Immortals, don't watch dramas

Chapter 827 Variables

Chapter 827 Variables

Hua Wuxie had a very long dream. In the dream, there was a girl with a delicate face, extraordinary toughness, and those special eyes that were hard to see like flowers in the mist.

He went from being curious to feeling emotions, to liking, to liking, to deep love, and now he is full of complexities.

They have experienced many things together, but he is not the only one for her. There are several men by her side, all of whom are powerful or strange men who are powerful in various fields, and as time goes by, their realms are constantly changing. Growing, the males who joined their ranks grew in strength.

The supreme and noble venerable, the evil and bewitching demon king, the undefeated demon king...these people are all the "trophies" of that girl.It seems that all the good men in this world who are capable are attracted by this little girl who can only be called upper-middle-class in appearance but not charming, and follow her step by step, gradually becoming her under-skirt.

And these men are also graded.Although girls have many faces, they are not promiscuous.On the contrary, she is very indifferent in the matter of men and women, but her behavior is subconsciously a little frivolous, many men misunderstand that she is interested in them, and because of this, many troubles are caused.

But in fact, there are only a handful of people who really have skin-to-skin relationship with Wang Jingxuan, or one night's dream is a lifetime.

All in all, how many of these men can only look up at their backs for a lifetime, probably only they know.

But Hua Wuxie has few exceptions.Because of an accident when Wang Jingxuan was in her infancy, he had a skin-to-skin relationship with the other party.Later, because of his good appearance and dissolute nature, he had sex many times, and gradually became one of her few close people.

In fact, he was born in the Baihua Palace of the Great Demon Sect in the southeast border, and he is also the son of the palace lord. He is a certainty as the next palace lord. Since he was a child, he has been surrounded by beauties one after another.To be honest, someone like Wang Jingxuan is just a middle-of-the-road person among them.

But Hua Wuxie was stunned because she was attracted by this woman and couldn't get away for a while.

From playful to caring, and then to madness, it took only a few decades, and he no longer resembled him, and became a person who didn't even seem to recognize himself.

Only later did he realize that it was probably love.

That's why he was willing to endure humiliation to share a woman with so many men, to leave behind the gorgeous and luxurious Baihua Palace and supreme power, and to follow a woman indistinctly for so many years.

But is he really willing?When he saw with his own eyes that the other party was getting close to another unknown man, when he squirmed his lower lip to speak to the newcomer, when he had these nights of nightmares... Didn't he hate the woman who trampled on his dignity?
However, the more chaotic and crazy he became, in the end he didn't know what he was doing in this world.Wang Jingxuan ascended, and left this plane together with her last confidante, a powerful man who was about to ascend, and completely left with these "ants".

At that moment, Hua Wuxie woke up from the dream.

What has he been doing all these years?
He's crazy.

The world is crazy.

What did he get?Looking around the world, it was actually empty.

The Baihua Palace, which used to be full of bells and bells, and enjoyed endless luxury, has been turned into a pile of loess a few years ago.Just inadvertently, one morning when he got up in the morning, he heard the report from the people below that the Baihua Palace was destroyed by an old enemy, and his mother died in battle with his younger brother whom he had never met.There is no more Baihua Palace in the world.

He has also lived in a muddle these years, a life of solitude.Except for an inexplicable cultivation base, it seems that there is nothing left.And there is no place for him in this world, and he is like someone abandoned by the world, he can no longer blend into this world.

And his only obsession, that woman, flew up with another man who was worthy of him right in front of his eyes, and would never return to this world.

What did he get?What did he... lose?He seemed to gain nothing and lose everything.

Hua Wuxie was at a loss.

Then he saw several "companions" standing with him also showing the same blank look.Everyone was in a state of confusion, as if they had just woken up from a dream and digested what they had experienced over the years.

Hua Wuxie didn't know what happened after that, and she didn't remember very clearly, and she ushered in her death not long after.It seems that the oil is exhausted and the lamp is dry, and died inexplicably in a corner.

Before him, several "companions" had died in their final shelter.

After that, he came over.

Hua Wuxie woke up from the chaos, feeling a splitting headache and a sense of not knowing what day and night it was.what happened to him?Isn't he already dead?

Hua Wuxie supported her head, and sat up clumsily, trying to support herself as she did during the time before her death, but found that... her body was surprisingly light.

No, something is wrong with my doesn't seem to be his body, it's too loose.It was impossible for his former body, which was shrunk at an extremely fast speed and became dying, to feel this way.

Is he taking it away?
"Wuxie." The strange yet familiar voice seemed to have been heard in the distant past.But the owners of these voices have long been buried in the ground, so will they be heard again?Could it be that he really entered the underworld?
Hua Wuxie had a splitting headache, while still thinking wildly, trying to see the situation in front of her clearly.

Someone helped him on the back, emptily supporting him, neither real nor too illusory, revealing a sense of alienation.

He slowly opened his eyes and saw the situation in front of him clearly.

A person.

A man who should have been dead long ago.

So has he really arrived in the underworld?
Yuanzong Mojun frowned, and he was relieved when he saw Hua Wuxie opened his eyes.Otherwise, he didn't know how to explain to that person.In fact, he himself can't tell what kind of mood he feels towards this child, is it hatred?Or despair?

No matter what, this person is that person's child, the flesh and blood born in Shiyue's pregnancy, looking at him seems to be able to see the beauty of that person's brows.Even if you don't love her anymore, you are someone who was on top of your heart, how can you be indifferent to things related to her?
God knows how much anger and killing intent surged up in his heart when Hua Wuxie fell down, and how much panic he felt.Hua Wuxie is that person's child and the future owner of Baihua Palace.If something really happened to Hua Wuxie, I'm afraid the monks in Xunyang City would not be safe.

The direct and indirect suspects were all thrown aside by Yuan Zong Mojun, and they were taken back first, and the accounts would be settled slowly in the future.

Well, if there are no accidents, Ningxia, who has been "touched by porcelain" in a daze, has gotten into a bit of trouble.

Of course, it is "if there are no accidents".

When Hua Wuxie opened her eyes again, everything would be different.

 Hua Wuxie's life is probably the large-scale documentary "On the Influence of the Original Family on People" and "After those years of being manipulated, Lao Tzu was born again"

  A big family dog ​​blood drama template

(End of this chapter)

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