Yu Wan Xian Ji

Chapter 822 Unable to advance to the realm of Nascent Soul

Chapter 822 Unable to advance to the realm of Nascent Soul
"Disciple Rong Lie, pay homage to Master."

Seeing that the Nascent Soul Tree Demon was easily dealt with by Yu Wan with one move, I thought that Yu Wan was still the cultivator who transformed himself into God he had seen back then.

But judging from the undissipated power, I'm afraid that his master's cultivation has exhausted a lot.

In particular, the pressure of her spiritual sense made him feel an inexplicable sense of oppression.

Seeing the master, although I was a little unhappy to leave him in this space and ignore him, I was still very happy to finally see the person I hadn't seen for a long time.

He immediately knelt down on one knee, bowed slightly and saluted Yu Wan.

"Well, get up."

Yu Wan was lucky enough to help Rong Lie, and under the control of her power, Rong Lie slowly got up and responded:
"Thank you, Master."

Yu Wan looked at Rong Lie, who was getting more and more mature and prudent, and he no longer had the innocent look of the child who saw him back then.

At this moment, the determination and concentration revealed in his eyes became more and more obvious.

"Master, this disciple has practiced here for nearly 900 years, and his cultivation level has also advanced from Foundation Establishment to the Golden Core Late Stage. This is where the Master tricked the disciple into, and the aura here is very strong.

It's just that the disciples have encountered many monsters in the sea, mountains and forests, and their cultivation bases are not low, so they are quite suitable for training.

It's just that the disciples have been traveling for hundreds of years, and naturally they only see Master, you, but not a single person who cultivates?
I don't know if the master can tell the disciples, where is this place?Now that the disciple has gone through this experience, can he enter the master's eyes and become the master's apprentice? "

Rong Lie finally seized the opportunity to ask out the doubts in his heart.

After being pointed out by Rong Lie to understand the situation of Sea Space, Yu Wan was not ready to tell him, so she made an excuse and said:

"This is a secret realm of monsters, so naturally you won't see anyone cultivating here.

And when the deity wanted to practice you, this is the best place to practice, and you are also quite good. You have not slacked off for hundreds of years, and you have advanced to the strength of the late Jindan stage.The deity is very satisfied with this experience, you have passed the test, and the deity agrees to accept you as a disciple. "

Yu Wan didn't hesitate anymore this time, and because he had been left in the sea of ​​consciousness for so many years, he felt ashamed in his heart on the one hand, and even though the boy's eyes were full of complaints, they were still resolute and clear, so he naturally Agreed to his apprenticeship.

"Really...really?! Thank you, Master! Disciple Rong Lie, pay homage to Master!"

Yu Wan finally let go and personally promised their master-student relationship. Even Rong Lie, who has cultivated to Jindan, still showed his excitement on his face like a child, making people see through his joy at a glance. In the end, he was so excited that he knelt down on Yu Wan's knees and kowtowed respectfully and sincerely to her.

"Get up, you, don't kneel down all the time. I don't like it and I'm not used to it. Your master doesn't look like someone who is going to die. If you are always kneeling like this, your life will be shortened."

Yu Wan tried to help him up again, but he couldn't be allowed to continue worshiping piously. This ritual of kneeling and worshiping should be avoided if possible.

"Hey, it's Master! Disciple remembers." Rong Lie replied with a embarrassed smile when Yu Wan said this.

"Well, seeing that your breath is not stable, I'm afraid it's not far from the time when you advance to Nascent Soul?"

Yu Wan detected Rong Lie. Apart from the trauma he suffered, his aura seemed a little restless in his body. It seemed that he was going to be promoted to Nascent Soul.

Speaking of this, Rong Lie felt a little melancholy, and couldn't help saying:

"Master, the disciples don't know what's going on? This phenomenon has been going on for nearly 100 years.

A hundred years ago, when this situation happened to my disciple, I also thought that I was going to be promoted. Although the disciple's aura has been unstable, there have been no other signs since then. The fire has passed so far. "Jong Lie also had a sad face, and he also helplessly told Yu Wan about his situation.

When Yu Wan heard this, Liu Mei frowned slightly. Rong Lie was obviously going to be promoted to Nascent Soul, but unexpectedly, after 100 years of life and death, there has never been a thunder disaster to advance to the rank? !
Yu Wan subconsciously looked up at the sky of the small planet in the ocean of her consciousness, the sun was shining brightly above it, and the thunder calamity had never condensed at all.

Thinking about the characteristics of her sea of ​​consciousness, Yu Wan roughly understands why Rong Lie's cultivation has been unable to break through the Nascent Soul Realm...

This is her small world, and all creatures derived from this world can advance to a relatively normal level without restriction.

Even Rhubarb Blood Mantis and the others had crossed the Lightning Tribulation in Yu Wan's Sea of ​​Knowledge and advanced to the rank of God of Transformation and Great Demon.

That's because they have a close contract with Yu Wan!
And those derived creatures don't need Yu Wan's contract at all, they are already her belongings...

But Rong Lie is not!
Although he is Yu Wan's apprentice, in essence, Rong Lie is just an outsider who was thrown into her sea of ​​consciousness by Yu Wan...

He has not been assimilated or recognized by this small world, and the reason why he can advance to the Golden Core Realm is entirely because... In addition to the rich and pure spiritual energy here, it is suitable for cultivation and boosting cultivation, and there are below the Golden Core here, which is different from the golden core. Those who have nothing to do with Yu Wan can't trigger the thunder to cross the catastrophe.

The three-nine thunder calamity of the Nascent Soul Crossing Tribulation requires not only tempering the body but also refining the mind. Only after passing both can one be promoted to the Nascent Soul.This is different from the single lightning tribulation that was often struck down at the time when I was leading the experience of fighting...

After Yu Wan understood the reason, she wanted to bring him out of the small world in the Sea of ​​Consciousness as soon as possible, but after all, Rong Lie's cultivation base, which should be transcended and advanced, was forced to suppress him for 100 years. Hai, will it attract Sanjiu Leijie to advance to Nascent Soul? !
If he can't keep his cultivation that has been suppressed for many years, maybe he will continue to jump up and down?
"Boom... rumbling..."

Just as Yu Wan was still thinking about Rong Lie's cultivation, there was a thunderous thunder in the originally clear sky? !
This explosion first made Yu Wan and Rong Lie, who were astonished, look at each other, and then they all looked up at the sky!
Immediately afterwards, dark clouds were suddenly formed above their heads, and pieces of condensation gathered together, accompanied by the sound of thunder and lightning from time to time...

"Master, this...isn't this disciple's Thunder Tribulation?!"

Seeing the sudden gathering of dark clouds above, Rong Lie was startled for a moment, and then a little joyful.

It's just that I'm not sure if it's my own Thunder Tribulation?He couldn't help asking about Yu Wan.

After all, staying in this world of monsters and beasts, he clearly felt that his physical and mental changes should be advanced a hundred years ago, but now he still feels the same as before, and even his aura is getting more and more restless.

Instead, the scene of Leiyun suddenly appeared, and he was a little complicated and excited to the point of disbelief.

Rong Liejie couldn't understand it anymore, but Yu Wan could. She recovered from her initial daze and felt the aura and movement of the thunder cloud.

Although the thunderclouds did gather above them, they were actually to the west!
Is it that in the Flame Mountains of the Western Mountains, someone is crossing the catastrophe? !

And judging from the aura of this thunder cloud, what he survived was not the three or nine thunder calamities, but the six or nine thunder calamities of advancing to the realm of transforming gods...

"This is the six or nine thunder tribulations in the realm of crossing the god of transformation. It has nothing to do with you. You can just wait here for the deity."

After finishing speaking, Yu Wanliu frowned slightly, and walked straight into the Flaming Mountains...

(End of this chapter)

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