Chapter 860 Origin
Speaking of which, the faces of those people were a little weird, and they became quiet in an instant, and they seemed to be a little embarrassed to open their mouths.

It turned out that these people came here to play the autumn wind.They come from a small sect, so how likely are they to have an invitation letter for the auction?

The few of them learned about the auction by accident, so they begged a disciple of the sect they met by accident to bring them along.They thought they would refuse, but he agreed without thinking about it. This made them all very excited, and they didn't think much about it at all.

Although they were treated as servants along the way, at least they were able to follow along to meet the world. They... endured it!Otherwise, they don't know when they can get on the flying boat, and they don't know when they can come to Xunyang City.

They never expected that they would be thrown halfway into this place while sitting on the other party's flying boat, and then the other party would disappear under the pretext of going to do something, leaving them in the huge forest.

That's not the worst thing, what's worse, for some reason, they have a feeling that they are exposed to some kind of sight all the time, as if there are always eyes peeping behind them.

And then, sure enough... they couldn't leave, they couldn't get out at all.No matter where you go, wherever you go, it’s the same as turning around in the end, walking around is always the same place.They are like wild animals that have been caged by some kind of ferocious beast, and they can't break free no matter how hard they struggle.

People who had never seen anything in the world were terrified in an instant. They were struggling in this weird forest, and they were under strange pressure all the time.

Just when the few of them were about to be frightened to death, things suddenly turned around. Of course, it can also be said that it was the most thrilling moment they have experienced so far in their cultivation careers.

They meet a girl in the forest who had the same encounter as them.

The other party was obviously more embarrassed than them, with a big cut on his forehead, a small gray face, and tattered clothes.It was covered in blood, as if soaked in blood.When they met each other, she was surrounded by a group of monsters called wild leaf wolves...

Ah no, they are going to be besieged by this damn thing too.

It can be seen that people really can't watch the fun.No, watch the fun, watch it and watch it burn yourself.Simply...

Helpless, they had no choice but to run away with the girl to avoid this group of extremely ferocious monsters.

At first they only dared to hide, cautiously, watching the girl's inflexible but fierce fighting style.They were terrified and envious at the same time.When will they be able to fight as hard as each other?However, the small sect that cultivated them only taught them to protect themselves, be passive and slack, and don't need to stand out.

These problems are not obvious on weekdays, but when they really face the moment of life and death, they realize how wrong those thoughts are.

At this time, Wang Jingxuan became their source of inspiration.They also started to pick up the long swords that seemed to be hanging around their waists as ornaments, and fought around them while seeing stitches and stitches, each showing their magical powers.

It's been several days since a few people got together, but they still can't get out of this place.It was as if they were locked up, with nowhere to go.

Suddenly one day, they felt that the lingering sight and threat falling on them all the time suddenly weakened, and the pressure on them suddenly decreased a lot.

Then they saw that since they met, the girl who had been so quiet these days suddenly ran like crazy and ran in a certain direction.

Her circuit is complicated and winding, changing rapidly, seemingly complicated but actually somewhat logical.The few of them couldn't keep up just by following, let alone thinking about other things.

It seems to have been here for a long time, but it seems to have only passed for a few moments.In just a few sequences, they came to a bare turf.

The next moment Wang Jingxuan didn't say much, and cut her wrist in front of them.The blood was gurgling, and fell to the ground along the fingertips with a "tick" like no money.

One drop and two places, slowly converging into a pool of blood.To be honest, although it was very inappropriate, it was really spectacular and shocked their years of uneventful life.

The blood was not shed in vain.The blood gathered into a small pool of blood covered the grass, as if it had been absorbed by something, and there was a reaction in the next moment.

I saw a gleam of light began to emerge from the ground covered with thick red, and the outline seemed to be faintly visible, becoming more and more obvious.

Seeing this inexplicably appearing totem, the other party didn't relax, and seemed to become more and more anxious.

Although the previous feeling of being watched has never been reproduced, it is obviously a very disharmonious factor.This feeling can come back at any time.

What exactly is that?
"Pa——" Their attention was instantly attracted, but they saw that the other party raised the dagger again and slammed it hard at the wrist.

"You're crazy..." One of them grabbed Ning Xia's hand to prevent her from continuing.

Unexpectedly, he was thrown away by the other party: "You are crazy. If you want to live, don't meddle in your own business."

Then she...continues to "self-mutilate".Blood was left all over the ground, and she was visibly weakened after shed so much blood.But the so-called things are still unclear.

The other party's expression became more and more crazy...

Suddenly, the outline of the totem under his feet suddenly deepened, and a dazzling light burst out.

They didn't even react, they were surrounded by spiritual power, they just felt their eyes go blank.When he opened his eyes again, he found himself standing in an empty place, and a huge city stood not far away.It was Xunyang City.

When she came out, Wang Jingxuan was already in a coma. Her own blood was mixed with her body which was already stained with a lot of blood.

They entered the city smoothly. After all, it was just a city and there were no entry conditions.It's just that Wang Jingxuan's situation is too conspicuous, both the passers-by and the passers-by can't help but look at them in amazement.

They fled into this bustling city.

When I didn't come, I desperately wanted to come here, and even almost paid the price with my life for it.But when they really stand on this land, they will feel that it is nothing more than that.

What on earth did they come here for?
Confusion rose in the hearts of several people at the same time.Because they found that there was no place for them in this huge city, not at the beginning.

From the beginning to the end, they were just forcing themselves...that's why they fell into such a situation.Thinking of this, they all felt heavy in their hearts.

Homeless youth will now face another problem.She... how to deal with it?Looking at the person who had completely lost consciousness like gold paper in his arms, they had a difficult time.

"By the way, I remember that she seemed to say that she is a disciple of the Wuhua Sect. The auction... Maybe someone from them will come?"

"The Wuhua faction?"

(End of this chapter)

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