Chapter 1105
Liu Mingzhi looked at the back of Liu Xiao who fled in the wilderness and struggled wanting to cry without tears!
Painful and happy, nothing more than that, the crisp sound came into Liu Mingzhi's ears gently, causing him to stop struggling with a solemn expression, and let the two women act recklessly on his back.

Double-checking the sound coming into his ears, Liu Mingzhi suddenly arched his body and reached out to pat him, lifting Yun Xiaoxi's Wenren Yun Shu off his body.



"Liu, you are dirty and shameless!"

"Cousin, you are too bad!"

The two women blushed and grabbed their skirts. It was obvious that Young Master Liu just hit the sensitive parts of the two women with his slap, which was taboo in the daughter's family.

Liu Mingzhi ignored the shy expressions of Wenren Yunshu and the two, and slapped Can Xue off his body cautiously with his eyes: "You two play by yourself first, and I will go to the study to deal with some things!"

Before the two women could react, Liu Mingzhi had already put on a cloak and disappeared into the snow!
"Sister Yun Shu, is my cousin angry? I didn't pinch his vitals. Is it because of you?"

Wenren Yun Shu shook his head blankly: "I've bitten my wrist three times. He didn't say anything the first two times. He shouldn't be angry. There may be other reasons."

"Why don't we go and see, what if we accidentally hurt my cousin? If it's true, we can help him!"

Wenren Yunshu stopped Yun Xiaoxi: "Don't, if you get hurt, you don't have to go to the study. His study doesn't allow us to go there by ourselves. Let's go to the gazebo to chat."

"All right!"

In the study, Liu Mingzhi put the cloak on the chair, opened the window and made a few gestures, and the Suzaku flew down from under the eaves!
"Suzaku sees the young master!"

Liu Mingzhi sat on the chair and looked at Suzaku cautiously: "Excuse me, what happened to such a hasty signal?"

Suzaku looked around, took out a few letters from his arms and put them in front of Liu Mingzhi!
"Master, information from the King of Shu!"

"King Shu, did the information about the assassination that night come to fruition?"

"Young master, let's see for yourself, the subordinates don't dare to talk too much!"

Liu Mingzhi took the letter with some residual heat and the scent of Suzaku's body, took down the first letter, opened it, and looked through it!

Liu Mingzhi's brows were tightly knit together after only seeing half of it, his complexion was complicated and dignified.

Seeing this, Suzaku immediately walked up behind Liu Mingzhi, raised her slender fingers and kneaded the young master's shoulders!
"Young master, something has already happened. Frowning won't solve the problem. You should think about how to deal with it!"

Liu Mingzhi relaxed after hearing Suzaku's words, leaning on the chair and letting Suzaku pinch his shoulders, and continued to read the remaining letters!
After reading all the letter papers, Liu Mingzhi took out the torch and lit it, then threw it into the brazier!
"Sure enough, it's Li Yunlong who played tricks from behind. If it wasn't for my young master's deliberate attempts to link things together, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to guess who he is!"

"It's a pity that a wise man is bound to make a mistake. There is no impenetrable wall in the world. After all, I was caught by this young master, but"

"You swear that you will never add weapons to the Li clan!"

The conversation with Li Zheng's imperial study not long ago lingered in Liu Mingzhi's mind, and he sighed silently and slightly closed his eyes.

How should this young master deal with this assassination revenge?

On the one hand, it is the oath made to the emperor not long ago.

On the one hand, it is the past assassination hatred, not only the assassination of himself, but also several of his wives, children are all implicated in it!

Liu Mingzhi raised his hand and rubbed his brows, whether he knew or didn't know that Li Yunlong's men and horses fell in his hands!

Even if Li Yunlong knew about Liu Mingzhi, he had nothing to worry about, after all, he did the shameful thing first.

In order to continue to maintain his image of being a little smart but seeking big to confuse others, Li Yunlong certainly did not dare to publicize it, but in this way he would become an irreconcilable enemy of life and death.

The most important thing is that Liu Mingzhi was worried that Li Yunlong would change the subject, so he took advantage of the topic to secretly report the affairs of Yue'er, the empress and himself to Li Zheng.

This is the biggest threat to yourself!

What is the relationship between Li Yunlong, Father Emperor, Huainan King Li Yugang, and Concubine Jing?

Liu Mingzhi let out a sigh of relief, even though he racked his brains, he still couldn't figure out what was the relationship between these four people!
If Li Yunlong was the heir born of Li Yugang and Concubine Jing behind the emperor's back, and he used his knowledge of Li Zheng to save the face of the royal family, let alone Li Yunlong, the brother Li Yugang and Concubine Jing, the noble concubine, could not escape death.

However, the three of them had to be alive. Although Li Yunlong had been cut off from some of his powers, he still lived a very happy life in Jingzhou.

But if Li Yunlong had nothing to do with the King of Huainan, why would Li Yugang prefer to die and save Li Yunlong when he was in Jiangnan in the past?

All kinds of unreasonable explanations completely puzzled Liu Mingzhi.

The mystery of Li Yunlong's life experience is quite puzzling even to Liu Mingzhi, because there is no way to find out!


"Master, tell me!"

"Can your subordinate Suzaku go deep into the palace now?"

Suzaku shook his head in a daze: "Master, it's still difficult now. Except for unavoidable circumstances, the brothers in Guansi are still trying to avoid the spies of Spy Shadow as much as possible."

"After all, the Spy Shadow is a force directly under His Majesty, representing the imperial power. Now the relevant department has no way to reach out to the palace!"

"Where's the Zongren Mansion?"

"It's also difficult. The clan's mansion is protected by some old guys with amazing martial arts skills and very weird. Unless it is absolutely necessary, the subordinates do not recommend extending their hands into the palace and the clan's mansion at this moment!"

"My young master knows!"

"Young master, don't be discouraged. The relevant department has only been established for a few years now, and it is understandable that it is inferior to the strength accumulated by the Li royal family for 600 years!"

"What's more, the young master has always emphasized self-protection. With the current manpower of the relevant department, although it is still not as good as going head-to-head with the spies, it can be said that it is more than enough if you want to protect yourself!"

"After all, Guansi's brothers have three teachings and nine streams, and any kind of person can enter after the assessment. Compared with Spy Shadow, there are not so many rules and regulations. This is the strength of Guansi!"

"Using one's own strengths to attack the other's weaknesses may not be an opponent!"

Liu Mingzhi shook his head slightly: "Continue to hide, this young master never does anything he is not sure of, and this young master is very sorry for his life!"


"How did you deal with that spy spy aunt?"

"After being killed by Miss Chang, the brothers secretly buried him under a peach tree by the river twenty miles north of the city, and they handled it very cleanly!"

"Auntie killed it herself?"

"No, a maid named Lingbi!"

"It turned out to be her, right, aunt."

As Liu Mingzhi spoke, he suddenly opened his eyes and stared at the bookshelf!
"You can't add swords to your body, so it doesn't mean you can't borrow swords to kill people!"

"Borrow the crown prince's knife to get rid of Li Yunlong, so that the young master will not violate the oath? To blame can only be blamed on their brothers for killing each other!"

Liu Mingzhi raised his hand to his chin and muttered, thinking about how to deal with Li Yunlong's borrowed knife trick!

(End of this chapter)

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