Chapter 1100 Luckily

Liu Mingzhi looked at Li Zheng in astonishment while holding the dripping teacup, apparently the taste of the tea made him startled!

Li Zheng smiled lightly and sat back on the dragon chair, looking narrowly at Liu Mingzhi who looked shocked: "I have never drank such finely ground sugar, you live a better life than me!"

"Granulated sugar? Isn't it Hedinghong?"

"Hedinghong? Liu Mingzhi, do you think I will be so stupid? Will I use Hedinghong, and your life, to test an important minister who has made great contributions to my war?"

"I don't want your life, what I want is your attitude!"

"My son, thank you father for not killing me!"

"Liu Mingzhi, do you have anything to fear in your life?"

Liu Mingzhi pondered for a while and looked at Li Zheng quietly: "If you are stupid and mentally retarded when you are young, you will fail to learn when you are young, and you will not achieve anything when you are young. When you are middle-aged and have little regret, you will end up with hatred in old age. There is nothing more fearful in life than this, obviously A life of mediocrity, but still saying that being ordinary is rare!"

"The summation is very subtle. It's obvious that there is nothing to do, but it's commendable!"

Li Zheng looked at the map hanging on the shelf with a melancholy expression: "Liu Mingzhi, I have been emperor for 34 years, do you know what I am afraid of?"

"The qualifications of the sons and ministers are stupid, how can they understand the father's mind!"

"Hey! In my life, I know that I am not as good as the Three Emperors and Five Emperors. People are not sages and sages. I have made countless mistakes, big and small, but I am not afraid of them!"

"Since I came to the throne, I have worked hard and conscientiously. I have never dared to slack off in the slightest. I don't seek merit, but I want no major mistakes. During the 34 years of my reign, I will not comment on my merits or demerits. Go belittle!"

"It is said that the history is the most fair, and I will leave my merits and demerits to future generations to judge at will!"

"Left and right are nothing but a fistful of loess, right and wrong, success or failure, how can a handful of loess be judged by praise or criticism!"

"So I am not afraid of anything, but I am afraid that I will not have the face to meet the ancestors of the Li family, and I am afraid that they will point out that I have not passed on the inheritance of my ancestors!"

"People in this world have nothing to fear from me!"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Li Zheng's mournful expression and sighed silently: "My son said something disrespectful, there are three great tragedies in life, heroes are late, beauties are gray-headed, and talents are exhausted!"

"Hehe, I am that heroic man, do you agree?"

"My son agrees that the father is a rare and unrivaled hero in all dynasties."

"You mean I'm really old?"

Liu Mingzhi hesitated for a moment and nodded resolutely: "Yes!"

Li Zheng suddenly shot the dragon case, and looked at Liu Mingzhi tremblingly. There was such a big commotion in the hall, the chief executive and a group of eunuchs stood outside the hall and looked in the direction of the hall anxiously!
But no one dared to go one step further!
"Liu Mingzhi, do you know? This sentence is enough for you to die ten or a hundred times!"

"Father won't!"

"Give me a reason, otherwise, even if you don't die, I will never forgive you lightly!"

"Father is an unrivaled hero who is rare to see in 300 years! Good medicine is good for the disease, and honest words are good for deeds. Because the father punishes his sons and ministers with one word, he will not work hard for thirty or forty years!"

Li Zheng suddenly sat on the dragon chair, looking at the roof with sharp eyes and vicissitudes of life: "The hero of the world, who is rare in 300 years, sounds more comfortable and down-to-earth than Long Live Long Live !"

"Liu Mingzhi!"

"My son is here!"

"You make an oath to me!"

"I asked you to swear to the heavens with your ancestors of the Liu family that you will not put swords on the Li family members in your life. If you violate this oath, both humans and gods will be abandoned. Day of peace!"

Liu Mingzhi took a deep breath, walked up to Li Zheng and raised his left hand, three fingers together with a solemn expression!

"Liu Mingzhi hereby swears by the ancestors of the Liu family that he will not join the Li family with swords and weapons in his life. If he violates this oath, all gods and men will be abandoned, and heaven and earth will be destroyed. The descendants of the Liu family will never have a peaceful day!"

Li Zheng waved his hand with a relaxed expression on his face: "Sit down!"

"Thank you, Father!"

Li Zheng straightened up, picked up a pen and dipped in ink, and began to write on the exquisite imperial decree!

"Liu Mingzhi, you will not fail me, and I will never fail you. A hundred years from now, when the crown prince ascends the throne as the emperor, you can be the minister of the auxiliary country. If Yu'er has the virtue of an ignorant monarch, you can wield your golden whip to beat the emperor at will. In other words, if there are treacherous ministers and traitors who deceive the emperor and commit crimes, deceive the emperor's heart, form cliques for personal gain, and harm the government, you can use the golden whip to kill first and then play, and the imperial power will be granted!"

"You should keep this imperial decree carefully. It must be in danger in the court, help the building to collapse, and help the country and the country!"

"Father, aren't you afraid that your son will become the powerful minister who will dominate the government?"

Li Zheng shook his head with a smile, and gently held up the jade seal to cover the imperial decree: "You drink the tea without hesitation, which is the best interpretation of me to the Li family. I believe in you, and you will do it because of me." Do you feel resentment for your tentative move?"

"I won't, my teacher said, if people disrespect me, I have no talent; if I disrespect others, I have no virtue. If people don't tolerate me, I am incompetent; if I don't tolerate others, I am immeasurable. If people don't help me, it is I I do nothing; I do not help others, but I am not good.”

Li Zheng nodded slightly, rolled up the imperial decree and put it in front of Liu Mingzhi: "I understand, you should go back with the imperial decree first, after a reunion year at home, you will go to the north, and take good care of Yingzhou and the people's livelihood in Fuzhou. I hope that when you return to court, you and my father and son will still meet again!"

"Father, there is one more word for father when my son and minister leave!"


"The king uses his heart, and the soldiers use their lives!"

"I understand, I will try my best to make all the soldiers of Dalong fight for the country without any worries, and become a victorious army!"

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly and held up the imperial decree on the table: "My son, leave!"

After Liu Mingzhi left, Li Zheng took a deep breath, picked up his pen again and wrote on the rice paper: "People don't respect me."

"Old Zhou!"

"Your Majesty, we are here, what orders does Your Majesty have!"

"Is the court affairs in Qinzheng Hall over?"

"Your Majesty, we don't know, why don't we send someone to ask?"

"No need, let this letter be handed over to the crown prince after the court breaks up, you go and pack your bags!"

"Of order, it's just that His Majesty wants to pack what kind of luggage and which empress dorm to go to?"

"Don't go to any of them, leave the palace!"

"The Son of Heaven speaks sagely, it is difficult not to see the world! This poem on the booklet is deafening!"

"This year's Spring Festival will not be spent in the palace. The two of us will visit the world in light clothes and go on a tour around the world to see the suffering in the world!"

"Hearing is believing, seeing is believing. Since I have become the emperor, I must make this emperor a good one in my lifetime. I must not become old and incompetent and ruin my reputation for the rest of my life!"

"The two of us, Your Majesty, please bring more troops?"

"It's just the two of us, you, the number one natural expert in the university, can't even protect me, a bad old man?"

"We obey the order!"

Outside the palace gate, Liu Mingzhi put the imperial decree in the cloth pouch on the horse's back, rolled up the sleeves of his official robe and looked at the blood-red lines on his arms!

"The good thing is that it's just a tentative move rather than a real murderous intention. It's sugar tea instead of poisonous tea, otherwise the body that is invulnerable to all poisons is no match for the coolness of the heart!"

"If it's really poisonous tea, father, father, my son-in-law knows that he is dead, but I have to grab two dragon's whiskers!"

"Fortunately, the Ming Jun met a good minister, fortunately!"

(End of this chapter)

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