My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1001 2 Governor of Hong Kong

Chapter 1001 Governor of Two Hong Kongs
"An Jianghe, Chief Officer of the Western Ocean Cruise of the Chen Dalong Fleet, sees His Majesty!"

"Tan Haiqing, deputy envoy of the Chen Dalong Fleet, sees His Majesty!"

"All the frigates are commanded by Guo Yang"

"My love, no courtesy!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"Chen'an Jianghe lived up to His Majesty's expectations and led a fleet of more than 120 officers and soldiers to the Western Ocean from Haijin Port in Haijin Town to trade with all countries. It took two years and three months, and made friends with Western countries in total [-] three!"

"Among them, Jiaozhi Country, Mo Tuo Country, and Yishan Country 110 envoys from the three countries traveled across the ocean with their fleet to come to Dalong to pay homage to His Majesty the Emperor Wuwu, and they would like to pay tribute to my Dalong as respect!"

"When I led the fleet to the west, I carried ten thousand boxes of silk, ten thousand boxes of tea, twenty thousand boxes of porcelain, ten thousand pairs of the four treasures of the study, and three thousand pairs of Dalong's precious jewelry, which are very popular among the kings and nobles of Western countries!"

"Exchange all the materials brought back. Bring back silver coins equivalent to more than 200 million taels of silver, gold coins equivalent to more than 30 gold, ten peacocks, three hundred precious corals on the seabed, 260 catties of spices, ten boxes of rhino horns, and ten boats of sandalwood. .A total of [-] and three precious treasures of various kinds, I will describe them one by one, please look over the list later, Your Majesty!"

"Among them, the generals of the Yamamoto family in Nagasaki County, Japan, ignored our Dalong Tianwei, and shot and killed our Dalong frigate officers and soldiers without authorization, so that the patrol officers and soldiers led by the ministers can put down the pirates and righteous Tianwei!"

"During the voyage, the sea climate was changeable. 130 five people died on the sea road due to malaria, and 840 five soldiers died in the storm. I am ashamed. Please punish me!"

"The burial of soldiers who died in the line of duty during the voyage will be tripled by the Ministry of Household Affairs and issued to their families. The descendants of the soldiers who died in the line of duty can succeed their father's meritorious deeds after they grow up.

"The Ministry of Households, the Ministry of Officials obey the order!"

"I have personally visited Haijin Town, and set foot on the vast ocean to fish all over the world. I know that the danger on the sea is ten times and a hundred times greater than that on the mainland, and the environment is more dangerous than the wolf's den. You and my officers and men can lead my dragon fleet to cruise for thousands of miles. In the Caspian Sea, the merits and virtues of exalting our great dragon's national prestige are immeasurable, and should be passed down word of mouth to future generations, and admired from generation to generation!"

"You have laid the eternal foundation for my great dragon, opened up my great dragon's fortress, extended my Han family's vision, let us frogs at the bottom of the well understand that there are no wonders in the world, and there are people living beyond the vast ocean. I once said that a leaf can't see Mount Tai , There must be people living thousands of miles away, if you don’t do it yourself, how do you know? It’s too shallow on paper, and you definitely know that you have to do it yourself! Facts have proved that the national policy of going to the West should go down in history, as a show to future generations! "

"My Emperor Shengming, long live long live long live!"

Li Zheng looked majestic, and slowly walked down the dragon platform with a domineering and awe-inspiring aura, looking solemnly at An Gou'er and the generals behind him!
"All the generals cruising the Western Ocean, you have established a direction for Dalong and the tens of thousands of people of the Han family. Please accept my obeisance!"

Li Zheng bowed to more than a dozen people while talking, not caring about the majesty of his own master of the world!
A dozen of An Gou'er's expressions changed and they hurriedly knelt down on one knee!

"Your Majesty, the minister waits for He De to dare to worship as His Majesty!"

"Hurry up and get rid of the courtesy, you deserve it, you deserve it!"

Li Zheng chatted with Liu Mingzhi more than once about the difference between Mingjun and Shengjun, and Li Zheng often laughed at himself that he was at most a Mingjun and not a Shengjun!

He tried his best to formulate the national policy of voyaging to the West, and persuaded the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty to do it himself. Until today, the return of An Gou'er's cruise has once again proved that Li Zheng is a monarch who dares to open up and disdains to stand still!

It should be the title of the Mingjun of the world!

"My dear friends, take your seats according to the order, and the reward will be awarded after I have received the envoys from the Western countries!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Li Zheng walked up to the dragon platform with a majestic expression, and sat on the dragon chair majesticly, watching the outside of the hall!

"The envoys from the Western countries have an audience!"

"Your Majesty has a decree to send envoys from Western countries to the palace to have an audience!"

Hearing the chief executive's sharp yelling, the envoys from Western countries who stopped outside the hall were finally relieved, and walked slowly into the Qinzheng Hall under the leadership of the eunuch!

Civil and military officials all stared curiously at the weird-looking envoys from Western countries!
Especially those envoys who were either white like dead people or blacker than charcoal attracted the attention of civil and military officials. How could there be two kinds of people with such extreme looks in the world!

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, all civil and military officials couldn't believe that there would be such a 'strange' race in the world!

"Special envoy of the gum country!"

"Special Envoy Sumen!"

"Andara Envoy!"

"Ukel special envoy!"


"Meet the Great Dragon Emperor."

"Wait a minute, you don't need to be too polite!"

More than 100 Western envoys glanced at Li Zheng in astonishment. After following the Dragon Fleet for more than a year, the Western envoys could more or less understand Chinese!

Regarding the etiquette of Dalong, they also repeatedly asked the officers and men of the Dalong fleet, knowing that they had to kneel down to worship the Emperor Dalong when they met him!

Seeing Li Zheng's majestic expression, more than 100 Western envoys immediately lowered their heads. They remembered the Dalong people's confession that it is a serious crime not to allow to watch the emperor without authorization!

After bowing their heads, more than 100 people felt uneasy. They didn't know what they did wrong and offended His Majesty the Emperor, who was stopped halfway through the salute!

Everyone subconsciously turned their attention to An Gouer, the familiar commander-in-chief, hoping that he could give them a hint to their emissaries who are half-fluent in Chinese!
An Gouer noticed that the eyes of the envoys were also sneaking a blank glance at Li Zheng, not knowing what was going on, so he had to subconsciously look at the big brother Liu Mingzhi, who was gathering less and leaving more!
Liu Mingzhi gave An Gou'er a reassuring look, and also took a peek at Li Zheng, wondering what the hell this master was up to!

A few eye contacts were only for a short moment, and Li Zheng's voice sounded again!

"Your envoys come from all corners of the country, from all over the world, and the etiquette of each country is different. It is really rare for you to come to my Dalong to pay homage. You don't have to follow my Dalong's rules in every detail. I let An Aiqing trade in the West and go to all nations. , just to celebrate the friendship with the Western countries!"

"Thank you, Emperor Dalong, long live long live long live!"

Young Master Liu glanced at Li Zheng in amazement from below. He couldn't think of the reason why he prevented the envoys from all countries from bowing down. He sighed silently!
Li Zheng has such a mind to conquer the world and the world, it is difficult for Dalong not to prosper!
Compared with the Great Qing Dynasty, which came from all nations in later generations, it is simply not the same!

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the fire of the firefly candle and the brilliance of the bright moon, at least in terms of xinxing, the difference is not 01:30!
Liu Mingzhi couldn't help thinking of such a legendary figure as Emperor Yongle in his mind!

Among the dynasties of the Han Dynasty, there are very few kings who can be compared with Li Zhengkai!
"Honglu Temple Minister!"

"Chen is here!"

"Take the envoys of all countries to rest in the newly built post house, and three days later, I will hold a banquet in the Yu'an school ground outside the Palace of Qinzheng!"

"The minister obeys the order!"

"The official department listens to the order!"

"Chen is here!"

"The purpose is to propose that the commander-in-chief of the cruise line be the governor of the two ports, and take charge of everything in the two ports!"

"The minister obeys the order!"

Young Master Liu looked blankly at Li Zheng and all the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty who already knew it well, the governors of Hong Kong and Hong Kong?When did Dalong have two ports?What has happened since the young master didn't go to court for a month?

Which two ports, g port and n port, do you want to build another hospital next to it!

(End of this chapter)

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