Chapter 1101
"His Royal Highness, how should Huyan Royal Court respond to the matter of borrowing troops? Today is a three-day period. Your Majesty has ordered the veterans to leave this matter to Her Majesty the Princess."

On the court hall of the Kingdom of Jin, Minister of War looked at the little cutie sitting on the dragon chair with respect and respect!

Compared with the image of the little cutie in Dalong in the early days, she is wearing a well-tailored black five-claw golden dragon robe, wearing blue cloud shoes, and a solemn and majestic flat sky crown on her head!
With the little cutie's slight movements, the crown hanging in front of her swayed slightly, obviously the cutie hasn't adapted to the discomfort brought by the flat crown!
The little cutie tried her best to pretend to be very majestic and domineering!

However, the cutie's appearance carved from pink jade, her big exquisite eyes, and her straight nose inherited from the queen, make her look cute no matter what she does!

The little cutie looked at the Minister of War's loose and inquiring eyes, licked her lips and thought for a moment: "I don't want to borrow soldiers!"

"According to what the envoy of the Huyan Royal Court said the day before yesterday, the move of the Huyan Royal Court to borrow troops from our Dajin Kingdom is nothing more than to restrain the Shibis Royal Court, so that it can spare troops to deal with the sudden change of the Great Dragon Wu's Northern Expedition Army!"

"Although Princess Ben is very greedy with a hundred thousand war horses, once she borrows troops, it is tantamount to making enemies with the dragon invisibly. This is not in line with the current national policy of my Dajin's secret development!"

"At the same time, if the Royal Court of Huyan uses my Dajin soldiers as the main attack force to fight against the Royal Court of Shibis, it will lose the national strength that my Dajin has accumulated so hard!"

"One hundred thousand war horses want to exchange for my soldiers and the risk of fighting against the dragon. This is an unequal transaction, and this princess cannot agree to it!"

"However, my Dajin eldest princess married Huyan Wangting, and Dajin and Huyan Wangting have in-laws. Since she is an envoy, how can this princess break the in-laws of the two countries? [-] will be given to Huyan Royal Court!"

"To show that Dajin and Huyan Wangting will be friends forever!"

"The old minister obeys the order, the princess is holy!"

The swaying little feet of the little cutie sitting on the dragon chair stopped, and pricked up her ears quietly!

It wasn't until there were three slight knocks on the partition of the apse behind the seat that the little cutie let out a sigh of relief with her head drooping and her petite body bent!
Looking at the surprised eyes of the civil and military officials of His Royal Highness, the cute little mouth twitched and laughed twice, raised her hand to support her flat sky crown, and put her hands on the dragon chair to straighten her slender waist.

"My princess, my princess's back is a little itchy, it's fine now, all the ministers continue to Chen Zou!"

"His Royal Highness is coming to court on the first day, and it is inevitable that she will feel a little uncomfortable. The ministers are no different, and I will do my best to assist Her Royal Highness!"

"The ministers will definitely try their best to assist Her Royal Highness!"

The little cutie took a deep breath, and said in a childlike voice: "My princess, thank you all ministers, and continue to discuss politics!"

"Your Highness, due to the war between the two Turkic courts and the Great Dragon's Northern Expedition Army, the number of Turkic merchants going to our Dajin trade has decreased by about [-]%, and the number of Dalong merchants has decreased by about [-]%. Your Highness, please give me an idea! How to deal with this matter, otherwise it will lead to instability of the treasury!"

"Well, wait a minute, this princess think about it!"

"The minister obeys the order!"

The little cutie jumped off the dragon chair nimbly, Man Chao Wenwu stared at the little cutie closely for fear that something might happen to the little cutie, and he was relieved to see that the little cutie was pacing up with her chin in one hand!
Everyone cheerfully looked at the wandering figure of the little cutie!

Compared with Dalong's court hall, Jin Kingdom's court hall has a harmonious scene that Dalong does not have. After all, the Queen of Jin Kingdom only has a daughter like Xiao Keai!
There is no faction fighting by the prince at all, so cutie is bound to be the successor king of the Jin Kingdom in the future!
It was no secret in the Kingdom of Jin that the prince Wanyan Feixiong had no intention of taking the throne, so no one thought that one day Wanyan Feixiong would suddenly change his mind.

The little princess Wanyan Luoyue's clever mind has already captured the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty, and they all agree that the little princess is a new king of pioneering after the queen, the lord of rejuvenation!
Although surprised by the queen's sudden announcement that she would listen to the government behind the curtain and hand over state affairs to the little princess, all civil and military officials still chose to agree!
One is that the empress has accumulated power for a long time, and all civil and military officials dare not disobey!

Secondly, all civil and military officials also understand that His Majesty is cultivating the little princess's ability to govern, so that in case of any unexpected actions in the future, the little princess can take over the government without any problems!

The little cutie walked back and forth with her head bowed and her chin resting on her chin, her eyeballs rolled around, and there were shadows of Liu Mingzhi everywhere, as if Young Master Liu was carved out of the same mold!
They're all so wretched, huh, smart!

"Master Baboshu!"

"The old minister is here!"

"In the name of this princess, send a letter of friendship to the governor of Yingzhou City. In order to ensure the solidity of our diplomatic relations between Dajin and Dalong, and to make Dalong one prefecture and eight places in the northern border and one prefecture and seven places in the southern region of Dajin People's livelihood will not be affected, this princess is willing to send [-] elite soldiers with Dalong each, stationed at post stations along the way to protect the safety of business travelers!"

"In order for the national treasury not to be affected, it is imminent to restore the prosperity and prosperity of the mutual market. We must lose small profits and seek big benefits!"

"The old minister complies with the order, and immediately writes a letter to send the envoy Dalong after the dynasty is over!"

The little cutie was relieved again when she heard the knocking on the partition, and exhaled while rubbing her waist with her little hands, puffing out her pink cheeks!
"My lords, is there anything else you want to present?"

"Your Highness, Your Highness, please order that the Ministry of Households allocate funds to start recruiting 10 recruits to start training. In April next year, there will be a total of [-] senior veterans in the seven prefectures of southern Xinjiang. It is necessary to replenish the border guards in time! "

The little cutie blinked her eyes and nodded, and began to mutter while breaking her pink little fingers.

After a while, the cutie looked at Baboshu, Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, "Master Babo, how about the treasury's treasury bank?"

"There has been no war for several years, and the national treasury is sufficient! As long as the mutual taxation is restored, recruiting [-] troops will not be a problem!"

"Then recruit 20 soldiers, [-] recruits to fill the gap in the seven prefectures in southern Xinjiang, and all [-] recruits will go to the southwest Daizhou."

"His Royal Highness, Daizhou has strong soldiers and horses, so there is no need to send another [-] soldiers!"

Cutie didn't reply to Baboshu's question, but instead looked at Songhe with big eyes: "Master Song, where do you think the best escape route will be once Shibisi Royal Court loses to Huyan Royal Court?"

Songhe pondered for a while, and his eyes brightened: "Around the Gulu River, thirty miles away, at the corner between Muzhou and Daizhou, the princess plans to bring the remaining iron cavalry of the Shibisi royal court under my rule? "

The little cutie glanced at the officials of the cultural relics with clear eyes: "There is an old saying in the Han people that the more soldiers Han Xin has, the better. This princess will not refuse anyone who comes. Whether the people of the Spies royal court or not, it is on the lips of this princess." Then the food in my mouth!"

"Princess Shengming!"

"Do you have anything else you want to present?"

"The ministers have nothing to play!"

When the little cutie heard that there was nothing to play, she immediately waved her hand with a smile on her face. After a while, the little cutie wrinkled her thin willow-leaf eyebrows and straightened up feebly.

It turns out that my mother didn't equip herself with the manpower to retreat from the court!

"Back to court, all ministers, go slowly!"

"Sir, please retire!"

The little cutie held the crown with her small hands, poked her head and saw that all the ministers had left completely, and suddenly collapsed to the steps under the dragon chair!

"Oh my god, I'm so tired, I'm taking Yue'er's life!"

(End of this chapter)

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