Yu Wan Xian Ji

Chapter 857

Chapter 857

Yu Wan's spiritual sense probed the past, and there were many low-level monsters shuttling through the mountains and forests within a hundred miles.

But her aura was not hidden, it was her arrival that caused the group of wild monsters to tremble and dare not act rashly.

It's just that Yu Wan's spiritual sense released and probed, but he didn't detect the figures and auras of Zhu Luo Xianzun and the two demon cultivators nearby.Naturally, the disciples of the various sects who entered the two vortexes at that time did not appear here.

This result made Yu Wan frown slightly. Where exactly is this place, I have to find someone who understands and ask.

Below Yu Wan is a mountain range, and further ahead is the sea area forming the skyline, and there are naturally rolling mountains behind her.

But she chooses to go to the inner road of the mountains behind her, maybe she can meet monks or people.

As Yu Wan moved forward and released her spiritual sense to investigate and search, she looked around and memorized the surrounding geographical location.

Sure enough, it was in the direction she was exploring five hundred miles ahead, and there was the sound of a fight and explosion.

Seeing this, Yu Wan withdrew her mind, hid her breath, and flew straight to that place...



Just as Yu Wan was getting closer, he heard two roars of beasts suddenly sounded from the blasted dust in the depths of the mountain range.

What surprised Yu Wan the most was that one of the voices sounded familiar!

This caused her eyes to flicker slightly, her brows to frown slightly, and her heart was full of doubts, but she wanted to ask for proof even more.

"Bang bang bang..."

Just as Yu Wan was hesitating, the sound of blasting in the dust rang out again and again. The continuous spread of fire and air waves instantly shattered countless vegetation in the surrounding mountains, and even the rubble that was hit by the mountain rolled down. sound, mixed together.


There was another coercive and intimidating sound of dragons singing and tigers roaring, but there was no sound of shouting like phoenix crying.

Yu Wan was suspended above the battle between the two beasts, his consciousness looked through the steaming clouds to see what was happening below, and he saw the blue dragon wrapping its body tightly around the two-headed dragon. The bud bird!

Especially the mouth of the giant dragon was biting tightly on one of Lei Niao's necks, while the other neck of Lei Niao was crushed to death by the giant green dragon's tail.

And Lei Bird's neck under the huge mouth of the green dragon could still be stretched and struggling, but as the blood under the neck flowed like a spring, and as its free eyelids slowly closed, its neck completely relaxed. Soft, no struggle.

Seeing that Lei Niao was completely dead, Qinglong finally let go of his huge mouth, and at the same time released the tight dragon body from Lei Niao.

Immediately after seeing the green dragon, he waved its sharp five-fingered dragon claws, pointed at the position of the dead Lei Bird's dantian, and scratched the flesh with a "puh!", directly pulled out its demon core, and took a mouthful of it without any politeness. Swallowed it clean.

In this battle, Yu Wan could see that the green dragon had been scratched by Lei Bird's sharp claws in many places.Fortunately, the wound was not deep. He was a little tired physically and mentally at the moment, and his movements became a little slow.

Qinglong took a chance to catch his breath, snorted and allowed his demon body to cultivate for a while, to relieve fatigue, and at the same time digest the demon pill he had just swallowed little by little.

He didn't leave in a hurry, because the two big monsters who had just joined together fought here, and the surrounding low-level monsters didn't dare to approach at all.

Just the steaming air here has already dissuaded countless masters who wanted to make a profit.

Only then did Qinglong dare to breathe heavily here, adjusting his breath for a while.

However, when Yu Wan saw this familiar yet unfamiliar green dragon, her complexion finally softened, and there was a joyful smile in her eyes.

Yu Wan no longer hides her aura, and exposes her aura above Qinglong.


At the moment when Yu Wan released his breath, Qinglong tensed up his dragon body instantly as if he was facing a formidable enemy, the whole dragon's head suddenly lifted up, and the aqua blue aura around him surged to wrap around his dragon body, which hadn't faded away. Longan, who was full of murderous aura, glared at the top with bloodshot eyes, and let out a low warning grunt to warn of the sudden aura above.

But, just when he felt the oppressive aura above, it made him vaguely familiar?
But this familiar feeling was not enough to make him take it lightly. He still kept a high level of vigilance and looked straight up. His divine sense pierced through the thick and charming cloud and shot at the high-ranking monk approaching him.

"Qinglongjiao, I haven't seen you for many years, you don't know me anymore?"

Yu Wan noticed the dragon's spiritual detection and his hostility towards her, and when she confirmed that she saw this green dragon with antlers, a crocodile mouth, and five-clawed limbs, she couldn't help saying.

Yu Wan was skeptical at first, but when she saw the familiar aura of spiritual consciousness coming from below, she confirmed that the green dragon in front of her was a real dragon, the one that had been missing for thousands of years. Qinglong flooded.

When Qinglongjiao heard this familiar voice, when he saw Yu Wan who had already teleported to him and was looking at him with a smile on his face, the aura around Qinglongjiao disappeared.

The shock on his face hadn't completely faded away yet, and his expression became very joyful again, and he said happily to Yu Wan:
"It's actually you! You...how did you appear here?!"

"Hey, it's a long story, but it's you, you and I haven't seen each other for a thousand years, and you really turned into a dragon from a dragon?! Just now I can't confirm whether this green dragon is you? Fortunately, there is still a trace of your breath. Impression, this is why I didn't hide my aura and come down to meet you." Yu Wan said while looking at the dragon body of the Qinglong Jiao curiously.

"Master Jiao is amazing, hehe, Jiao is also very satisfied with Jiao's dragon body."

Mentioning his dragon body, Qinglongjiao's narcissism came up again, and he didn't care about his exhaustion and the wounds scratched by the two birds.

Seeing his bravery, Yu Wan sighed helplessly. At the same time, she transferred the water aura and wood aura in her hands to cover the dragon body of the Qinglongjiao, and used the Guishui Jue and Yimu Jue to heal and warm the dharma body. in his body.

Qinglongjiao instantly felt the wound on his body, and there was a cool and comfortable feeling, and now the initial pain was gone.

Immediately afterwards, the regenerative power of the wood spirit qi made his dharma body heal bit by bit, and the healing power scabbed and fell off at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Qinglongjiao saw this scene both familiarly and strangely, because he was no stranger to Yu Wan's healing method. He had stayed by Yu Wan's side all year round before, and he had seen Yu Wan use this method before.

What surprised Qinglongjiao was that he was a monster at the body level, and the injuries he suffered were also caused by the mana of the monster at the body level, so it was not easy to heal at all.

But Yu Wan's healing technique fell on him, and his wound has already healed more than half in just a cup of tea, right? !
How powerful is this speed and the strength of this spiritual power to heal his injury in such a short time? !

Everything that happened in front of him made Qinglong's eyes darken. There were many doubts in his heart, but he didn't ask questions immediately. Instead, he chose to wait for Yu Wan to finish his work, and then ask this girl carefully. How have these millennia been spent...

(End of this chapter)

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