Yu Wan Xian Ji

Chapter 814: Destroying the Tribulation Demon Cultivator

Chapter 814: Destroying the Tribulation Demon Cultivator

The demon-slaying blade rushed into the sky at a high speed, and it was in the cell that the iron-backed lizard had destroyed. The iron-backed lizard was exerting force "clang bang" under his iron claws, cutting the iron chain with all its strength. Woolen cloth.

But the devilish energy on the iron chain was more like a barrier of defense and isolation. The black energy attached to it could not allow his sharp claws to scratch the slightest scratch on the iron chain.

And his powerful tail was still slapping his back and attacking his devilish energy.

This annoying demon energy prevented the iron-backed lizard from untiing the four strong iron chains wholeheartedly.

Even in the process of outputting, he found that he was a little powerless against the iron chains entwined with demon energy, so he hurriedly transmitted the sound to Yu Wan.


Just when the iron-backed lizard was a little annoyed by the annoying iron chain, a sound of breaking wind came galloping and stopped in front of him.

Seeing the Demon Slayer Blade, the Ironback Lizard stared blankly, and immediately understood what was going on.

Needless to say, he retreated consciously, leaving space for the Demon Slayer Blade to operate.

And in this dark prison cell, Li Mubai, who was being rescued, already had a dead air all over his body, and his whole body looked skinny, yellow and thin, like an old man who had reached the point of exhaustion.

It's just that even though his hair is disheveled at this time, he has long since lost sight of the high-spirited attitude Li Mubai should have had when he galloped in the cultivation world and was a sword idiot of the generation of Xuantianzong.

But even though he was late, he still sat upright, with a calm look of meditating.

At this time, the iron-backed lizard and the demon-slaying blade made such a big commotion, his dharma body was still in a state of sedation, there was no feeling of being disturbed and about to wake up, and he was still sitting curled up with his eyes closed and his hands very natural. Putting Yuan Shouyi in front of him, sitting quietly and bowing his head.

And after seeing the iron-backed lizard dodge the Demon-Slayer Blade, a stream of pure black devilish energy evaporated from its entire blade!

The devilish energy instantly enveloped the entire Demon-Slaying Blade. At this time, the thickness of the devilish energy had already submerged the entire blade, but its trajectory was very decisive!
As soon as the four sounds of "Ding Ding Dang Dang" passed, the iron chains that bound Li Mubai's limbs were easily removed from his hands, ankles and wrists by the Demon Slayer Blade.

Seeing that Li Mubai's hands and feet were unrestrained, the iron-backed lizard immediately crawled over, and used his slender tongue to poke forward...

He quickly rolled up Li Mubai who was in a coma, and put him on his back, and immediately turned around and walked back with him on his back.

And the Devil-Slaying Blade protected the iron-backed lizard all the way out...

Just as the iron-backed lizard and the devil-slaying blade were saving people, Yu Wan challenged Liao Junqi and Venerable Earth Demon alone.

Especially Liao Junqi, when he saw Tu Moren turning his head and flying away from his sight, he secretly thought it was bad!
One is because he doesn't want this magical weapon out of his field of vision, so he has to get it no matter what!

The second is to look at the direction that the Demon-Slaying Blade is heading to, but it is the place where the high-ranking monks are imprisoned!

Absolutely can't let it save someone easily!
This emaciated camel is bigger than a horse, if you really want to rescue a powerful one, wouldn't it be more difficult for him and Venerable Old Demon?

So, no matter what, he must stop the Demon Slayer Blade!
It's just that when Liao Junqi teleported and flew upwards, Yu Wan's consciousness was already locked on the two of them.

Seeing that Liao Junqi went straight up to chase the Demon Slayer Blade while taking a breath, she also moved!

Yu Wan raised her hand immediately, and a colorful vine shot out from the center of her right hand, and shot towards Liao Junqi who had turned into a shadow of black mist!
"Whoosh whoosh!"

Yu Wan's eyes were sharp, and his shots were quick and ruthless. This time, there was no more power left, the vine's attack speed was extremely fast, and in an instant, it wrapped around the ankle of Liao Junqi who was still flying in the afterimage!
Liao Junqi didn't expect Yu Wan's attack speed to suddenly become faster? !

This is double the speed of his previous confrontation with Yu Wan...

If he didn't notice for a while, Yu Wan's ankles would be firmly entangled!

Immediately, his figure was blocked from flying up, he paused, his brows were furrowed, and he immediately swung the magic sword in his hand, aiming at the vines shot by Yu Wan, and was about to chop it off!

But how could Yu Wan let him get away with it? Immediately, he made a fierce roundabout and pulled back, so that he could not stabilize the dharma body, and the sword-slashing gesture he held high was directly diverted to stabbing the sword, trying to use the sword's momentum to block him from being caught by Yu Wan. The dharma body stretched behind the late vines.

At the same time, Venerable Old Demon, who had just recovered from a fierce battle, saw Yu Wan attack Liao Junqi.

When he caught Yu Wan's distraction, he immediately turned into a black afterimage, and the magic bone chain in his hand was facing Yu Wan's dantian in front of him, so he swung a direct shot, trying to destroy her dantian and Yuanying.

And Yu Wan's natural consciousness is indispensable to guard against the Venerable Earth Demon together. Although her eyes were locked on Liao Junqi, who was entangled by her vines, even if she didn't turn her head to look at the Venerable Earth Demon, that man with the fierce wind-breaking ultimate move How could the posture of coming straight to her abdomen avoid the detection range of her spiritual sense? !

Seeing this, Yu Wan completely released her spiritual power this time!
The Buddha eyes on the tip of her forehead were opened, and while a golden Buddha shield was shining around her body to protect her body, she also let her Buddha eyes lock and attack Liao Junqi.

And the five-star sword she held tightly in her right hand suddenly broke away from her right hand, and turned into five golden needles as small as feathers.

These five gold needles are not only attached with their own colorful aura, but also blessed with golden Sanskrit Buddha light, and at the same time, there is also the pure power of the sun on them.

In addition, on each of the golden needles, there is an accelerated spiritual master controlled by Yu Wan!

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

These five golden needles are directly divided into two directions, piercing the void at high speed, and the afterimages fly away like silk threads, attacking the sea of ​​consciousness and dantian of the Venerable Earth Demon, and the uncontrolled Liao Junqi who flew back later. go……

At the same time, Yu Wan's right hand after shedding the five-star sword directly mobilized the power of the five elements in her body to attach to the palm of her right hand, condensing it into a multicolored energy-gathering light ball, facing the magic bone drawn by the old demon The position of the chain tip of the chain was unceremoniously bombarded...

"Bang!!! Boom..."

The spirit ball in Yu Wan's hand collided with Venerable Old Demon's bone chain whip, and there was a "bang" explosion!

Accompanied by the roaring sound of the colliding air waves inspired by the two, the Lions Gate Prison here, without the protection of the magnetic field formation, can no longer withstand the power of Yu Wan's few cultivators to destroy it. , completely fell into the state of gravel shooting down!
It's just that there are many monks imprisoned in the cave, and the monks with low cultivation in the middle and lower parts of the cell have long been lingering and have no strength to resist. This big shock caused countless deaths and injuries immediately.

As for the high-level monks trapped here, even though the prison door is easy to break, they are like Li Mubai, trapped by countless iron chains with devilish energy.

Even the iron-backed lizard and the seventh-level demon cultivator of Huashen cannot be easily destroyed, and it needs to rely on the demon-slaying blade to break the iron chain.

And the Devil-Slaying Blade is only focused on the task assigned by Yu Wan, without Yu Wan's order, it would not be passionate about saving others.

When the Devil Slayer Blade was protecting the iron-backed lizard from the prison, it was the time when Yu Wan and Venerable Earth Demon released their powers, and it could still withstand the backlash.

But while the iron-backed lizard was protecting Li Mubai, he needed luck to resist. His strength was too scattered, and he was not yet able to completely resist the power of the Transcending Tribulation Period, which made him constantly moved back by the air waves.

Seeing this, the Demon Slayer Blade resisted the pressure and flew in front of the iron-backed lizard, dissipating the impact of Yu Wan's strength on them...

This impact was also very difficult for Yu Wan, the veins on her forehead bulged, it can be seen that when Yu Wan output power, the scattered output of power did consume a lot of her energy.



Fortunately, taking advantage of such a flustered moment, Yu Wan mainly controlled the golden needle and pierced the sea of ​​consciousness and dantian of the two of them steadily and ruthlessly.

Immediately, Liao Junqi, who was still fighting Yu Wan's rattan with his sword, was severely injured at the same time, a mouthful of blood spattered from his mouth!

The struggling force that originally held the sword to support the dharma body was also relieved by the stirring of the golden needle into the body, and was pulled back by Yu Wan's rattan inertia, and the person fell to the ground hard, unconscious.

And when he stabbed at the head of Venerable Old Demon, who was in the state of a demon soul, he was hit right away, but Yu Wan's golden needle pierced through the dantian on his abdomen, and there was no physical existence.

Coupled with the air wave formed by Yu Wan's counterattack when he swung the devil's bone chain at him, it even ruthlessly hit him back, causing him to let out a shrill scream in an instant!

And his dharma body in the state of a demon soul was mercilessly sent flying above the cave wall.

This heavy blow scattered his magic fog body, leaving only a skull embedded in the wall, still trembling...

(End of this chapter)

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