Yu Wan Xian Ji

Chapter 847 Siblings meet

Chapter 847 Siblings meet

Soon the two came to Xuantianzong's residence, there are many Xuantian disciples here.

Just when Yu Wan flew to the ground, there was a voice from a distance that Yu Wan missed very much:

Yu Wan raised her eyes to look over, and saw a younger brother, Yu Chen, whom she hadn't seen for hundreds of years, flying towards her from the front.

Looking at the handsome boy flying towards her from a distance, Yu Wan's eyes were soft. She found that although Yu Chen's appearance hadn't changed much in the past hundred years, his eyes and demeanor had become more and more serious. more mature.

And his "Auntie" was full of forbearable joy, no longer like that brat in the past, who ran over without even hiding his joy, and hugged her without hesitation.


Standing in front of Yu Wan, Yu Chen's expression was a little excited, and the breathing in his chest was even more rapid ups and downs.

Seeing Yu Chen like this, Yu Wan's throat couldn't help being a little constricted, looking at him with soft eyes that were a little sore, and softly called the long-lost name.

"Sister, I haven't seen you for a long time! Every time I go back to the sect, I miss the opportunity to meet you by accident. Also, I heard that you have entered the dangerous lands such as the Demon Abyss several times. Can you avoid it next time?" Always going into such a dangerous place alone makes me worry! If sister wants to go next time, can you wait for Ah Chen to come back and go together? That way, Ah Chen doesn't have to worry anymore." Yu Chen's eyes widened Hong, the tone went from being pleasantly surprised at the beginning to becoming more resentful as she spoke.

"Hehe... It's my sister's fault that I made Ah Chen worry. I haven't seen you for hundreds of years, but Ah Chen's cultivation is already at the late stage of transformation. It seems that Ah Chen has not neglected his cultivation for so many years."

Yu Wan looked at Yu Chen, and while apologizing to him, she also noticed that his cultivation had been hovering in the late Nascent Soul stage since the last time I saw him, but now he has broken through to the late stage of Transformation God. , just one step away from being able to advance to the stage of integration.

However, Yu Wan looked at Yu Chen's aura, and felt that his cultivation base stayed in the late stage of the transformation of the gods, and the days are not short...

In this kid's cultivation, will he encounter any uncertain things?

"No matter what, Ah Chen is very content to see Elder Sister standing in front of me properly again." Yu Chen put away his grievances and said.

"Master! You are back!"

While Yu Chen and Yu Wan were reminiscing about the old days, a familiar female voice with a joyful voice spoke to Yu Wan's spiritual consciousness.

At this time, I saw a white goshawk transforming into two fists, flying down from the sky.

The most important thing is that around the neck of the little goshawk, there is still a red sandalwood and nanmu pendant that Yu Wan gave to Liluo for soul nourishment.

This female voice came from the red sandalwood nanmu pendant, one didn't need to think about it, who was transmitting the voice to her.

Of course, the little goshawk flapping its wings excitedly and landed on Yu Chen's shoulder was Yu Chen's contracted beast called "Bai Tuan".

"Liluo?! How have you been all these years? Originally, you were only sent to accompany Bai Tuan for a while, but I didn't expect such a separation to last for hundreds of years. Is your spirit hindered? Your voice seems... weak few?"

Yu Wan listened to Li Luo's voice calling her, although she was excited and happy, but Yu Wan could still hear a sense of weakness without confidence.

"Fortunately, fortunately, I have this soul-nourishing pendant. Although my soul is not as strong as staying with the master, Li Luo is very content to be able to accompany Bai Tuan for so many years."

Li Luo does not deny that her soul is weak, but she does not regret being by her child's side in such a state.

Hearing what she said, Yu Wan sighed helplessly.

But thinking of Li Luo's current state, she suddenly thought of something, her eyes flashed brightly, but it's not suitable to go into details at this moment, so she returned the message to her:

"Now is not the time for you and me to talk. We will talk in detail after we finish our work later."

"Yeah, okay, master." Li Luo still said excitedly.

"Ah Chen, you can wait here first, I want to take her to meet the elders of the sect, and you will talk in detail after what happens."

Li Luo and Yu Wan were fascinated by the exchange, but Yu Lin interrupted the conversation between Yu Wan and Yu Chen.

"Okay, sister, I'll wait for you to come out here." Yu Chen reached out and touched the white ball on his shoulder that kept rubbing against him, and said to Yu Wan with a smile.

"Yeah." Yu Wan nodded at her with a smile on her lips.

Yu Lin took Yu Wan to a separate enchantment place, where the Xuantianzong high-level officials discussed matters.

And right now they seem to be discussing something, and now they are all talking in this isolation barrier.

"Disciple Yu Lin, bring Xuantianzong Yuwan Immortal to see you." Yu Lin stood on the edge of the foggy barrier and asked for see.

"come in."


After Yu Lin finished speaking, a thick male voice came from inside, the barrier had not been removed, Yu Lin glanced at Yu Wan at the side, and motioned her to follow her into the room.


When Yu Wan entered the enchantment, there was a buzzing sound instantly, and it was no longer a towering ancient tree in the enchantment, but a magnificent palace.

Yu Wan's consciousness swept away, and the two rows of ten chairs in the hall were full of people. Everyone's cultivation was either at the Transcendence Tribulation Stage or at the Composite Realm, and among them were many people whom Yu Wan knew.

Li Hao was also sitting at the end of the row of chairs. Moving forward, he saw the eighth elder Zilu Xianzun who had rescued them in the monster forest, and the peak master of Qiantian Peak who hadn't seen him for a long time. Kong Jue Immortal Venerable.

Yu Wan was not very familiar with the rest of the people, they were a little strange.

On the front seat, sat a late-stage cultivator with upright and resolute facial features, but who gave off an aura of calmness and prestige.

However, when Yu Wan came in, he saw that he had maintained a solemn expression.

"Yu Lin has seen Immortal Jingyang."

When she came to the hall, Yu Lin took the lead to greet Immortal Jingyang respectfully.

Yu Wan is not familiar with Jingyang Xianzun in the palace, but after Yu Lin made it clear, Yu Wan also imitated her and said:
"Yu Wan met Immortal Jingyang."

Although Immortal Jingyang on the front seat is not among the elders of the entire sect, he belongs to the rank of elders directly under Xuantian Peak, the main peak of Xuantian Sect, and his position is not inferior to that of the sect's secluded elders.

In addition to the ten elders of the first ten sects established by Xuantianzong, in fact, each peak also has elders within the peak.

It's just that the number of elders set up in the peak is determined according to the situation of each peak.

However, most of the monks who are elders have advanced to a certain level of cultivation. According to their cultivation realm, most of them choose to study the Dao of Enlightenment and live in seclusion, so it is basically difficult to see them in the sect. them.

As for Jingyang Immortal Venerable, this time it is the suzerain Jianxiu, who was specially appointed to preside over the person in charge of the Xuantianzong resident in the Monster Beast Forest.

The arrival of Yu Wan once again attracted the eyes of everyone in the hall, especially Immortal Jingyang, who was facing Yu Wan in front of her, and his eyes were directly locked on her.

"You are Yu Wan?"

Immortal Jingyang asked when he saw Yu Wan, who was widely rumored in the sect.

"Exactly, I heard that monks from the Demon Abyss often invaded here, and I was very curious about the passageway at this cliff, so I came here to explore it." Yu Wan replied calmly.

Hearing Yu Wan Daoming's intentions, Jingyang didn't say much, thinking in his heart that if one more high-level monk came, they would give more help, so he naturally had no objection.

It's just that the current situation of the three parties in the Monster Forest really makes them a little more worried.

(End of this chapter)

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