Chapter 1103
The first day of the first lunar month in the sixth year of Dalong Rui'an, the Spring Festival.

The auspicious snow heralds a good year, Dalong Rui'an spent five years quietly in the heavy snow and ushered in a new year.

With the sound of firecrackers, the year ends, and the spring breeze welcomes the warmth into Tusu.

Not only Liu's mansion, but all the mansions around the entire street rang with firecrackers to welcome the Spring Festival.

The knock on the door woke Young Master Liu who was packing things in the study, Liu Mingzhi put the things in his hands back to their original places, and looked at the door cautiously after the bookshelves returned to their original state!


"Husband, I'm a concubine, haven't you finished packing your things yet? The dumplings and meals are all ready, Sister Lian'er and the others are waiting for you to celebrate the New Year with your parents!"

Hearing it was Qi Yun's voice, Liu Mingzhi heaved a sigh of relief, turned around and continued to pack his belongings: "Yun'er, come in first!"

Qi Yun gently pushed open the door, looking at the husband squatting on the ground pulling the wooden box with a puzzled expression, closed the door and walked towards Liu Mingzhi.

"Husband, when did the study have so many hidden compartments?"

"My husband has been secretly built for several years, and there are not many things stored here. Except for some paper, it is a gadget that my husband fiddled with when he has nothing to do!"

Qi Yun squatted down her soft and delicate body, and stretched out her hand to tidy up the scattered rice paper that Liu Mingzhi put aside!
"My concubine will help you, don't delay celebrating the new year with your parents!"

"Okay, you just put rice papers of the same size together. Anything on these rice papers can cause an uproar. You must be extremely careful, and you must take all of them with you when you go to the Northland!"

"If you stay in the capital and someone finds out, you will have no idea what to do with your husband!"

"The concubine knows, tiger squatting cannon? Is this also a kind of artillery?"

Qi Yun looked at the patterns and annotations on the top piece of rice paper and read it out curiously, then raised the rice paper in front of Liu Mingzhi and asked with curious eyes!

Qi Yun has experienced so many wars in the Western Regions by Liu Mingzhi's side, so she naturally knows the power of artillery, and she is curious to see other types of artillery!

"Yes, it's also a kind of cannon, but the technology of casting cannons was not yet mature when I drew it, so I forgot it when I was busy. If you didn't say that you are a husband, you would have forgotten when you drew this picture. "

Young Master Liu, who was packing up his things, suddenly froze and took a deep breath. Seeing this, Qi Yun immediately put down the manuscript paper and leaned over to support her husband's shoulders!

"Husband, what's wrong?"

Liu Mingzhi shook his head blankly, and involuntarily covered his lower back with his hands: "I don't know, I suddenly feel a pain in my back, I always feel that something bad happened, and I don't know what it is!"

Qi Yun looked at First Young Master Liu blankly: "My back hurts, did I twist my waist from squatting for too long?"

"Maybe, it's all right now, just clean up the messy things and go eat first."

"Really okay?"

"It's really okay."

Seeing that her husband really didn't seem to have any problems, Qi Yun relaxed and continued to organize things!

The tea-cup kung fu couple looked at each other at the restored study room, smiled knowingly and walked towards the front hall hand in hand!

"Husband, are you going to tell your parents and Sister Lian'er about your going to the north today?"

Liu Mingzhi shook his head with some regret in his eyes: "Silly girl, needless to say, they already knew about it, you didn't find out that Xiumu's Lian'er, Yan'er and the others never mentioned that they were husbands in court. on the matter?"

"They are afraid to mention it suddenly and hurt their husband's feelings, so they deliberately avoid talking about it!"

"Husband, Yun'er didn't say that!"

Liu Mingzhi patted the back of Qi Yun's hand lightly: "Of course my husband knows that he didn't mean it! The capital city is big or small, and Lian'er and the others don't go out of the gate, why? Maybe you haven't heard anything?"

"There is no impenetrable wall in the world, what difference does it make if you talk about it or not?"

"My concubine understands!"

"Old man, mother, I kept you waiting for a long time!"

While talking, the couple went to the main hall, which was already full of people from the Liu family!
Except that Liu Xuan didn't have time to rush over from the East China Sea, Murong Shan was going to spend a reunion year with her sworn brother Zhang Kuang in Yingzhou, and everyone in the Liu family was in the hall!

Liu Mingzhi looked at the four vacant chairs in the living room and sighed silently!

This is the seat reserved for Liu Xuan, Murong Shan, the empress, and the little cutie. The first two are okay, but I don't know if the latter two will have a chance to sit together for a reunion dinner!

Liu Zhi'an glared at Liu Mingzhi angrily: "I've been busy in the study for half the morning on New Year's Day, and I haven't seen you so caring about it on weekdays, you can't tell the priorities!"

Liu Mingzhi responded to Liu Zhian's scolding with a sneer, Madam Liu lightly touched Liu Zhian's shoulder: "Master, can't you say a few words during the Spring Festival?"

"Zhi'er, don't talk to your bad old man father, he's getting old and messed up, so sit down and have a reunion dinner!"

"Yes, mother!"

Looking at the Liu family gathered together in such a harmonious and harmonious way, Liu Mingzhi felt a rare sense of relief, and the matter of going to the North was also forgotten by him!
"Mingli, Mingjie, Feixiong, Yun'er, younger siblings. Let's toast to our parents and celebrate the new year!"

Liu Mingzhi is the eldest brother of the Liu family, he raised his wine glass and spoke, the rest of the people naturally didn't dare to refuse, they all stood up holding their wine glasses and looked at Liu Zhi'an and his wife with smiles.


"Daughter-in-law congratulates father and mother for a happy new year and prolonging their longevity!"

"Okay, okay, I'm all set, drink wine and sit down to eat!"

Liu Zhi'an and his wife looked at the luxuriant table and cheerfully raised their glasses and drank it down.

"Niece Wenren Yunshu!"

"Little girl Yun Xiaoxi!"

"Toast to uncle and aunt, I wish you two old people a happy new year!"

"Okay, okay, you two have a heart too!"

After Liu Zhi'an and his wife finished drinking, Liu Mingzhi looked at the three sons and three daughters standing aside: "Chengfeng, you guys kowtow to your grandparents and wish them a happy new year!"

Little Six naturally didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately knelt down neatly on the ground.

"Grandson, granddaughter congratulate grandparents, happy new year."

"Get up, get up!"

Liu Zhi'an took out a red envelope and sent a red envelope to Liu Xiaoyi.

Little Six happily put away the red envelopes before sitting on a chair and waiting for dinner!
Liu Zhian took a bite with his chopsticks and signaled to everyone, "Have a reunion dinner!"


The whole family chatted and laughed, talking about everything.

In particular, Young Master Liu quoted scriptures and talked about all kinds of novel topics for later generations without being too outrageous, which made everyone stunned and couldn't keep their mouths shut!
While chatting and chatting, it was inevitable to talk about Liu Mingzhi's going to the North. It was no longer a secret, but everyone tacitly didn't mention it!

Satisfied with wine and food, people at the dinner table left one after another, and finally only Liu Mingzhi and Liu Zhian were left at the dinner table!

Liu Mingzhi fiddled with the wine glass in his hand with a gloomy expression!
"Old man, the child is not filial. I haven't served you and your mother for a long time, but I want to leave you again!"

Liu Zhi'an stood up with a faint smile, and patted Liu Mingzhi's shoulder!

"It's enough that Mingli and Mingjie stay with me in the capital, the sacred will is hard to violate, so go at ease!"

"Thank you, old man!"

Liu Zhi'an walked towards the inner courtyard with his hands behind his back, sighing and shaking his head while walking!
"The Master said: Parents are here. If you don't travel far, you must have a way to travel. You must have a way to travel, and you must have a way to travel!"

(End of this chapter)

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