Chapter 826 Direct
who I am?where am i?What am I doing?
Ningxia was also confused at the moment.

She was startled when a stranger suddenly appeared and asked, "Who are you?"

Uh...why does the other party seem familiar?This question also appeared in Ningxia's mind very tacitly.

Who is this guy?How can there be an inexplicable sense of familiarity, deja vu, but it should not be too familiar.Because if it's really an acquaintance, she must be able to recognize it, and it won't be as ambiguous as it is now.

But she really felt that the other person was very familiar... accompanied by an inexplicable sense of unease.She seems to have... a bad feeling for the other party? !

Was that the former enemy or what?
For a moment, Ningxia's mind was a little confused.

But the opponent was still pressing on, moved half a step closer and asked again: "Who are you?"

How do I know who I am?Ningxia is a bit inexplicable.No, I know who I am, but I don't know who you are talking about... The more I think about it, the more confused I am, Ningxia decides to take the initiative.

If she didn't explain, she was about to be poked into a hornet's nest.Look at what some people are about to misunderstand.

"This friend..." Ning Xia said bravely, because she really didn't know how to address him.It doesn't seem appropriate to call her "Daoist friend", and it's not polite to call her "Hi", so she can only pick out a "friend" who is not embarrassed or embarrassed to call her.

Forget it, anyway, didn't they call them "righteous friends" just now?Calling friends is not an exaggeration.

"Although I don't know the situation of your old friend. But I can be sure that I am not the person you are looking for." No matter what, let's deny it first.After all, people from the local camp said she looked familiar, so she was really embarrassed in this situation.

Seeing the blurred eyes of the other party for a moment and the occasional flickering search in the eyes, Ning Xia can already confirm that the other party's attention is not really on her.She was also sure that she had little contact with this person.

Wait... Baihua Palace.Ningxia suddenly remembered that the Demon Lord Yuanzong mentioned by Zhenjun Yuanheng not long ago belonged to Baihua Palace.She didn't pay attention to it before, but suddenly realized it.

Where is Baihua Palace?For the time being, it is one of the three giants of the magic way, and it is also the sect to which one of the heroine's official spouses belongs.

Hua Wuxie, Wang Jingxuan's most elusive harem.He is treacherous, born in a demonic way, and has cruel methods, which has nothing to do with gentleness.Such a person takes care of Wang Jingxuan in every possible way in the book and escorts her wholeheartedly.

She remembered the story of this man as if it had begun a long time ago.

The young girl, the extremely attractive evil sword, the special house number of the inn, and nervously waiting for a certain figure in the corner of the small black box... Ning Xia seems to have remembered it all.I remembered everything, about that day, about this person in front of me.

Ning Xia couldn't help herself to look at the other party with a hellish attitude.Although she knew that keeping an expressionless face at this moment was the most beneficial and safest way to deal with it, but she couldn't bear it anymore.

Isn't this person... Isn't he the psychopath who had an inexplicable intention to kill her before?

Don't ask why Ningxia reacted so strongly.Because this person once left a deep shadow on her, until now when she occasionally thinks about it, she still feels that she is still alive.

That was also the first time that Ningxia came to the world of comprehension to face such a strong killing intent.

Of course, Ning Xia didn't know that he acted as a scapegoat for a certain senior brother surnamed Shen that time, changing the trajectory of his original destiny.Otherwise, she felt that she was lucky to survive at that time.

Five years ago, she was just a rookie who just came to the cultivation world by herself.I was bored from practicing and went down the mountain to play. I didn't want to just meet the unreasonable Hua Wuxie, and was almost killed by the other party with unreasonable reasons.Thinking about it now, I feel that I have a big injustice on my head.

If anything she did.She is not so angry now.But what?She didn't do anything, but took a look at the other party and fell in love with the sword. As a result, she was regarded as a thorn in the flesh, and she tried hard to kill her.On the way, she also played a free guest role as the promoter of the relationship between the other party and the heroine.

Seeing Ningxia's eyes turned from confusion to anger, then a layer of extremely complicated emotions appeared in his eyes, Hua Wuxie realized it.There must be something wrong with this.

Thinking of the graceful figure in her mind, Hua Wuxie felt inexplicably hot, and looked at Ning Xia with burning eyes, as if she wanted to nail a hole in her.

"Everyone understands, so there's no need to hide it, is there?" The other party seemed to be discussing the matter, which seemed to be a bit of a bargain, and seemed to be desperately trying to convince Ningxia.

Ning Xia could feel the other party's urgency, but interpreted it as a cliché.But she felt that the other party might be pretending to be stupid, confirming that she was the person that day, and then waiting for an opportunity to kill her or something.

Well, the two don't seem to be on the same page anyway.

"Okay, Wuxie. Don't be obsessed, since this little friend doesn't want to say it, then forget it..."

Ahhh, the two of you sing and say such words that are so easily misunderstood.Sensing strange gazes cast by some comrades, Ning Xia couldn't help but secretly scolded these two for their shamelessness.

Ningxia is holding her breath very hard now, the breath is stuck in her heart and she can't get it out, it's extremely uncomfortable.No, if she is not allowed to breathe freely, she will suffocate to death.

"You are really busy, you can't remember anything clearly." Ning Xia sneered, "Probably because the business volume is too much..." There are too many people to kill, kill one and forget the other, how can you remember? She's such a punk.

"Five years ago, Wanping City, do you still have memories?"

The fragments of the Soul-devouring epee, the little girl, the other girl... all memories came back.

He will never forget the beauty and aftertaste of that night for a long time to come, but when he thinks about it now, his heart is extremely agitated.

what happened to him?
"So it'" Hua Wuxie murmured while covering her head, as if she was suffering from a headache.There seemed to be a vague shadow in front of my eyes, I couldn't see it clearly, and I kept turning my back.

Maybe it was because the emotions were too agitated, or the person's expression was too calm, and all kinds of changes were minimal, Ning Xia didn't notice the other person's abnormality.

"Palace Master Hua, look more clearly. I'm not the beautiful sister from my village. I escaped unharmed back then because of your "care"." Ning Xia specially accentuated the word "care" with a lot of resentment The deep kind.

"If you feel unwilling, you can remember my face, and you are welcome to come to me next time." Ning Xia said sarcastically, with the look of going all out.



Yuan Zong Mojun, who had been watching with interest just now, changed his expression greatly, and he panickedly supported the person who suddenly fell over: "Hua Wuxie!"


a mess.

Ningxia:  …

Speaking of which, what's the matter with this vicious female supporting role bullying the heroine's sense of presence?
(End of this chapter)

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