Immortals, don't watch dramas

Chapter 2560 Convocation

Chapter 2560 Convocation
Fang Xuri didn't know that he and Jiang Yan didn't match each other in terms of face, personality, and maybe even their horoscopes.

Jiang Yan had ruined his good deeds several times in the secret realm before, and later robbed him of his resources in the blessed land, causing him to be almost deposed, and the two officially became enemies.

Fang Xuri used to think that he could bend, stretch, and endure, and he pretended to believe in the old hag in Zongli, but he couldn't bear it with Jiang Yan, and he didn't want to bear it anymore.He had never been in such a state of embarrassment since he fell into the Demon Way and entered the Tongyun Gate.

If the other party can't bear him, then it's just right—he also wants to test the strength of this Blood Moon Demon Lord.

There was a playful smile on Fang Xuri's face, but there was a coldness in his eyes, which almost reached his heart.

Xueyue is a lunatic, and this one is no exception. He has been insane for many years, and he has been insane since the moment his family was destroyed.He was crazy for a short period of time, but he was more unscrupulous and unscrupulous. His sister was also a lunatic, but she was just crazy calmly. Talk about the horror of Fang Xuri.

But the young man in the seat is not very interested in the grievances and grievances of the lunatics on both sides, and he can't control it with his cultivation.However, the forces behind him in the arena were undisputedly superior, and they were the ones who initially proposed to convene, so everyone tacitly agreed that he would preside over the meeting.

So it's better not to make a fuss... He still came with orders from above.

Fang Xuri is still afraid of the person above him. Although he is not far behind him in terms of cultivation, the power behind him is so special that he is not sure, but he is still willing to give it to the Buddha. face.

"Everyone, please be quiet for a moment." It's almost time, and that person still hasn't come... But if the other party doesn't come, is it possible that they really have to wait until night?Yin Fan also got impatient with waiting, so he simply started first, anyway, it was just a formality.

The big deal is that he will talk to the other party alone later-it will save some trouble, and he can work directly without these few hedges.

People from the Demon Sect are more loose and hard to restrain. It is still difficult for them to sit in a row and wait for assignments like some formal sects.

The volume of voices needed to gather such a new generation of Demonic Sect members is also extraordinary. Not everyone can hold such a meeting, or it should be said that not everyone is qualified to hold such a meeting.Apparently, the young demon cultivator in the seat is such an existence.

Therefore, just like Fang Xuri, all the demon cultivators present were more or less willing to give the person in attendance enough face, no matter whether it was true respect or a fake appearance, all the demon cultivators in the venue temporarily stopped the conversation in progress and looked at the person who spoke. people.

Seeing that the infield became a little quieter, the young Moxiu in the seat lightly touched the table with his fingertips, as if he was brewing emotions.At this time, the demon cultivators who were present were basically attracted here. They knew that the main event was coming, and this was the main reason why they gathered here patiently today.

"I think you all knew before you came here? I don't need to say more, this time I invited you here for this purpose."

It turned out that all the Demon Sect monks who were present had already passed their Qi before that, and they all gathered here today.

They are not planning to brew any conspiracy, but are preparing for a grand event that is about to open.Naturally, the twelve sects of the demonic sect were not randomly assembled, but the sects of the demonic way that all reached a certain threshold and took over the olive branch.Everyone will be a participant in that "event" and share that opportunity.

"...The general situation is as mentioned above. If you have any comments, you may wish to raise them on the spot, and I will convey them to the inner city on your behalf." The young man said openly.

In fact, it's just a process, and other people can't do anything if they really have any opinions.In terms of status in Moyuan City, everyone present can only follow their rules, otherwise why would they participate in this "game"?
But there are probably people in this world who like to jump around the edge.

"Your city provides the venue and the opportunity, we have no objection. But I have a doubt—" A voice interrupted Yin Fan who was about to start the next polite conversation.

Yin Fan:?
you again?You're here to make trouble, right? !
Tongyun Sect's previous session was quite normal. The Red Brahma demons represented by that generation behaved neatly and decently, and there were no accidents in the group.The other party is now the Red Brahma Demon Lord, and the promotion is fairly fast, and the realm may be able to move a little after hundreds of years.

But the style of painting has completely changed in the past few generations. This Fang Xuri is a lunatic at all.Yin Fan couldn't tell how many times he had frowned since calling for the meeting.

The young Moxiu calmly said: "Please tell me."

"We can collect this kind of strange stone at your request, but do I have the right to know the true face of this kind of strange stone? I think it should be more than that simple on the surface." Fang Xuri laughed suddenly, taking time off, as if he had long Think about how you want to make trouble at this moment.

Fang Xuri was very direct, and also ruthlessly brushed Yin Fan's face, and this real person Yin came from Moyuan City, the Upper Realm City at the gate of the Middle-Earth Demon.

It was said that there was a burst of discussion in the whole courtyard, and it exploded like a honeycomb.

Although they all felt that Fang Xuri did not play cards according to common sense, the other party was really bold.Not to mention the connotation of the blood moon before, but now he can refute to the monks in the upper realm city plane. Anyone can admire this brave heart.

And the other party also asked questions that they were extremely puzzled in their hearts.What kind of spiritual material actually provoked Moyuan City, which overlooks the world from a high place, to lose face and "go to the next world"?
They will never think that it is an ordinary spiritual stone, there must be something different in it, but most people don't know it.

And Moyuan City has already brought this matter to the table, not afraid of others discovering and snooping, this is its card, telling everyone that there is a problem with these strange stones, and it is what they need...

"Your Excellency is really perceptive, it is indeed...whether it is our fault for failing to tell you properly." Yin Fan chuckled lightly.

"Actually, I might as well tell you that it's not a strange stone, but a spiritualized nebula stone."

Now all the demon cultivators couldn't hold back their emotions.

Nebula, a high-level spiritual material that has sprung up in recent years, because it can mutate spiritual roots, is not even regarded as a spiritual material of the same level as the heavenly rank by few people.

But isn't this something that those spiritual practitioners can only use? It doesn't have much effect on a group of them cultivating magic energy.

And what does the spiritualized nebula... mean?
(End of this chapter)

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