Yu Wan Xian Ji

Chapter 858 Sleeping Lotus? !

Chapter 858 Sleeping Lotus? !

After Yu Wan saw the wounds on Qinglongjiao's body scabbed, she stopped her efforts and said to him:
"The wounds on your body are nothing serious. It just depends on how many wounds are in your body. I'm afraid it won't be healed by the treatment for a while, and the rest will be recovered by yourself. .”

"Well, Jiao knows, thank you." Qinglong Jiao didn't deny it, and looked at Yu Wan with gratitude in his eyes and said in a deep voice.

"I think you and I both have a lot to say. You are familiar with this place. Let's find a quiet place to talk."

Yu Wan looked at the scorched black land in front of her with an unpleasant and choking smell, frowned slightly, and suggested to Qinglongjiao.

"That's good, Jiao also has this intention, let's come with Jiao." Qinglong Jiao took off with a wagging tail of a dragon as he said, and took Yu Wan straight to the south...

When Qinglongjiao led Yu Wan to a mountain peak, his dragon body suddenly shrank, and then he plunged into a hidden cave hidden by towering trees.

Yu Wan, who was following Qinglong Jiao, also followed him into the cave.

Yu Wan is a newcomer and is very curious about everything in this cave.

They first passed through a cave with heavy humidity, and after continuing to walk nearly a hundred meters, they suddenly saw a cave that could hold the bodies of two blue dragons.

What surprised Yu Wan the most was that there was a Lingquan Waterfall in this cave that was falling down from the rocky cave wall, so that the sound of the water flow could be heard clearly in this cave.

The pool below is not big, but the depth of the small pool in ten directions is only three feet deep, and the water flowing out from the cave wall has never filled the small pool to overflowing.

Except for the pool, the ground is covered with flowers like a lawn. There is a large flat rock in the innermost part of the cave, and there are many spirit stone crystals scattered around the rock.

And those spirit stone crystals of different sizes fell among the flowers in the cave as if they did not need money. Because these spirit stone crystals contain different auras, the glowing spirit stone crystals , not only illuminates the surroundings, but also because of the gorgeous colors, the reflection of the light source through them makes the already blooming flowers in the cave look more colorful and attractive.

Qinglong Jiaofei led Yu Wan to the big rock in the cave, and motioned her to relax and sit down.

Seeing the beautiful scenery in the cave, Yu Wan, who was sitting on a rock, couldn't help laughing and said:

"Your cave is quite unique. If I didn't know that you are a male dragon, and this cave is filled with flowers and plants and decorated with crystals, I would have thought it was some banshee's retreat."

"It's a long story. This was originally the cave of a female fox demon cultivator. It was just a thousand years ago. The fox demon took advantage of Jiao's serious injury to kill Jiao. How could Jiao be the one who suffered? So far, after killing her naturally, she discovered that there is a Lingquan pool in her cave, just to warm and nourish Jiao's injured Dharma body. So, this place has always lived in this cave until now." Qinglong Jiao fanned Fan Jiaowei, said in a seemingly light and somewhat ostentatious manner.

Yu Wan saw him being so arrogant and virtuous, and gave him a blank look in her heart. Sure enough, even though she hadn't seen him for a thousand years, Qinglong Jiao's stinky and flamboyant energy still hasn't changed much.

"How did you get here back then? Where is this place?"

Yu Wan had a lot of doubts in her heart, so she stopped joking with Qinglongjiao, and asked him directly why he fell into this realm?

"That day, Jiao stayed away from the spaceship in order to distract those Transformation Gods. The Jiao beast was no match for four hands, and it retreated and fled while defending output.

Unexpectedly, he came to a place with a cliff, Jiao wanted to use the cliff as a cover to escape, so he jumped down without thinking.

But I didn't expect that group of demon cultivators to be persistent enough, chasing Jiao and never falling behind!We started fighting under that cliff, and then a hurricane suddenly blew up for unknown reasons, bringing Jiao into this space.

When it landed here, fortunately there were no demon cultivators around, otherwise, Jiao probably wouldn't have survived today.

Coincidentally, at that time when Jiao was seriously injured, he met the fox demon from the original cave.

Fortunately, that fox demon's cultivation base was not as high as that of Jiao's, and she was too greedy, so she became murderous towards Jiao, and Jiao completely wiped her out in one go.

After nearly a hundred years of nourishing in the water temperature of the spiritual pool in this cave, the demonic energy in his body was completely cleared away.

As for where exactly this place is, Jiao has also traveled to this area, and originally thought it was somewhere in the Monster Forest of the Cultivation Realm.

But later I found out that the places I passed by at Jiao's speed were all unfamiliar places, and I couldn't find where the sects of Xuantianzong and Shuoyinmen were located.

Therefore, after that, Jiao always felt that it was possible that Jiao was drawn into a small world like the Mayfly Secret Realm where Jiao was in by that strange wind.

It's just that this place is much wider than the Mayfly Secret Realm, and it doesn't restrict the promotion of the cultivation base like the Mayfly Secret Realm.

Otherwise, when Jiao entered this place by mistake, his cultivation was no more than the realm of transforming gods, and now he would not be promoted to the strength of the later stage of fusion.

Even if he couldn't go back to the realm of comprehension, at least this point calmed down Jiao's anxiety.

I heard from the monks here that this small world seems to have been lost. They learned from the inheritance of their ancestors that there are other worlds besides this world!But they can't leave here, and there is no way to go out, and they have been trapped in this space for generations.

When Jiao heard the news, Jiao was also very depressed...

Hey~~ But it's better now!If you come too, Jiao will see hope. Your luck can be said to be against the sky. With you here, maybe Jiao can follow you to turn things around and get out of this small world smoothly?

Even if I can't leave, Jiao's life won't be so boring with you as my old friend as company. "

Qinglongjiao actually told Yu Wan the general story of how he got here. At the end of his talk, why did Yu Wan feel that this stinky Jiaojiao who turned into a dragon had a sense of gloating in it? !

Yu Wan rolled his eyes at him, and couldn't help snorting coldly:

"Oh, you can see it. I am also from this world, just like you, who was swept by the strange wind from the cliff! You really look down on me, I am a newcomer, how do you know? Where is the way back? It's the cloud that I fell down, and I don't know where it has gone right now!"

Qinglongjiao didn't care about Yu Wan's complaints, but was surprised that Yu Wan came here, and he had amazing similarities with him, so he couldn't help but sigh:

"I didn't expect that you also entered the cliff, and you were also brought here by the strange wind?!"

"Well, yes, is there a strange white mist under the cliff?"

"Yes, yes, there was indeed a white mist, and I didn't pay attention to it when I was running for my life. Based on this calculation, it seems that you and I have entered the same cliff." Qinglongjiao said.

"Looks like it is." Yu Wan also nodded in a deep voice, but remembering Qinglongjiao's words, she still frowned and asked:

"However, I hear what you mean. There are still people here? Didn't they find any clues to get out?"

Speaking of the aborigines in this small world, Qinglong Jiao couldn't help recalling:
"Jiao didn't want to get close to that group of people. Except for the first time when he was looking for a way back, when he traveled to the place where Renxiu was stationed to inquire about the situation, Jiao spent most of his time here in meditation.

To be honest, this mountain range is equivalent to the forest of monsters in the cultivation world, and this is the hinterland where monsters gather. Generally, people are rarely seen wandering here, and there are many people around the mountains. build. "

"I see." Yu Wan roughly understood, and couldn't help but nodded in response.

But when she looked up and saw the dragon horns and dragon body of Qinglongjiao, she asked with curiosity in her eyes:
"By the way, when did you transform into a dragon from a jiao?! This body is very full of dragon energy. When you transform into a dragon, you have to suffer a lot, right?"

"Don't mention it, life is worse than death! But after tossing half your life, the rewards you get are indeed welcome.

She was able to transform into a god and become a dragon thanks to that fox demon. When she first entered the cave of the fox demon, there was actually a sleeping lotus that had bloomed for more than ten thousand years in her spiritual spring pool. You should also know what it is! "Qinglongjiao explained.

"Sleeping lotus?! You really have unlucky luck! You swallowed the sleeping lotus to become Jackie Chan?! Then you swallowed the sleeping lotus, right?!"

When Yu Wan heard about Sleeping Youlian, her eyes would glow with golden light, and she looked at Qinglongjiao excitedly, and she involuntarily stretched forward and asked urgently.

When she first entered the cave, she had noticed the small waterfall spirit pool, but she didn't see the water lotus in the pool, not even a lotus leaf, let alone a lotus flower...

She can only pin her hopes on Qinglongjiao, to see if this guy can save some lotus seeds from Sleeping Youlian?

(End of this chapter)

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