War of Resistance

Chapter 981 The Battle of Wanjialing

Chapter 981 The Battle of Wanjialing ([-])

"Don't worry about this, it's useful anyway. Remember, if you have captured the little devil's army flag or national flag, I'll f**king keep it for me first." Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice. He had a bold idea, but he was not sure about it. able to implement.

But in any case, be prepared first, after all, it is up to people to plan things, and it is up to heaven to make things happen.

"Yes! Group seats!" Liu Houming responded.

"Go and perform the mission!" Zhang Tianhai was about to send Liu Houming away.

Soon, Liu Houming set off with his troops.

There is no way, among the combat troops of the first security regiment, there is really no one that can replace the secret service company.

Furthermore, the combat effectiveness of the spy company was indeed strong, so strong that it could completely defeat a squadron of the Japanese army. This was where Zhang Tianhai relied.


Nantianpu, the Japanese troops are heavily guarded.

Teams of Japanese troops formed into formations and organized were guarding the village and outside the village, which seemed a little interesting.

However, in the eyes of the officers and soldiers of the secret service company, it was full of mistakes and omissions.

"Company commander, look at the little devils over there. Their positions are so far apart. If we touch them, we will definitely be able to quickly kill one or two of their strongholds." A platoon leader next to Liu Houming said.

Liu Houming looked at it and said: "If ordinary troops are used to fight, their movement distance is definitely not too far, because with their firepower equipment, it will not be a problem for a while. It's just that our company's firepower is too strong , that’s what gives you the feeling that their positions are too far apart.”

"Understood, look at this village, the enemy's armed force is probably no less than 1000 people, which may be much more than the Beitianpu soldiers just now." The platoon leader said.

"It's okay." Liu Houming said seriously, then turned his head and said to the telecommunications staff officer behind him: "Brother, do me a favor, call the regiment headquarters immediately and tell the regiment that there are about a thousand Japanese troops in Beitianpu, please. instruct."

The telecommunications staff officer nodded, and then started to send a telegram to Zhang Tianhai.

For Liu Houming, it is no problem to fight a wave of little devils on the opposite side, but it is difficult to retreat completely. In his opinion, his soldiers are much more valuable than those on the opposite side, and too many troops will be lost here. , that is quite worthless.

Not long after, Zhang Tianhai received information from the spy company.

"Tuan Zuo, what should we do now?" Chief of Staff Li Chunfei asked.

"What can we do?" Zhang Tianhai frowned slightly, and then said, "Immediately ask the headquarters of the Corps, and ask them, should we attack Nantianpu?"

"Do you want to ask the headquarters of the Corps?" Li Chunfei was a little puzzled. After all, according to the character of the regiment, most of the time, he would kill first and play later, and it seemed that the headquarters had acquiesced in this right.

"I have to ask Officer Xue for instructions on this." Zhang Tianhai made a qualitative statement directly, "We can fight freely in other battles, but this battle is different. It is related to whether we can completely wipe out the battle plan of the Songpu Division. Don't mess it up, if you let the Matsuura division run away, you and I, see which one has a stiff neck, and let the chief cut it."

"I understand." Li Chunfei had never questioned Zhang Tianhai's words, and the latter seemed to be as clever as Zhuge Liang.

In fact, is that really the case?

Not really.

The main purpose of Zhang Tianhai's doing this is to keep the history from deviating too much, otherwise it will cause a series of unnecessary troubles - for example, now that the first regiment of the guards directly took down Nantianpu, will it cause other serious consequences?For example, if the encirclement of the national army was not completed, the Japanese army was forced to go to other places. I am afraid that the Japanese army's Matsuura Division broke out of the encirclement by accident.

So, thinking of this, Zhang Tianhai felt that he had to report to Chief Xue.

Soon, a request for instructions from the First Guard Regiment of the Ninth War Zone to attack Nantianpu reached the desktop of Commander-in-Chief Xue of the First Corps Command of the Ninth War Zone.

At this time, Xue Yue had just finished a mouthful of the spicy noodles made by the Jiangxi cook, and he was sweating profusely. Obviously, as a Cantonese, he is not very good at spicy food.

The adjutant looked at Xue Yue at the door, but he didn't dare to interrupt Xue Yue. He thought for a while, and then walked in: "Report to the commander-in-chief, the first regiment of the theater guards is calling."

"Read it!" As he spoke, Xue Yue picked up a towel and slowly wiped off his sweat, muttering incessantly, "It's so hot, it's almost as hot as ours in Guangdong."

"Commander Xue Yue, Commander-in-Chief of the First Corps in the war zone, Yu has led his troops to capture Beitianpu, and the vanguard is now near Nantianpu. According to the results of the reconnaissance unit of the Ministry, there are only more than a thousand Japanese soldiers in this village. The main force of our regiment , It’s not a problem to capture the village, now I’m asking the commander for instructions to capture Nantianpu. Is it correct? Please give instructions.” The adjutant read while holding the document with the badge of “Blue Sky and White Sun”.

"Taking Nantianpu? There are only a thousand people? This Zhang Yulin has a big appetite." Xue Yue smiled, but stood up again and looked at the military map behind him that he had seen countless times.

"Yes, I also think that Captain Zhang is too confident in this move." The adjutant said seriously, although he also knew the brilliant record of the first security regiment, and probably knew the strength of the first police regiment, but he always felt that Zhang Tianhai People are a little crazy.

"No, no, if it was someone else, I would still think he was exaggerating. But this person is Zhang Yulin, and I think the possibility of success is still very high." Xue Yue said with a smile, obviously very confident in Zhang Tianhai.

"Then sir, if we let them capture Nantianpu, will it disrupt our established plan." The adjutant couldn't help reminding, "After all, this is according to our previous plan, we are going to besiege us Attack again in the mountains. Now the No.70 Fourth Army is on the way and has not yet arrived at the location. In other places, only the No.90 Division and the No.90 First Division are attacking the Japanese army. Is it the right time to let the first guard regiment go out to fight? Immature?"

After thinking for a while, Xue Yue said: "Not necessarily! I think this may be an opportunity. Whether it is the No.70 Fourth Army or the Fourth Army, the combat effectiveness is far inferior to the first regiment of the guards in this theater. They Their fighting power is extremely strong, and they won a battle when they were in Tangtou earlier. If this opportunity is missed, I am afraid that the chairman will be reluctant to throw them into the final main attack."

"The commander-in-chief means..." the adjutant asked.

"We want them to attack, but we have to wait until No.90 Division and No.90 First Division have captured the north, and then the first regiment of the guards will attack again!" Xue Yue said confidently.

For Xue Yue, he had to grasp his timing well so that the troops under his command could end the battle as quickly as possible, otherwise, it would be very troublesome when the reinforcements from the Japanese army arrived.

To put it bluntly, the first regiment of the guards must consume the strength of the Japanese army within a certain period of time to ensure the victory of the entire combat process!
Consumption, this word is used very appropriately.

"Yes! Sir!" The adjutant responded.

Just as the adjutant was about to leave, Xue Yue called out to the former: "By the way, let Zhang Yulin do his best to capture Nantianpu after the No.90 Division and the No.90 First Division have completed their missions!"

"Yes! Sir!" The adjutant stood at attention and saluted.


PS: Updates are coming!

Thanks to the starting point book friend Li Geshen and the ninth level Taihao for rewarding 100 points each!

(End of this chapter)

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