Yu Wan Xian Ji

Chapter 823

Chapter 823
Before Rong Lie understood the meaning of Yu Wan's words, she had turned into an afterimage and disappeared in the western mountain range...

And Yu Wan let go of her spiritual sense to investigate, only to find that more and more black clouds were gathering in the deep sky above the Flame Mountain Range. The thunder calamity was approaching, and Yu Wan would naturally not miss the familiar fire spirit breath in the mountains.

It is the blood fox Chijue who is also a fire-type monster!
After entering the Sea of ​​Consciousness all the time, thanks to Yu Wan's Sea of ​​Consciousness, which is a natural place for cultivation, Xuehu Chijue, whose cultivation base is relatively weak, always feels that he is holding back.

So after he entered the Sea of ​​Consciousness, he went straight to the hinterland of this mountain range with rich fire aura and began to practice quietly, hoping to catch up with Dahuang and the others as soon as possible.

The blood of the Chijue Xuehu Fox did not directly inherit the divine vein of the Nine-Tailed Spirit Fox.

It's just because of the relationship with Yu Wan's contract to recognize the master, and he is cultivating in the realm where the aura of the world is the strongest.

Compared with the outside world, the essence of the sun and the moon here can be absorbed into his body at any time, so as to improve the distant blood of his nine-tailed fox.

In the process of Chi Jue's continuous mutation, even if his bloodline is not pure, but he relied on the baptism of the heaven and earth spiritual energy that defies the sky and changed his fate, so that his demon body and magic body were quenched. , unexpectedly from four tails gave birth to eight tails!
According to the state of the blood fox's Dharma body, it is the limit of his bloodline that he can give birth to six tails.

But this time not only six tails were born, but two more tails were born!
Only one tail away, he was completely mutated into a nine-tailed fox.

But this time Chijue's reckless leap forward, his entire demon body is still in a state of tearing, and it also puts him on the verge of collapse, which is extremely painful...

At this time, Yu Wan searched for the contract relationship with the blood fox, and soon came to the cave in the lava mountain, and found the magma that was constantly rolling and trembling with the magma surge, and wanted to support and stabilize it. The redness of the demon body.


Yu Wan heard Chi Jue's muffled sound of gasping and enduring pain in the lava, and saw that his animal body was even more integrated with the viscous lava that was boiling like crimson porridge. Eight tails was also slapping the crimson molten liquid in pain.

"Red Absolute!"

Yu Wan frowned and called Chi Jue's name softly, but Chi Jue seemed to be unable to hear her call, and was immersed in the painful struggle and tumbling all the time. His original golden pupils became even more like The crimson pupils that have turned into demons!

Seeing him like this, Yu Wan secretly thought it was bad!
This is a sign that he is going to be enchanted...

"Chi Jue! Wake up!"

Yu Wan was also impatient at this time, she flew directly close to Chi Jue, his thunder calamity was approaching, if he couldn't stay awake to cross the calamity at this time, it was very likely that he would fail to cross the calamity, completely fell into his own demons, and eventually lost his mind Became a monster.

Yu Wan brought her spiritual consciousness and sound skills to stimulate Chijue, and at the same time, she shot out a stream of water-blue aura intertwined with pure wood aura, aiming at his scarlet and cracked demon body. !


Just as Yu Wan adjusted his breath to slow down Chi Jue's scarlet dharma body that was about to explode, the thunderclouds in the sky had already gathered above the Flaming Mountain Range, waiting for the right time to strike down the six or nine thunder calamities.

And Yu Wan's aura output warm and nourishing, let Chi Jue soothe the ever-expanding, and still climbing the crack-like dharma body of red blood.

At the same time, Chi Jue, who had lost his mind and was in a state of forbearance and about to go berserk, recovered a little bit of consciousness, only to see that his scarlet pupils finally returned to his original golden vertical pupil state.


Chi Jue, who regained some consciousness, dimly saw Yu Wan who was outputting spiritual energy for him in front of him, and he endured the pain and called out uncertainly.

"How are you? You are going to survive six or nine thunder tribulations. Let's see if your dharma body is going to be violent, can you still survive this thunder calamity?"

Yu Wan was really worried about Chi Jue's state, which was not like what normal cultivation should be like.

On the contrary, it was more like carrying him to jump up and down, which increased his body's ability to bear.

I really don't know how Chi Jue forced himself to cultivate into such a state during this period of time?
"Master, I... I'm fine, I can still bear it! I just feel that my heart is burning, and the others... I can still bear it."

Seeing Chi Jue gritted her teeth and tried to explain the situation to Yu Wan, Yu Wan couldn't help frowning, and worried that Chi Jue's dharma body would not be able to withstand the thunder, so she thought of the golden leaf bodhi fruit and dragon blood fruit in the sea of ​​consciousness.

The dragon blood fruit is a holy fruit that replenishes the spiritual power of the same source of fire as Chijue, and the special effect of the golden leaf bodhi fruit, seeing Master Hongguang who can reshape the real body, knows that this fruit has an extremely significant effect on repairing the body of the law. effect.

"This is the Dragon Blood Fruit and the Golden Leaf Bodhi Fruit that were just picked. Their power is at its strongest. When you cross the catastrophe, one will help you recover your aura, and the other will help you recover your dharma body as soon as possible."

Time is running out, while Yu Wan was talking, she imagined two fruits, one golden and one red, and pushed them in front of Chi Jue.

It's just that these two fruits, if you look closely, you can see a layer of glistening white aura wrapped around them, and you can see that Yu Wan has actually added a mixture on top of them, which is suitable for nourishing the Dharma body. The sun and moon essence of consciousness.

In the final analysis, although Yu Wan can't help the Lord Chi Jue fight against the thunder, but he can still support him with the elixir.

At this moment, Chi Jue said that he was fine, but he knew that this time he forcibly forced himself to train Nine Tails.

But in the end, because of insufficient strength, only the eight-tailed generation was forced out.

But the birth of the eight tails also cost him a lot. The blood of the fox clan on his heart was like a crimson flame, burning his entire Dharma body.

And this heartburning feeling was far more violent and painful than the lava outside his body.

But he couldn't give up, once he gave up, at least his cultivation base would stop here for the rest of his life, at worst, he would be directly burned to death.

So he didn't dare to give up lightly, and forced himself to grit his teeth and persevere even if he died.

It's just that he didn't expect that the master would actually give him one of the extremely precious Golden Leaf Bodhi Fruits at this time? !

Now is not the time for him to be brave, Chi Jue is about to collect the two sacred fruits into his space, he does not intend to start taking them at this time, he just wants to go through the calamity, and if he really can't bear it anymore, Take them.

Thunder roared from above, and seeing the approaching thunder, Chi Jue endured the pain and said to Yu Wan:

"Thank you master, don't worry, Chijue will never disappoint the master's expectations, the thunder calamity is approaching, please back the master."


Yu Wan heard the thunder above, and felt that the first thunder was about to strike. After withdrawing the hand that was sending out the aura for Chijue, she stopped stopping and flew out of the lava cave, floating in the air. He couldn't help frowning, looking at the sky thunder that charged out from above.

"Boom... bang!"

Just as Yu Wan had just evacuated from Chijue's side, Lei Jie above unceremoniously struck down...


Chi Jue's body was filled with fire energy to resist, especially his eight giant tails were like umbrella bones, forming a round umbrella state, wrapping his beast body in the molten lava, preventing the thunder calamity from breaking through his defense.

And Chi Jue had just been warmed by Yu Wan's wood water aura to nourish his Dharma body. In fact, the swelling of his Dharma body was indeed relieved a little, and it also allowed him to successfully resist the first thunder tribulation.

It's just that the impact of this thunder calamity was not small, and it still shook his heart and lungs, causing him to let out a muffled groan to relieve it.

There are six strikes in the Six Nine Thunder Tribulations, if they are all as powerful as the first sky thunder, Chi Jue is sure to resist the power of the first three strikes.

As for the following three ways, he could only endure and resist.

However, there is a golden leaf bodhi fruit given to him by the master. If he can't stand the third cut, he can eat that bodhi fruit to strengthen and help the Dharmakaya's resistance.

"Boom... bang bang!"

Another two thunderbolts struck down!

Just like Chi absolutely understands his current physical state, even if he is in the lava at this time, the lava from the previous lava has never burned his blood-red and shiny red hair.

It was only after three thunderstorms, and although he didn't turn into charred charcoal, the fur on his Fa's body was completely shattered, and even his red flesh was turned out, and he was in an endangered state of being skinned by human beings.

(End of this chapter)

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