the elite of their team, they could kill a high-ranking official on the opposite side and destroy the guards around him.

But what I never expected was that not only the high officials were not killed, but also two-thirds of the guards were wiped out, and nearly fifteen people were killed or injured on my own side.

Under such circumstances, once injured, these wounded soldiers will undoubtedly die after the arrival of enemy reinforcements, so Sato Sanyuki is also very troubled.

I thought I picked a soft persimmon, but I didn't expect to encounter a hard stubble.

"Hay!!" The nearby Japanese soldiers responded.


The evacuation speed of the Japanese army was astonishingly fast, but Zhang Tianhai was keenly aware of this scene.

"No, why did the gunfire stop? It must be that Little Japan is about to run away! No way! Stop them! Chase!" As he spoke, Zhang Tianhai took out a few bullets left by the sacrificed comrade-in-arms beside him, and he wanted to Go after these little Japanese.

A big man and a big man, if you want to keep your word, you will do what you say. If you say you want to kill these little devils, you must kill these little devils.

"Hey, Tuanzao, wait for me..." Seeing that the leader had already charged forward, Xu Xun hurriedly followed, and took out the pistol at his waist and loaded it with bullets.

"Hurry up too! Those injured brothers, wait for the reinforcements! The reinforcements are coming soon!" As he spoke, Xu Xun rushed forward. He always felt that it was not safe to go forward alone like Tuan Zuo. .

But what Xu Xun never expected was that he overestimated his own strength and underestimated the leader's strength. In the blink of an eye, the leader disappeared from his field of vision.

Looking at Zhang Tianhai's figure again, he shuttled through the forest as fast as an ape.

The figure of one of the Japanese soldiers flashed across the forest, Zhang Tianhai loaded the rifle in his hand, and raised his hand to shoot.


The Japanese soldier in the distance fell in response, and was hit in the back!

"There is a sniper from the Chinese army, it must be the officer of the Chinese army!" The Japanese soldiers in the distance are running desperately. Although they have the so-called dog spirit brainwashing, when death really comes, they cannot not be afraid of.

"Leave two warriors here to block it!" Sato Sanyuki said, but as soon as the words came out, he felt that something was wrong. A dozen of them were driven away by one person?
So, Sato Sanyuki immediately changed his words, and he said: "Warriors of the sunrise, let's deal with this despicable Chinese army officer first, and then we will go to Nantianpu to gather with the big troops!"

"Hay!!" After hearing the order, the Japanese soldiers immediately turned around, wanting to fight this fierce and cunning enemy commander.


And this scene naturally did not escape Zhang Tianhai's eyes, he smiled contemptuously and said, "It's kind of interesting."


PS: The fourth update is here!

Sorry, it took over an hour.

Thanks for the 200 points reward from Qidian book friend Doushabao!

Thank you for the 100 point coin reward from Qiqidian book friend Leggeshen!

(End of this chapter)

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