Chapter 1102
"As the honor of a princess, wearing imperial costumes, but lying on the ground like a country girl, what's the point? Get up quickly!"

The little cutie was laying pitifully on the ground and sighing, when suddenly the Queen's voice rang in her ears.

Shocked, the little cutie raised her head to look at the empress who walked by her side at some point, and nodded hurriedly: "Yeah, Yue'er knows she's wronged mother!"

Huier, who was standing on the queen's side and dressed in a female officer's attire, wanted to bend down to help the little cutie, but was stopped in the air by the queen's arm!

"Hui'er, if you help her up once, you won't be able to help her for a lifetime. You must let Yue'er understand that no one in this world can help her anytime and anywhere!"

"If you fall, you have to get up!"

Hui'er stepped back respectfully in a daze, letting the little cutie stand up by herself!
The little cutie bent down and subconsciously patted the dust-free dragon robe: "Mother, Yue'er knows, don't scold Aunt Hui'er!"

The empress stared coldly at the immature but slightly resolute little cutie, leaned slightly and took the little cutie's tender wrist, and raised her pale jade finger towards the school field outside the hall.

"Yue'er, the Kingdom of Jin is like a vast ocean, and you are a lonely boat in this vast ocean. The vast ocean is mysterious and unpredictable, and there is a danger of swallowing your small boat at any time!"

"And you can't be submerged in this vast ocean no matter what. Your lonely boat carries thousands of hopes and the lives of the people of the Kingdom of Jin!"

"Only if you continue to strengthen yourself and strengthen yourself in the wind and waves, you will finally be able to control the vast ocean!"

"You are born to be a lonely walker. There are not so many people around you to support you. You can only continue to strengthen yourself and strengthen yourself!"

"Yue'er, remember your mother's words, rely on mountains and mountains, rely on water and water flow, people can only rely on themselves!"

The little cutie looked up at the empress's solemn expression, nodded half-understanding, and stood on the steps holding the empress' fingers tightly with her backhand, straightened her body and looked at the scenery outside the palace.

"Mother, Yue'er knows, Yue'er will definitely live up to your expectations!"

Hui'er stood aside and looked at the sensible but ignorant cutie and sighed helplessly.

There is a slow heartache in the eyes, but it is lucky and unfortunate to be responsible for a country at such a young age!

"Mother, Daddy loves Yue'er so much, why doesn't he come to help Yue'er?"

The queen's fingers held by the cutie froze slightly, and she sighed silently. The queen turned around and led the cutie towards the rear of the palace!

"Yue'er, prejudice is an insurmountable mountain!"


"In your father's heart, mother is always a golden person, and the golden person and the Han people are an insurmountable mountain!"

"You are still young and don't understand these things. When you are older, you will know how cruel your father is when he treats us and my mother!"

"Birth is inevitable. Promise to mother, never to be impulsive like mother in the future and get stuck in mud."

"When you're in deep trouble, it's too late for you to turn back! Just like a mother, she treats your father with all her heart, but in the end she returns disappointed again and again!"

"Your father is a Han, your mother is a Jin, and you are also a Jin. The words Jin and Han can be easily written with a pen, but there are countless invisible and intangible meanings in these two seemingly simple words." gap!"

The little cutie blinked her eyes and pondered for a while, then slightly lowered her head and secretly touched the exquisite firecracker under her dragon robe that her mother didn't even know about!

The little cutie's secrecy is very strict about the gunshots, and she rushed to abide by the agreement with her father!
The queen has seen it, but she has been covered by the little cutie with a rare gift from her father. The queen didn't ask too much!

The little cutie patted the firecracker on her waist with her small hand and nodded heavily, then looked up at the queen with her neck up!

"Mother, Daddy loves Yue'er the most. When I was in Dalong, all of Yue'er's brothers and sisters were spanked by Daddy, but Yue'er never got spanked once!"

"Don't look at Daddy pretending to be vicious every time he wants to use a training stick to slap Yue'er's butt, but Yue'er knows that Daddy is reluctant to beat me. Daddy loves Yue'er so much!"

"Since he loves you so much, why is he indifferent when you persuade him to come back to accompany you over and over again?"

"Your father slapped mother for his so-called blood, he gave up everything for his ridiculous loyalty, and what did he get in the end?"

"My mother refused to give up anything for your grandfather's last wish, so what did you get in the end?"

"Your father is just like your mother, they are both poor people!"

"But the burden on my mother is far more than him!"

"Mother is his woman, he is mother's man, and you are our two daughters. He came to help mother rule the world. In the end, the world will fall into the hands of Liu's descendants!"

"And what mother has to do is only for a last wish, even if mother persuades him so much, he is not willing to come back with mother!"

"In all fairness, my mother also doesn't like the word "anti", because my mother is also an emperor, and I would like to cut him into pieces for rebellious officials and thieves, but my mother has been forcing him to rebel against the Dragon Dynasty!"

"Sometimes mother also thinks, is this considered not to do to others what you don't want to do to others? But mother really needs your father so much. Seven years ago, mother never had such a longing for someone to be with you. Mother's side!"

"It's a pity. After all, we have to love each other and kill each other!"


The little cutie looked worriedly at the frowning mother, who was holding the queen's finger tightly!
The queen shook her head in relief, and looked at the little cutie with a rare smile: "Mother is fine, it's much better to say it, Yue'er, mother has poured all her thoughts on your father on you, mother is strict with you because Mother does not hope that one day you will follow the same old path as mother!"

"My mother is very satisfied with the way you handled the court affairs today, but there is still one thing I am not satisfied with!"

The little cutie looked at the queen in surprise: "Mother, is there something wrong with Yue'er?"

"Remember your mother's words, Yue'er, you will be the emperor of the Kingdom of Jin in the future, you are the king, and they are the ministers, you must let them feel awe of you, instead of talking to them in a negotiating tone! "

"The reason why an emperor is an emperor is because no one dares to say anything even if you do something wrong!"

"Do you know who the mother admires the most?"

"Yue'er doesn't know!"

"The ancestor of the Han people, the first emperor through the ages!"


"Looking at the historical records, no civil and military minister dared to make the first emperor think twice. The emperor has the power of life and death!"

"Although the times have changed, it is an unchangeable fact that you are the emperor with the power of life and death!"

"The power of life and death!"

The little cutie scratched her head, looking a little confused!

"Yue'er, wait for you to grow up."

The chirping of the golden eagle pierced the tranquility in the hall, Hui'er's expression changed slightly and she ran out of the hall!

After a while, Hui'er trotted back and handed a bamboo tube to the Queen's hand: "Your Majesty, a secret report!"

The queen checked the wax, opened the bamboo tube with a wave, took out the letter paper and looked it over!

After reading the content on the letter paper, the queen raised her eyebrows slightly and held the letter paper in her hand!

"Yue'er, if you don't make mistakes in dealing with the court affairs for three months, mother will write to your father and ask him to wait for you in Shanhaiguan!"


The little cutie looked at the queen in surprise, her big and exquisite eyes were full of longing!

"Of course it's true. As long as you can handle it well, your father must come to eat dill. Look at you!"

(End of this chapter)

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