Immortals, don't watch dramas

Chapter 861 Behind the Scenes

Chapter 861 Behind the Scenes
The Wuhua Sect is a very down-to-earth sect, and the Shen family where they live temporarily also belongs to the very down-to-earth sect in the city.It is actually very easy to inquire about news.

In addition, the Wuhua School has become more popular recently, and it is very popular. Anyone who finds it may be able to tell a lot of news about it.Of course, whether it is true or not remains to be verified.

Things are also inquired about, and I feel that there is no problem.Several people quickly found the base camp where the Wuhua faction is currently stationed, and prepared to send them there.

However, when they were about to enter, several people suddenly showed timidity.

But what about this?The injuries on Wang Jingxuan's body are in urgent need of treatment.They can't just watch her deteriorate like this.

Over the past few days, they have been together day and night. The two sides have supported each other through the eerie forest, and have provided each other with help within their ability. The relationship is not bad.

The amazing thing is that the relationship between them is indeed very cold, only a little better than strangers.It still belongs to the kind of relationship that can be entrusted to the back, but can't say a few words when sitting together.

Weird, isn't it?
But that's what happened.

They did not understand her any more than she had tried to understand them.The relationship between the two parties is both far and near, which is wonderful.

It can be said that so far, their understanding of her is limited to the name Wang Jingxuan.The rest are almost blind and know nothing.Only now did they realize that they didn't know this person at all.

In any case, Wang Jingxuan was seriously injured and her internal energy was exhausted. She needed better treatment both emotionally and rationally.

Relying on them alone, she probably can only rely on the monk's own repair ability to get better.After all, they are so poor that they are stretched thin, and they may have to scrape together the travel expenses back home.

They had no choice but to bite the bullet and enter Shen's residence to see if the Wuhua faction could send someone to take over the girl.

In their view, it is better to take care of people with their own sect than to suffer with them.

God knows how worried they are that people from the Wuhua faction will coldly refuse to accept Wang Jingxuan's matter.

At that time, they can only bite the bullet and take care of it.Whether the girl will survive by then is still unknown.

But fortunately, Zhenjun, the leader of the Wuhua faction on this trip, is a kind person and readily agreed.The other party was also very concerned about their experience, and asked them carefully.

It's just that after listening to their words, the expression on the other party's face suddenly became serious, and his complexion didn't look very good.

What's wrong?Are you angry.

After reading this, the brothers who sent him back couldn't help feeling a little nervous, not knowing where they had offended the True Monarch, they became frantic and frightened.

Zhenjun Yuanheng was already in a bad mood, the bad things that happened in the past few days, and the pain caused by those young people who were hiding in the dark... Now that I hear such things again, I can imagine the bad mood .

These little ones are not clear.Zhenjun Yuanheng is not a fool.

These few people didn't know what kind of luck they had to get out of it...

This is no ordinary small forest.It was a well-known dead place near Xunyang City.

It is said that the death rate of entering that place is as high as [-]%, which means that most of the people who entered died.Those who managed to come out alive also kept silent about it, and were unwilling to mention it.Not many people really figured out what the inside story was.

Over time, this place became a point that everyone avoided tacitly.

Of course, this is just a rumor.For some, that's not the case.

If you ask the monks or residents nearby, they will probably be able to tell a lot of inside stories, which are more detailed and treacherous.

That place is not so much a natural formation as it is deliberately managed and built by people.

This "forbidden place" that has been rumored to be miraculous by everyone is actually a den of thieves.

There are bandits stationed in that place all the year round, taking advantage of the geographical advantage to occupy the land as king, and often robbing and killing passers-by.It is unknown how many innocent people have lost their lives at their hands over the years.

Gradually it became a place to hide dirt.

It is really a big stain that such a glorious Xunyang City has such an appendage.It's no wonder that when people asked about this forest, they all looked like they kept secrets.

Wang Jingxuan and the others should have been targeted in the woods these days.The sense of voyeurism they mentioned should come from here.

If these people hadn't met Wang Jingxuan, probably the only fate waiting for them was death.

Not to mention these unlucky bastards, they were obviously tricked into it.I'm so confused, I still don't know what happened.It is also a blessing for fools.

So how did Wang Jingxuan get in?How did she, a monk who practiced at the fifth level, come to Xunyang City, which is thousands of miles away, and how did she come to the place where people can't see blood today?It is indeed debatable.

True Monarch Yuanheng had faintly smelled a hint of conspiracy from it.There is just no evidence.

He planned to wait for the little girl to wake up before asking her carefully.For some reason, Zhenjun Yuanheng always felt uneasy in his heart, and there seemed to be a voice in his heart that kept urging him to do something.

Several people had a nervous conversation, but they didn't know that a huge wave had already set off in Ningxia's heart.

It turned out to be here...

Ning Xia glanced at Wang Jingxuan lying on the ground with a complicated expression, and counted up the time, and it seemed that it was almost the same time.She just said-

Why did Wang Jingxuan appear thousands of miles away with so many scars.This is... the plot.

Xunyang City... Xunyang City, no wonder she sounds familiar, the name has appeared once in this book.Or should she call it Lost Rams.

In Xunyang City, there is a forbidden place ten miles to the east, called Miyang, which is famous all over the world, so this city is also called Miyang City.

The alias of Xunyang City has never been officially mentioned in the records or rumors that Ningxia has read before, so she only knew about it.

I originally wanted to go out to relax and have some fun, but I didn't expect to run into the heroine's home court again.

So where did this play out again?
Ning Xia was very helpless, but also knew that such a thing could not be prevented at all.

This should be the plot line of the Zongmen Dabi before, and she is not sure, so she has to look through the notes to see if it is there.

Unknowingly, time flies too fast. Ningxia has also lived in this world for nearly nine years. Many details have long been forgotten. Sometimes even when it comes to the above, I may not be able to remember. Think slowly.

It's not surprising that this is the case now.She just cares that she is so late, and she is afraid that she will suffer a big loss in the future.

Ning Xia let out a long sigh.

"What's the matter, just now I saw you frowning and looking at Nephew Wang with a worried look, but what's the problem?" Zhenjun Yuanheng saw that Ningxia's expression seemed to be different from just now, so he couldn't help asking with concern.

(End of this chapter)

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