My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1108 The Love Around the Corner

Chapter 1108 The Love Around the Corner

"The willows are green and treasured, and they lead the clouds to turn into mist."

"The border town has its own millennium scenery, which is not inferior to the misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River!"

Liu Mingzhi rode on horseback, staring at the weeping willows stretching for several miles outside Yingzhou city in a daze. The beautiful scenery of rolling clouds and dragons has never been seen in the capital!
Although he passed through Yingzhou several times, this was the first time Liu Mingzhi saw Yingzhou in April.

There is no sense of loneliness covered by heavy snow in winter, and no vicissitudes of yellow sand in autumn.

Everywhere is full of vitality, and in just a few glances, Liu Mingzhi and the others can have a panoramic view of the frontier fortress!

Qi Ya was wearing a light blue Confucian shirt, and like Liu Mingzhi, was wearing a lun scarf and was dressed as a scholar, like two students who went out of the city for an outing!
Hearing Liu Mingzhi stationed in the horse to recite poems, Qi Ya's eyes were slightly surprised.

"Brother Fuliu, I haven't seen you reciting poems and lyrics for a long time. It seems that you are in a good mood today!"

"Daddy is awesome!"

Next to First Young Master Liu, three sisters, Liu Yiyi, were riding on horseback, praising their father without hesitation!
"Du Yu, how long will it take for the brigade to reach Yingzhou City?"

"Brother Liu, there are still two days before we can reach Yingzhou. We have only traveled a distance of more than 200 miles. Brother Liu, I suggest that we wait for the big team to enter the city, otherwise there will only be six of us. If something unexpected happens, you may not be able to deal with it!"

"You are the governor of the two governments. If something happens to you, my little brother will die!"

With a snap, the back of Du Yu's head was lightly whipped by Young Master Liu with a whip:
"You brat, if you dare to talk nonsense again, I will shut your mouth up. My uncle Huguohou Zhang Kuang is here in Yingzhou, so what could happen?"

"The people in the brigade just told the officials of Yingzhou City that the young master Ben is here, and that the officials who have prepared in advance for the people's livelihood don't like the young master. If you want to see it, you have to see the most authentic appearance! Otherwise, the young master came here first to enjoy the scenery, singing Is the poem right?"

"Okay, little brother forgot about this matter, so let's go to the city now?"

"Enter the city!"

"Little brother, go explore the road first!"

"Yiyi, Feifei, Yaoyao, stay close to Aunt Ya and don't run around, do you understand?"

"Dad, don't worry, we will be very obedient!"

"You three stinky girls!"

"Brother Qi, let's go to the city!"


Qi Ya turned the horses, and followed her husband, one left and one right, guarding the three little cotton-padded horses in the middle, and drove slowly towards Yingzhou City.

"Stop, stand!"

As soon as Young Master Liu arrived in front of the city gate, he was stopped by the city guards with spears. It was the first time he encountered such a strict formation in Yingzhou except for the capital city.

Liu Mingzhi didn't care either, since it was a frontier city after all, it was only natural that the defense should be stricter!
Liu Mingzhi took out several people's bodies from his sleeves, got off his horse and handed them over.

The captain of the garrison looked at his credentials: "People from Jiangnan, Liu Shu, Qi Ya, Liu Yiyi, Liu Feifei, Liu Yaoyao!"

The captain carefully checked that the seal on the badge was indeed the official seal of the Ministry of Household Affairs, and circled around the horses of Liu Mingzhi and the others for a few laps, the captain returned the badge!
"Ma Liu, remember, Jiangnan Liushu, a group of five people, one man, four women and five horses, carrying a weapon and a long sword about three feet two!"

"Lieutenant Zhong, it has been recorded!"

Xiaowei Zhong responded lightly and moved away: "Go in!"

"Thank you General!"

A moment later, Liu Mingzhi and Qi Ya led the horse into the city of Yingzhou.

The people in Yingzhou City, which is only slightly smaller than the capital, come and go, but with a little sense of bleakness, it seems that there is a little vitality in the coming and going.

This is a very contradictory feeling.

Qi Ya looked around the surrounding shops: "Brother Liu, it seems that the war has had a great impact on the border towns of Yingzhou. Although there are many people, there are very few people drinking and eating in the surrounding shops!"

"When I passed through Yingzhou two years ago, there were many business travelers and crowds. I wish all the merchants from Dalong gathered in Yingzhou city. It's full of bleakness like it is now!"

"Normally, a businessman's money is more important than money, and his life is more important!"

"Although Heshuo is far away from Yingzhou, I'm afraid that if the flames of war spread to Yingzhou one day, once the goods in the closed city cannot be sold, they will lose everything. The most important thing is that their lives may be lost." Throw it in Yingzhou city!"

"Coupled with the fact that the two largest royal courts in Turkic are fighting among themselves, there is no time to do leather goods business, cattle and sheep business, so the merchants in the mutual market can only start trading with the merchants of the Kingdom of Jin!"

"Except for a few rare items, the big dragons are also found in the Jin Kingdom, and the Jin Kingdom also has the big dragons. The profits in them are terribly small. Over time, there will be no merchants in the Yingzhou Outer Market!"

"Except for some big merchants, there is no room for small merchants to survive. However, without business travelers, the business of the local people in Yingzhou City will not be so prosperous!"

"Where did all the businessmen we met on the way go?"

"Western Region!"

"From the official road in the south of Yingzhou City to Yunzhou, and then to Ganzhou to enter the Western Regions!"

"Goods from the Western Regions are in short supply everywhere nowadays, but the risk is also great, not to mention the long journey, let alone the goods in case of a sandstorm, your life may be lost in the yellow sand for thousands of miles!"

"However, as long as it is safe to go back and forth, you have to earn a lot of money, so many small merchants gathered in Ganzhou to go on the road together. If there is an accident, it is good to have someone to take care of you!"

"It turns out that this is the case. It is a big trouble for His Majesty to let you manage the business of the Yingzhou Mutual Market. You can still be the master of the officials under the jurisdiction of Fuzhou in Yingzhou. What about the Turks? You can't reach out to Huyan Wangting and Shi King Bisi asked them to cease fighting and resume business, right?"

"Let's take a look and talk. As long as the businessman's safety is not threatened, he will come back after he leaves."

"It's just that it's not only me who can do it alone, but I also need to say hello and discuss with Jin Guo and Turkic!"

"It's just that the current battle between Huyan Royal Court and Shibis Royal Court is too difficult to contain, and it is in full swing. Maybe there is no time to pay attention to this young master!"

"It's also a mess, let's discuss after settling down!"

"Where are you going? Into the Governor's Mansion or find an inn to settle down first?"

"Inns and restaurants are fine, where the news is most circulated, let's listen to the thoughts of the people in the city first!"

"Okay, Ya'er listens to you!"

"Daddy, it's so strange. Why are the corners of the houses in Yingzhou City erased? Aren't they afraid that the houses will collapse?"

Liu Mingzhi came back to his senses and looked at the corner of the street pointed by Liu Yaoyao. Different from the private houses in the capital, the corners of the private houses in Yingzhou City about four feet above the ground were all in the shape of a semicircle. Weird, very different from other parts of the capital!

Liu Mingzhi looked at Liu Yaoyao cheerfully: "Silly girl, we Han people pay attention to the fate of our parents, and according to the matchmaker's words, rounding the corners of the walls can prevent their children from meeting love at the corners!"

"Huh? I met love at the corner?"

"Bah, no one is upright, and it's nonsense for children. Is there such a father as you?"

Qi Ya looked at Liu Yaoyao's confused look, and angrily patted First Young Master Liu!

"Yaoyao, don't listen to your father's nonsense. This is done so that horse-drawn carts and ox carts can pass quickly, and they won't get stuck in corners when turning. Yingzhou is a border city of Dalong. Once a war breaks out, supplies can be quickly delivered to the city wall. Generals!"

"It's not the crooked reasoning that your father said. When you meet love around the corner, don't believe what you stinky father said!"

Liu Yaoyao nodded knowingly: "So that's how it is, you stinky daddy will lie to Yaoyao!"

(End of this chapter)

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