War of Resistance

Chapter 982 The Battle of Wanjialing

Chapter 982 The Battle of Wanjialing ([-])

As for Chief Xue Yue's combat order, it was soon issued to Zhang Tianhai's first regiment of guards.

"Regiment, look, Commander-in-Chief Xue gave us this order to attack Nantianpu, or to attack Nantianpu after the No. Where is it?" Li Chunfei asked.

"What's the intention?" Zhang Tianhai smiled softly, "It's nothing more than trying to push the Japanese army closer to the encirclement. When the No.90 Division and the No.90 First Division complete their tasks, the living space of the Japanese army will be further compressed. Fight, if this little devil wants to escape, it will not be an easy task."

"I understand." Li Chunfei nodded.

Zhang Tianhai knew in his heart that all he could do was wait.


While Zhang Tianhai was waiting, the battle on the northern front had reached its climax.

Under the continuous compression of the national army, the Japanese army has gradually begun to show signs of collapse——

"Your Excellency, Captain! Hurry up and retreat! Our troops are already in disarray, and it is meaningless to hold on any longer!" A second lieutenant of the Japanese army ran to Major Yoshizawa to report, and he was full of panic.

The village in the distance is already sparkling with flames, and it looks so dazzling in front of the gradually setting sun, which symbolizes death!

"I don't believe it...I don't accept it, we... how could we lose like this?!" Major Yoshizawa's words revealed a sense of madness, even madness. He didn't believe it from the beginning to the end. How could the army be defeated like this?
The army of more than 100 people fought several battles, and there were 700 people left. Later, dozens of people were added, and the number in front of them reached [-].

Shao Zuo Yoshizawa always felt that as long as his troops were still there, he could win the battle of encirclement and annihilation.

But when the army was really surrounded, the whole army was filled with an aura of extinction, and everyone seemed to be waiting for the day of death.

No one expected that this troop known as the "Lion from Southern Kyushu" would be so weak. Not only was the troop's fighting will not strong, but also because of the frequent mobilization of troops, many troops were out of order. There was chaos on the ground, and some troops even got lost in the mountains.

"Major, let's go! If you don't go, our first brigade will really be smashed!" the second lieutenant said loudly. The captain, who had fallen into a state of madness, was taken away.

"Hay!!" The surrounding Japanese soldiers nodded, and immediately stepped forward to pull away the crazy captain.

The fire burning in the village seemed to be a morning star illuminating the east.

"Brothers! Come on!! These little devils want to fucking run away! Fuck it!" an officer of the national army who obviously had a northern accent cursed.

This is the unit of the No.90 Division.

Although the No.90 Division is a post-establishment unit belonging to the Central Army, it is actually not inferior to many other Central Army units in terms of training and other aspects.

Therefore, there are still many students who graduated from the Central Military Academy in the grassroots units of No.90 Division [-].

"Da da da da da~~~ da da da da~~~"

"Come on!!!"

With the sound of the melodious charging horn, the surrounding national army troops also swarmed up, and the morale was not so high. These national soldiers knew that these little devils would be finished soon, as long as they worked harder , these little devils will die more.

As long as the victories are accumulated to a certain extent, the country of Japan can be consumed to death!

Although a tiny country, its military equipment is strong, but it is also limited. As long as it fights a protracted war, these Japanese troops will not be able to sustain it!

In the dark, the national army troops all over the mountains and plains were chasing the Japanese troops, and these Japanese troops were exhausted.

Before the national army could catch up, a soldier ran up to the major in goose green uniform and reported, "Report to the battalion commander, we found the little devil's stronghold ahead, shall we continue to attack?"

"Attack? Wait! Our troops haven't completed the assembly yet, and we will suffer losses if we act rashly. Wait!" The major officer of the No.90 [-]st Division said sternly.

"Yes! Battalion Commander!" The soldier responded.


On the northern front, the Japanese army stumbled again. When the news reached the division headquarters of the [-]th Division, Junrokuro Matsuura's attitude was as expected.


Another fine teacup was smashed to pieces.

"Damn the Chinese army! How many troops have they deployed around us! Both the northern battlefield and the western battlefield are their troops, and our rear has just been cut off! What should we do?!" Matsuura Jun Liu Lang couldn't restrain his irritable temper any longer, and cursed fiercely.

"Your Excellency, Division Commander, why don't we formulate a combat strategy! Let's fight back! After all, the No. 20 Seventh Division has already run away, and we can retreat according to the normal schedule!" Matsuura Junrokuro's powerful senator Takano Hachi Honestly said.

"Fight back?! I'm afraid it's too early now? Now the Chinese army is still attacking our troops on the periphery, and we can hold on for a while. If we fight back now, if we don't wait for reinforcements from the [-]st Division , we will really die. Really." Junrokuro Matsuura emphasized the last two words, because he knew that this was not a joke!
"[-]st Division?" Gao Ye Bacheng frowned slightly, and after a while, he said: "They are already on the way, but we have to wait until they come to rescue, I am afraid it will be at least eight days later. Counting the obstructions on the road, this is almost the same.”

"Takano-kun, you have to be clear about one thing. Now we are surrounded by enemy forces that are several times larger than our own. If we can't wait for the rescue of friendly forces in place, we are very likely to be rushed all the way by the enemy forces! We can't even survive the day when their support arrives." Junrokuro Matsuura said very seriously, he is arrogant, but he still has this basic military quality, otherwise he would not be the commander of the division.

"Hay! I understand." Takano Bacheng responded, "Your Excellency, Division Chief, means that we must rely on the advantages of terrain and positions to defuse the enemy's attack!"

"Yes, this is one of the reasons. The more important reason is that the terrain here is too complicated and dangerous, and our enemies are very familiar with this place. If we rush to break through, we might fall into their trap. Go into the trap, at that time, we will be truly dead without a burial place. Only by staying here, can we resist well and survive well!" Junrokuro Matsuura analyzed anxiously, In his eyes, he seemed to want to be affirmed by Takano Bacheng.

Takano Bacheng's reaction really did not disappoint Matsuura Junrokuro, he said: "Your Excellency, Division Commander, is indeed far-sighted, which is beyond my reach. If we don't do this, we will definitely die faster, Division Commander is wise!"


PS: Updates are coming!

Thanks for the 500 points reward from Qidian book friend Doushabao!

Thanks for the 200-point reward from Qidian Bookmate Looting the Devil of Love!

Thanks to the starting point book friends Leggeshen and Ninth Level Taihao for their rewards of 100 points each!

(End of this chapter)

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