War of Resistance

Chapter 980 The Battle of Wanjialing

Chapter 980 The Battle of Wanjialing ([-])

"Ono-kun, why did you come back alone? Where are the other two planes?" asked the commander of the Japanese aircraft formation Nakatoshi Yamamoto.

"Momono-kun has crashed, and Ozawa-kun has also crashed." Ono Konosuke reported immediately after getting off the plane.

"Both of them crashed? Let's talk about the specific situation immediately!" Nakatoshi Yamamoto said in a deep voice, with a very serious expression.

"Our enemy has very powerful anti-aircraft firepower, including professional anti-aircraft machine guns and many light machine guns, forming a firepower network! It is very likely that it is related to the troops that Momano-kun and Sakai-kun mentioned last time!" Konosuke Ono immediately bowed his head and said.

"Souga!" Nakashou Yamamoto nodded, and then said to the staff behind him: "Immediately report to the No.11 Army Headquarters, and report to the Commander, General Neiji Okamura! We found the absolute elite of the Chinese Army in the direction of Beitianpu The main force! Now two of our aircraft formations have crashed, plus the previous ones, there are three in total!"

"Hay!!" The Japanese officer next to him responded.

Soon, the news about the appearance of an absolutely elite main force of the Chinese army near Beitianpu reached the headquarters of the No. 11 Army. This made Ningji Okamura so anxious that he almost didn't jump up.

"Nani?! How could there be an absolutely elite main force of the China Army in Beitianpu!? Could it be that our information is inaccurate?" Okamura Ningji said angrily.

"According to the information of the special high-level class and the report of the previous flight formation, there is indeed an elite Chinese army unit near Beitianpu, but I didn't expect that their strength would be so strong!" The Japanese lieutenant next to him reported, obviously , he is Gao Shen.

"It seems that the Chinese Army has already formed a siege here, and ordered the [-]st Division to get rid of the enemy's entanglement as soon as possible and quickly reinforce Wanjialing! In addition, select [-] officers from the remaining troops and airdrop them to Wanjialing area, in order to enhance the combat effectiveness of the department. At the same time, inform the commander of Matsuura Junrokuro's division of this news!" To be precise, Okamura Neiji is still an old fox, and he also knows that the support of two hundred officers can only make Matsuura Junrokuro at most for a while.

However, this news can make these Japanese soldiers trapped in the siege see hope, and it can make them stand up to fight, so that it will be more effective.

"Then the news of the absolute main force of the China Army in Beitianpu, should the commander of the Matsuura Junrokuro Division be informed at the same time?" Gao Shen asked.

"Tell them! Otherwise, this is a lack of cooperation with our frontline troops." Neiji Okamura said.

"Hay!" The staff officer lowered his head and responded. For him, carrying out these three orders was a trivial matter.

After giving this order, Neiji Okamura closed the door of his office, frowned in the room alone, and remained silent-as a military officer with such a high position, the pressure on him was quite great.


Look again, what is Junrokuro Matsuura doing at this time?

The news of the fall of Beitianpu reached the division headquarters of the [-]th Division early in the morning, and the content of the news received by the front line was very rich. Matsuura Junrokuro could already confirm that his troops had indeed fallen into the enemy's trap Among them.

The fall of Beitianpu means that Nantianpu will also be targeted by the enemy's absolute main force.

Ever since, Lieutenant General Matsuura Junrokuro made a decision: deploy a thousand soldiers from other directions to support Nantianpu, so that Nantianpu will not fall into the hands of the enemy.

"Takano-kun! Do your research. Where should we deploy a thousand soldiers to support Nantianpu?" Matsuura Junrokuro called his most powerful staff officer, Takano Bacheng.

Takano Bacheng is tall and thin, wearing a military uniform, he looks quite energetic-it's a pity that he is a little devil.

After Takano Bacheng listened, he opened his mouth to analyze: "Your Excellency, Division Chief, now we are facing the attack of nearly two divisions of the main force of the Chinese Army in the north. It is hard to say whether we can hold it there. We must deploy troops from the vicinity of the headquarters. .”

"Why did you transfer from the headquarters?" Matsuura Junrokuro stared at Takano Bacheng with serious eyes.

"To be honest, our troops have been disrupted in the mountains. Except for the troops in the headquarters that can be transferred, the other troops have already appeared in a situation where they don't even know where their regiment headquarters is. Therefore, we must be transferred from the headquarters! "Takano Bacheng said seriously.

"Souga! Let's do it like this!" Matsuura Junrokuro nodded, already accepting Takano Bacheng's suggestion.

In fact, Matsuura Junrokuro had already figured it out in his heart: the [-]-odd Nantianpu garrison, plus the [-] supporting soldiers, could minimize the time of being captured.

"By the way, there is another situation to report to you, that is, our grassroots officers suffered heavy casualties. If we deploy troops to support them, will the officers give priority to supporting troops?" Takano Bacheng asked.

Junrokuro Matsuura narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "Give priority to reinforcements!"

At this moment, a combat staff officer ran in and reported: "Report to Your Excellency, Division Commander, No. 11 Army Headquarters has an urgent call!"

"Read it!" Matsuura Junrokuro said in a deep voice.

"Lieutenant General Matsuura Junrokuro, commander of the [-]th Division, according to reliable information, the main force of the enemy army has appeared near Beitianpu. Please be prepared to resist the enemy. In addition, the army headquarters has prepared [-] officers. , ready to airborne to support your operations at any time, please be ready to receive!" The Japanese army staff officer read in a deep voice, and reported the content to the division commander Junrokuro Matsuura word by word.

"Yoxi, this is good news!" Matsuura Junrokuro nodded, and then said to Takano Bacheng next to him: "Takano-kun, follow the original plan! Officers must give priority to reinforcements!"

Okamura Neiji's reinforcement plan of [-] officers greatly enhanced Matsuura Junrokuro's confidence, making him feel that it would not be a problem to hold here until the reinforcements were made.

However, there is another big problem before him, which is about the disordered command of the troops.

Well, this is indeed a big problem.


The camera then shifts to Beitianpu.

At this time, Beitianpu has been fully controlled by the national army, but Zhang Tianhai just left a company of troops here to clean up the battlefield, and check to see if there are any surviving enemy troops.

Walking in this fairly complete village, Zhang Tianhai looked around and didn't know what was going on in his mind.

"Tuan Zuo, what should we do next?" Following Zhang Tianhai, Liu Houming, the commander of the spy company, asked.

"The next step... your company will continue to conduct infiltration detection in the direction of Nantianpu, and you must find out the specific situation of the Japanese army." Zhang Tianhai said.

Just as he was talking, Zhang Tianhai saw a soldier who was about to burn a Japanese flag, so he immediately stopped the action: "Who the hell, don't burn the little devil's flag first. I'm still useful!"

After finishing speaking, Zhang Tianhai walked over and asked his adjutant Xu Xun to take away the Japanese flag.

"Tuan Zuo... What's the use of this little devil's national flag?" Liu Houming asked puzzled.


PS: Updates are coming!

Thanks to Qiqidian book friends Leggeshen, Level 1 Taihao, and King of Love for 100 Years for their rewards of [-] points each!

(End of this chapter)

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