Yu Wan Xian Ji

Chapter 848 Weird White Mist

Chapter 848 Weird White Mist

Knowing Yu Wan's purpose, everyone scanned Yu Wan back and forth with their spiritual sense. They were all surprised and envious of her rapid improvement in cultivation.

The ones who were most surprised were naturally those who were a little familiar with Yu Wan, namely Li Hao, Kong Jue Xianzun and Ziliu Xianzun.

When Li Hao and Yu Wan parted ways in Jinxi City, there was not much difference in their cultivation.But looking at Yu Wan's cultivation now, he has already entered the realm of crossing the catastrophe, while he is still in the early stage of fusion.

Li Hao couldn't help but pursed his lips tightly, subconsciously clenched his hands on his knees into fists, and looked at Yu Wan with deep and complicated eyes.

And Ziliu Immortal Venerable, she was even more surprised by Yu Wan's advancement speed. When she first met Yu Wan, Yu Wan was in the realm of transforming gods, and she was in the realm of fusion; when she met Yu Wan now, she was also a sect after all Elder, even if he breaks through the tribulation stage later, but now his cultivation level is not as good as this girl's, and she actually made her a big realm far beyond him? !
Such a thing had a great impact on Ziliu's monk who practiced seclusion from the world, and she couldn't help but look at Yu Wan with a bitter smile.

Compared with the frustration of Li Hao's peer competition, and the sad state of mind of old seniors like Ziliu Xianzun, who was overtaken by a new junior, Kong Jue Xianzun's state of mind is much calmer.

Because he is more familiar with Yu Wan than Zi Liu, he has heard and seen too much about Yu Wan's defying nature.

Therefore, he didn't think it was too surprising that Yu Wan would change in the future.

Seeing Yu Wan who refreshed his cognition again at this time, Immortal Kong Jue actually had a kind of proud smile. Facing Yu Wan's glance, the two of them smiled tacitly. Greeted silently.

"I heard that you have entered the Buddha Realm?"

Just when Yu Wan was in a daze to make eye contact with an acquaintance, Jingyang Xianzun asked Yu Wan in a deep voice.

It was no secret that Yu Wan had entered the Buddha Realm.

Besides, when Yu Wan came back from there, she basically informed the suzerain of everything. At that time, Master Zhenli from the Buddha Realm also met with the suzerain with her.

Thinking that coming to the forest is related to the Buddha world, the suzerain Jianxiu must have told the situation she knew to the Immortal Jingyang who came here to preside over the power.

"Yes, the disciple has entered the Buddha's Realm." Yu Wan did not deny it.

"Well, just right, since you're here too, then if you enter the Buddha's Realm this time, you should also participate in it. Anyway, those people from other sects are not as reliable as our own people after all." Jingyang continued.

Although Yu Wan didn't understand the specific situation?
But listening to Immortal Jingyang's cautious tone, and his always serious, unrelenting facial expression, it can be seen that they seem to be not optimistic about the matter of entering the Buddha's realm?
"I don't know when the Immortal Venerable plans to enter the Buddha Realm? Is there any risk in entering the Buddha Realm? Is this person from the Outer Sect from the Buddha Realm? Also, when the disciples came, they saw that the people from the Demon Sect were actually in the Buddha Realm. Set up camp in the monster forest? Our five sects didn’t seem to object? What’s going on here?”

Yu Wan had a lot of doubts in her heart, raised her eyes and asked the Immortal Jingyang in front of her.

Jingyang's eyes narrowed slightly and locked on Yu Wan. Although she didn't point it out directly, she meant to blame them for how they tolerated the existence of the Demon Sect? !
"You should observe carefully. That's right. Some time ago, there was a battle between immortals, demons, and demons in the Monster Beast Forest. It was also because of that battle that the forest dragon turned over abnormally.

It's just that this anomaly is not elsewhere, but at the cliff leading to the Buddha's realm.You have just entered the country, but you saw a white mist inside the cliff? "Jingyang asked back.

"Isn't that misty white mist brought by the cliff?"

Yu Wan didn't know why, so she didn't have time to take a closer look, she glanced hastily, and only saw the appearance.

"The white mist is very strange. When the three parties fought that day, the entire forest of monster beasts was filled with rampaging demonic energy and aura.

Due to the turmoil of the great war and the earth dragon turning over caused by the explosion, a towering white mist rose from under the cliff here!
As the white mist below spread towards the entire forest of monster beasts, it was discovered that the disciples guarding the nearby white mist on the cliff would be sucked into it and disappear if they touched the white mist.

Not only that, even the white mist is still constantly sucking away the aura filled with the flames of war, so that we who are fighting feel that the aura around us is disappearing too fast, and we choose to pause and fly away from this cliff in shock. .

Moxiu saw us retreat, and they also saw the white mist sucking people and spiritual energy.

Ah!They also thought that the white mist was here to help them, so some people who were not afraid of death wanted to chase us down with all their might.

Unexpectedly, when the demon cultivators approached, many monks were ruthlessly swallowed and merged into the cliff.

And the devilish energy on them, even if they got a little closer and didn't touch them, they were also unceremoniously absorbed by the white mist.

This white mist, regardless of whether it is aura or magic energy, sucks in all comers. Seeing that the situation is not right, the magic cultivator imitated us and flew away from the cliff.

Although some demon cultivators escaped from the cliff unharmed by accident before, but have you never seen Bai Wu so restless? !
Not only did we fail to understand the situation, but even the demon cultivators themselves did not understand the sudden situation. What is wrong with this?
The most evil thing, when all of us had a truce, this strange white mist actually automatically retreated into the cliff.

I'm afraid that the white mist will burst out again. It's okay that it's only limited to the forest of monsters now. If this kind of white mist that has not been fully understood spreads to the entire cultivation world, it will be a catastrophe to be honest!

Moxiu and the others also wanted to understand the situation, and in order to prevent the white mist from spreading again, our sects specially asked Immortal Kong Jue and several formation masters to set up formations and cast spells on the cliff in turn.

The evil thing is that, just looking at the output of spiritual energy, the top-grade isolation formation is basically useless to Bai Wu, and Bai Wu has no warning, and once again penetrated the illusory enchantment formation above.

Later, Moxiu didn't know if it was out of temptation?Or out of destructive psychology?

He unexpectedly injected a stream of devilish energy into the formation, and found that the original enchantment formation actually forced back some white mist.

This white mist can not only devour aura and magic energy, but also unexpectedly be suppressed by both? !Really weirdly tight!

Seeing this, Moxiu and we both want to understand why this white mist is so changeable?

As a last resort, the two sides reached a consensus and chose to temporarily quell the war with them and study the white mist under the cliff together.

Furthermore, after all, the other side of the passage in the Buddha Realm is the Shiva gate stationed by Mo Xiutong. They are familiar with us. We need to send people into the cliff passage to have a look. That's right, that's why they chose to allow their magic cultivators to temporarily station here. "

Immortal Jingyang was not angry because Yu Wan questioned their mentality just now, and even explained in detail why the demon cultivators were allowed to exist here.

After listening to it, Yu Wan was also surprised that the white mist was so amazing!
But she was still puzzled and asked:

"Immortal Venerable, since this white mist is still uncontrollable, will it be swallowed and inhaled by it again if you probe in so rashly?"

"This isn't just your concern, it's our concern too. But when Moxiu came through here, the white mist already existed.

The reason why the white mist suddenly erupted and swallowed everyone and the aura must have triggered a certain point of it!

Otherwise, Moxiu would not be able to pass through the white mist unharmed.Since they can pass through the white mist successfully, I think we can too!

Our five sects negotiated with the demon cultivator and planned to go inside together this time, and their demon cultivator did not object.

We just got together, we had better come up with a perfect plan, I hope our monks can enter the white mist tunnel safely, and don't be tricked by the demon cultivators and others!At the same time, it was also analyzing, what was the reason for the white mist to explode at that time?
Also, many monks were swallowed by the white mist, and they also wanted to go inside to see if they could be rescued? "

(End of this chapter)

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