Yu Wan Xian Ji

Chapter 813

Chapter 813

The barrier defense condensed from the Absolute Essence Stone really protected Liuli's trembling progress all the way, allowing him to safely pass through the lightning and thunder attack on the stone platform.

With a sound of "嗡", Liuli entered the top of the square seat together with the Absolute Essence Stone.

As soon as she reached the position above the square seat, Liuli felt that the world was much cleaner in an instant, and her ears no longer had to bear the roar of lightning strikes.

Liuli didn't delay any longer. Although he was in the shape of a stone body, it didn't affect the output of his aura, so he immediately mobilized his five elements to condense in front of him.

The spirit ball of the Five Elements was five times stronger than the stone body of his own body. Time was running out, and Liu Li just wanted to hit it with one blow, completely destroying the square seat of the formation eye.

As long as this square is destroyed, the entire Lions Gate Prison and the magnetic field and lightning power of this cave will be completely useless!

When the spirit ball had condensed into the most extreme size in this square space, Liuli was on top, fiercely transforming the terrifying power of the five elements into a gorgeous colorful afterimage with a whoosh sound. Directly bombard the square seat below!
There was only a loud "bang!" and the roar of the formation breaking down here!
Let this cave, and even the entire Lions Gate Prison where they fought in Yu Wan above, be in shock...

Liuli saw gravel falling from the roof of the cave above, and the originally strong arc magnetic field around the stone platform disappeared at this moment.

Coupled with this earth-shaking posture, he knew he had succeeded!

Immediately, Liuli happily took out a sound transmission talisman and said:
"Iron Back, the formation is broken! Hurry up and break the door to save people!"


In fact, the iron-backed lizard also sensed the big shock like an earth dragon turning over without using glass to transmit sound!
He even sensed the strength of the magnetic field nearby, and it weakened a lot at the same time.

The weakening of the power of the magnetic field is not because Yu Wan and the others started the battle and exploded, the power to overcome the calamity was formed...

After all, he was guarding the gate of the T-shaped prison while watching the battle. Yu Wan and the two Dujie Moxiu fought back and forth with no less than a hundred moves, but the power of the magnetic field was not weakened because of them.

On the contrary, it was the moment Liuli broke the formation and destroyed the square seat that brought about such a big change.

And the iron-backed lizard had already cast luck when the Liuli sound transmission notified him. He swung his giant tail and slammed it on the prison door like a dragon. The prison door was completely shattered.

"Received! The door has been broken into and is walking in."

As the iron-backed lizard quickly entered, it returned to Liu Lidao to the shiny rune.

"Okay, I'll go back now."

Liuli replied while swishing the stone body to dodge the falling stones above.

After the two talked, the sound transmission talisman ignited spontaneously, Liuli accelerated and flew back, and the iron-backed lizard came to the prison door, and saw Li Mubai who was locked by a big iron chain...

"Not good! Someone broke the formation! Destroyed the defensive barrier of the Lions Gate Prison here!"

Venerable Old Demon was still in the black mist without substance, while panting heavily, he anxiously reminded Liao Junqi.

"Damn it! I didn't expect this female cultivator to be so powerful! The ground is shaking, and the Lions Gate Prison will be destroyed! The formation has been broken, and the monks imprisoned here may not be able to be imprisoned!"

Liao Junqi was also aware of the seriousness of the problem. Even though they were attacking Yu Wan from left to right at this time, especially under the situation where the ground was shaking, his spiritual sense continued to spread and explore the surrounding cells...

And in the cell of the Lion Gate Prison, the monks imprisoned here, in addition to the cultivators and demon cultivators from the realm of comprehension, naturally also included their demon cultivators and even other monks from the Moyuan territory, as well as those captured from the Buddha realm. Buddhist monks and nuns here.

And the higher the level of detainees, the higher their cultivation level. Once these high-ranking monks are given a chance to escape...

This matter is a big trouble for their entire Demon Sect!
At first, Liao Junqi felt that it was not a big problem to clean up an intruder with his cultivation base during the tribulation period, so he didn't specifically report the situation here in the sect, thinking that with his own strength, he would be able to solve her.

But he didn't expect that one night would bring such a big mistake!
Because of this powerful and tenacious female cultivator in front of them, they have already lost a Lions Gate Prison right now!
I'm afraid that if we don't speed up to deal with her, then the entire southern area, which is the most important forbidden area of ​​the Demon Sect, will be completely destroyed in the hands of this female cultivator!

"Master! I saw Immortal Venerable Mubai! But... but the iron chain on his body has a devilish aura, no matter how I cut it with spells, I can't destroy the iron chain that is tied to the Immortal Venerable's body."

Just after Yu Wan used the Demon-Slaying Blade as a bait for her, just after he stabbed the sword again and scratched Liao Junqi's sword in a sneak attack, he immediately flew back and quickly moved back, avoiding a long whip with a bone chain from the side of the Old Demon. In the sea, there was a sound transmission from the consciousness of the iron-backed lizard sent to the master.

Hearing what the iron-backed lizard said, Yu Wan's heart sank, and his face was even more serious.

The two demon cultivators in front of her are chasing and beating her frequently!
Because neither Liuli nor the iron-backed lizard moved, she did not dare to use all her strength, fearing that she would not be able to save the master for the purpose of this trip, but would consume her spiritual energy ahead of time before she was sure.

But the good news is that Yu Wan's spiritual sense is the existence that crushes them!
And Yu Wan has been fighting with them for a quarter of an hour.

Although she did not suffer a loss against the two strengths in front of her alone, it also consumed a lot of her spiritual energy, and she hadn't had time to make up for it. When Yu Wan heard the news from the iron-backed lizard, she naturally felt a little bit depression.

She once saw the situation of her master in Xie Anyuan's sea of ​​knowledge. She had an impression of the iron chains that locked his limbs, but the iron chains she saw in the memory fragments at that time were not stimulated by aura, so she didn't notice it at all. There is magic energy overflowing.

Since the iron chain has demon energy, she can't go to rescue the two difficult demon cultivators in front of her at this moment.

Seeing the Demon Slayer Blade flying back to her to protect her, a divine light flashed in front of her eyes, and she immediately said to the Demon Slayer Blade:

"It's fine for me to deal with it alone here. You go to the top to find the iron-backed lizard and help him save the master."

"Humming?"...I'm leaving, can you deal with the two of them alone?

Hearing what Yu Wan said to it, the Demon Slayer Blade buzzed and trembled twice. Although it didn't speak, as a contracted object, Yu Wan understood what it meant.

"Don't worry, among the same rank, this deity seems to be a crushing existence, so go quickly! The iron chain has a devilish energy, and the cultivation base of the iron-backed lizard may not be enough to break the iron chain. And you are It should be easy to break the iron chain, the sacred weapon of the Demon Sect, so hurry up and go!"

Yu Wan's eyes stared at the front of the boundary markers, and the Venerable Demon and Liao Junqi who also took a breath, urged the Demon Slayer Blade Dao again.

"Buzzing..." Well, I'll be back as soon as possible!


Yu Wan replied softly.


As soon as the master and servant shut their words, the Demon Slayer Blade turned around like a sky-jumping sword, turned around and changed course, and flew upwards with a "swoosh"...

(End of this chapter)

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