Nebula has not appeared for a long time, and it did not attract much attention when it first appeared. Everyone thought that it was a kind of bright stone produced in a special spiritual environment. It is very beautiful, but it is just like Pingshan fluorescent stone. Stronger sex has no special utility.

But later, a monk discovered by chance that this kind of stone can transform the spiritual root, turning the water spiritual root in the monk's body into an ice-type spiritual root.

The monk who used to be an ordinary monk with three spiritual roots suddenly turned into ice spiritual roots, and the other two spiritual roots became dispensable under the influence of high-purity ice spiritual roots, because no matter what kind of spiritual energy he inhaled in the end The output will only be decomposed into ice spiritual power, and what is produced in the body is also ice-type spiritual energy.

This is already close to the mechanism of a monk with a single ice spiritual root, so although the opponent is lucky enough to change his aptitude, he has to change a set of cultivation methods, and all the ones he practiced before are not applicable.How could such an obvious change not be discovered by others, not to mention that the monk acted in a high-profile way and was caught by others not long after.

Since then, people have also known the amazing uses of nebula. It has changed from being ignored to a treasure of heaven and earth that has attracted everyone's attention, and it has caused a bloodbath.

This thing was born in such a small amount, because it was so beautiful and dazzling that it was mistaken for a rare treasure and was transported to Middle-earth for evaluation with great fanfare.

Then came to find out that it has no function other than appearance.Moreover, the aura contained in it is quite ordinary, only a little more than ordinary middle-grade spirit stones, and the attention of the people in Central Earth has quickly dropped.That batch of stones disappeared not long after being photographed by a certain monk who did not give up.

Right now, someone suddenly discovered its effect, and it is still such a miraculous effect that people are envious. It is impossible for everyone in the cultivation world to sit down peacefully, and they are all looking around.

They first dug the mine that first produced the nebula, but they found nothing, and no more quantities were found.Then some interested people went to dig deep into the flow of those nebula stones back then, and indeed found a little bit, but only a little bit, and most of them are still missing.

The monk who first discovered the function of the nebula provided some clues, saying that it was embedded in a black and inferior ore when it was found in the northern part of Middle-earth.He didn't know what it was, so he bought it when he saw it was pretty, but he didn't expect it to be such a treasure.

The main body of the excavated nebula is very small, only two fingers wide, but it is still dazzlingly bright.The monk made it into a beautiful treasure and kept it with him, and by a coincidence, he opened up the correct way to use it, thus completely changing his fate.

However, the nebula at that time proved to be an ornamental material, and it was clearly abandoned in the entire Middle-earth world.It is not worth anything in itself, and the parts that resemble waste rocks wrapped around it are naturally thrown away like waste.

Now that I think about it... who knows if there are other nebula stones embedded in that thing.

Sure enough, although everyone followed this clue and failed to find the "black stone" that the other party said, they did find a small piece of nebula along that direction.

This piece of spiritual material was later acquired by a large group of people, and within two years, a rare genius of ice spirit root emerged among them.

Since then, the legend of the nebula has spread throughout the continent.

However, people have rarely found it for many years, and its birth is more like an accident.

However, it is said that someone received a small piece in the south a few years ago, but that person was relatively low-key and was protected by someone behind him, so no one has been inquiring about the situation.

Having said so much, in fact, this thing is only a limited spiritual material in essence.The function is very narrow, almost only monks with a certain purity of the water spirit root can use it to transform the spirit root, and there is no other effect.Therefore, there is still a market for this thing, and it will not be a price without a market.

In the same way, this thing obviously doesn't have much effect on demon cultivators, and I have never heard of any demon cultivators using this to improve in the past.Moyuan City searched for such a thing, and even used it as a bargaining chip for various sects to enter the secret place, which is really strange.

The other party no longer said anything after pointing to Mingxing Yunshizhen. They said half and kept half, which made people want to get it back and study it immediately.

Of course, this may also be the bait thrown by Moyuan City to drive everyone to collect this special spiritual stone.But I have to say that if this is Moyuan City's conspiracy, it is really useful. Everyone present is full of interest in this "task" in an instant, and they are determined to win it.

The magic sects that can be present basically have extremely deep foundations and strong financial resources. If they fancy some top-quality spiritual materials, they will have a chance of winning with the righteous factions.What's more, at present, their Demon Sect is still in an information gap with a great advantage. People in the righteous way don't know the existence of nebula stones, so this matter is very promising.

It's just that they were even more curious about the magic power of this nebula, which provoked Chengcheng from the upper realm to search for it. It must have a deeper effect than transforming spiritual roots... It can't be some kind of treasure, right?Does this thing have other utility that we haven't developed yet?
——This is not impossible. After all, the amount of nebula unearthed is too small, and the few pieces found have been used by people. They have not been widely spread, and there is no room for research.

Forget it, it's okay if the envoy of Moyuan City refuses to say anything, anyway, things will stay in their hands for a while.When they get it, they can study it by themselves, and if they really can't figure it out by then, they can also send it to change places.

Everyone's calculations were very loud, and Yin Fan, who was seated above, understood what they had in mind.But he didn't care at all, or it should be said that this was what he and the people behind him expected.


"You are here, please sit down."

It was still the same courtyard, but all the demon cultivators who had filled the courtyard just now dispersed, leaving only the lonely figure of the organizer, but now another guest came.

The envoy, who was still unpredictable just now, was obviously much more cautious and polite towards this visitor.

The visitor didn't care, took the tea offered by the host, not afraid that Yin Fan would play tricks on it, tasted it with a strange smile: "I think your Excellency didn't invite me here to taste this cup Let's have some tea."

"If you have anything to say, please tell me. After all, the conditions you made with me are so unbearable to refuse. We accept the things, and the matter will naturally be settled."

"Hey, your Excellency is still refreshing. I would like to ask you to do something at the trade conference in a few days. Don't worry, it will not be difficult for you."

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