Chapter 1104

"Big brother!"

Liu Mingzhi had just walked out of the main hall, and Yan Feixiong walked over from the corridor beside him before taking three steps!
Liu Mingzhi paused, turned around to look at Wanyan Feixiong with a complex expression, and sighed silently: "Going back to the Kingdom of Jin?"

Wanyan Feixiong was stunned, looking at Liu Mingzhi's look of knowing that he had already known it, his expression was dim, and he nodded silently.

"It's spring and the snow melts and we're going on the road. Fei Xiong promised his sister to go back. Fei Xiong can't break his promise!"

Liu Mingzhi nodded knowingly: "Can I drink?"


"Liu Song, Liu Song!"

"Master, Xiaosong is here!"

"Let the kitchen warm up two jugs of good wine and bring them to the gazebo. I want peach blossom wine!"


Liu Mingzhi pouted towards the gazebo: "Come and sit in the gazebo with brother!"

"it is good!"

The two of them walked around the corridor towards the gazebo. The ice and snow in Liu's mansion were smiling, and the six well-fed kids on the snow ground were having a snowball fight happily.

Even Wenren Yun, Shuyun and Xiaoxi, two people in their early twenties, got involved and got into trouble with the six children!
"It's so fast, I was an eight-year-old kid when I came here, and in the blink of an eye, I have grown into a handsome boy!"

"Brother, I remember that when I first met you, you had just reached my waist, and now you are almost as tall as me. You have grown so fast!"

Wanyan Feixiong looked at Liu Mingzhi, whose face was full of melancholy, and felt very sour in his heart!

"Brother, Fei Xiong, thank you for your teaching these years, the time spent in Liu's family these few years, Fei Xiong will never forget it!"

"Brother, you let Fei Xiong know what it means to have people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky. It was you who taught Fei Xiong what learning is boundless. If it hadn't been for meeting Big Brother, Fei Xiong would have already sunk into the classics such as the Four Books and Five Classics Lulu lives forever!"

"It's just a pity that time flies like an arrow and makes people grow old, and the sun and the moon are like moving past youth!"

"Sometimes fate is so impermanent, God made a big joke with everyone!"

"Returning from the south of the Yangtze River, the elder sister who gritted her teeth and shouted at Liu Mingzhi became married to you, and gave birth to a daughter, Yue'er. King Jin, Wanyan Feixiong, and Dalong Dingguo have become bosom brothers!"

"Brother, do you think this world is too good at making jokes!"

"Master, here comes the wine!"

Liu Song put down two pots of warm peach blossom wine, set the wine glasses and left with the tray in his arms!
Liu Mingzhi lifted the pot and filled two glasses of wine for the two of them, and smiled helplessly!

"You're right. This world is too repetitive and too impermanent. It makes people feel unreal like dreaming. Sometimes when you think about it carefully, Big Brother doesn't know whether he is living in reality or living in reality. In a dream!"

"For the sake of our brother's acquaintance, Fei Xiong toasts elder brother!"

Liu Mingzhi took the wine and drank it all in one gulp. For some reason, the incomparably delicious Peach Blossom Brew had a sour feeling at this moment!

"Have you learned everything you need to learn?"

"Learn and forget, how much you have learned and how much you have forgotten, Fei Xiong is also at a loss now, maybe he understands everything in his heart, or he forgets everything!"

Liu Mingzhi pursed his lips and smiled slightly: "That's good, you have graduated from the teacher, and you have lived up to the time your sister gave you. You have not let her down, and you have not let yourself down, so good, so good!"

"Brother, when we meet next time, what should I call Fei Xiong? Brother? Duke Ding? Brother-in-law? Mentor?"

Liu Mingzhi's hand holding the wine glass tightened suddenly, squinting his eyes half drunk and half awake, looking at Wanyan Feixiong, who was quietly watching him from the opposite side.

"Are you asking for yourself, or politely for your sister?"

Wanyan Feixiong played with the wine glass in his hand, and nodded slightly with raised brows!
"Is this question difficult for the pedantic elder brother?"

Liu Mingzhi pondered for a long time, opened his eyes and drank the wine in the glass again!


"Where is the difficulty?"


Wanyan Feixiong murmured for a while, then nodded knowingly!

Standing up and holding the wine glass, he looked at the figures playing in the garden of the mansion: "Love is the word that hurts people the most. Compared with Chengfeng Yaoyao and the others, you have treated Yue'er too much!"

"Brother, you are a good courtier, but you are not a good father! Let's put aside my sister's love for now. On top of Yue'er's matter, I'm afraid your love will be difficult to repay in a lifetime!"

"The person Fei Xiong admires the most in his life is Big Brother, not one of them!"

"Even if it's my elder sister Wanyan, the Emperor of the Kingdom of Jin, Wanyan Feixiong, the Emperor of the Great Dragon, Li Zheng, I don't have the slightest admiration for you, but you are the only one who admires you!"

"You have taught me infinite knowledge and the principles of life!"

"Brother knows everything, why do you pretend to be confused? Is it worthwhile to pretend to be stupid for your brother?"

"Fei Xiong really can't understand, what are you thinking about the matter between Yue'er and sister!"

The pavilion fell into a brief silence, Liu Mingzhi put down the wine glass in his hand, walked to Wanyan Feixiong with a silent face and stretched out his right hand!

"Yue'er's palm is only a quarter of my size, but I didn't catch it!"

"Brother's position is completely different from yours. One day you will understand that brother's dedication to Yue'er is no less than that of Yaoyao and the others!"

Wanyan Feixiong nodded slightly, and drank the wine in his glass: "Go north together when spring begins?"

"it is good!"

Wanyan Feixiong punched him, put down his wine glass and walked towards his own courtyard!
"Fei Xiong, I hope you can apply what you have learned, and use what you have learned to benefit the country and the people!"

"Surnamed Liu?"

"What are you vomit..."

Liu Mingzhi covered his nose and gently wiped off the snowflakes on his face, looked at Wenren Yun, Shuyun and Xiaoxi, who were pinching their waists and laughing, and took a deep breath: "Wen, isn't it good to be alive?"

"Bah, my aunt is afraid of you. My aunt has finally avenged her past. What's the matter, you are only allowed to hit my aunt with a snowball, and my aunt is not allowed to retaliate?"

"Yes, sister Yun Shu is right, cousin, aren't you acting like a bully?"

"This young master is the overlord!"

First Young Master Liu untied his cloak and threw it on the stone bench, jumped into the snow outside the corridor, grabbed a handful of snow, and rolled it into a snowball!
"My surname is Wen, Xiaoxi, if I don't show off my power, do you really think that Jiujiro is Sansecondlang? Watch the ball!"

Wenren Yunshu screamed and dodged the snowball, and immediately grabbed the snow to resist!
Even Yun Xiaoxi on the side was unknowingly drawn into the "fire of war" and started a two-on-one snow battle.

After a few sticks of incense, the physical strength of the two girls began to show signs of exhaustion, and they were unilaterally crushed by Young Master Liu holding the snowball and running around the yard like chasing chickens.

The passing maids and the six little kids who had stopped fighting were stunned!
"Today, even if you run to the ends of the earth, you won't be able to escape. If you dare to smash this young master, you probably don't know that this young master was a famous field king during the Western Expedition!"

"You two tied hands and feet together are no match for me in field battles."

"Surnamed Liu, you are not a man, and there is no such thing as you who bullies two little girls!"

"That's right, cousin, shall I surrender to Sister Yun Shu? I won't come, Xiaoxi won't come."

"Surrender is all right, why do you need the law, there is no way!"

"Besides, you two are old women and young girls. You are still shameless. You are in your 20s and haven't married yet. What are you going to do? Calm down, don't be impulsive, and have something to say!"

The two girls of Yun Xiaoxi suddenly stopped their running away, turned around and held their pink fists to stare covetously at Young Master Liu, who was holding a snowball and was either hitting or not!

"Surnamed Liu, you just said that my aunt is an old woman?"

"Cousin, do you want to say that Xiaoxi can't get married?"

"No. No, this is just talking too fast. I don't mean anything else!"

"Dengzizi, take your life!"

"I'll make you some tea but you won't drink it, and you'll say that Xiaoxi can't get married, so I'll strangle you to death!"

"Shut up, Wen, don't bite there!"

"Xiaoxi, we are cousins ​​connected by blood, you actually abducted your arm to help the surname Wen. Vomit!"

"You six bastards, hurry up and help, and pull these two crazy women away!"

Liu Chengzhi looked at his father screaming and bit his lips: "Brother, do you think that father is begging for help?"

Liu Chengfeng opened his mouth slightly and shook his head at his cousin and aunt Yun Shu who were riding on his father.

"It's not like asking for help, it's like enjoying!"

"To save or not to save?"

"Sister and sister, do you want to save or not?"

The three Liu Yaoyao sisters looked at the youngest Liu Chengqian: "Little brother, do you think you can save Daddy?"

Liu Chengqian bit his finger and swallowed his saliva: "No help."

As soon as Liu Chengqian said two words, the five little guys ran away from the battlefield in the opposite direction!
"It's not suitable, after all, it's our own father!"

"Hey, big brother, big sister, why are you running away, wait for it!"

(End of this chapter)

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